Purpose : for Decision




Date :              8 FEBRUARY 2005









1.                  To review the proposed induction programme for the May 2005 elections and to consider any further issues that might need to be covered.




2.                  Work has commenced on the induction programme for the new members who will be elected on 5 May this year. Over the past few elections we have developed an increasingly more sophisticated induction process and whilst this has been generally welcomed by all those who have used it has been based on the model of “this is what we think you need to know”.


3.                  For this year we plan to start to introduce arrangements so that at a very early stage elected Members can feed into the process what their skills are, what their expectations are, what they want to achieve for their Electoral Division and the Isle of Wight as a whole and what specific training needs that they have.  The emphasis should very much be “what do you want to know”.


4.                  Attached at Appendix A are some very first thoughts on this in terms of “headlines” and there is a lot of detail yet to be developed and this Committee is asked to consider what it would like to see within this programme.


5.                  In addition to this Committee a small group of elected members will be established from a range of backgrounds and political groups, so that they can feed into the process the good and less good points from the various induction sessions that they have experienced. This work will commence at the end of this month and a detailed package will develop over the next two months.


6.                  This Committee has a clear role in this process as reflected in the following parts of its terms of reference:


2.                 To assist members and co-opted members of the Councils on the Isle of Wight to observe the relevant Council's code of conduct.


3.                 Specifically the Committee will:


·          Advise the various Councils on the adoption or revision of a code of conduct and monitor the operation of the code of conduct


·          Advise, train or arrange to train members and co-opted members of the Councils on matters relating to the code of conduct.


7.                  A key element of any induction session, and the one of most significance to this Committee will revolve around training needs on ethics and probity.


8.                  An area of difficulty over timing is that newly elected members are not Councillors until they have signed up to the Code of Conduct and it might be sensible for those signing up to the Code understand what is in it (and what they are signing up to) before they commit themselves. There are a number of ways that this could be achieved and this includes sending such information out with the nomination pack, providing some form of training session on this matter for all candidates or providing a short session before newly elected members sign up to the code. The Committees thoughts on this particular issue will be welcome.


9.                  In addition to the session to deal with the immediate needs there will need to be further detailed session on the code of conduct and standards of behaviour (in meetings, understanding procedures, Procedure Rules and the like) that are expected of members. This will need to be developed as part of a wider members training programme.




10.             Clearly any member induction programme will have cost, however these will be met from within the existing members Training Budget.




11.             For discussion.






Contact Point : John Lawson, F 823203




                                                                                                      JOHN LAWSON

                                                                                                     Monitoring Officer


Members Induction 2005 – Draft Headlines



a.             Briefing for candidates possibly before close of nominations as well as after close of nominations on commitment, what to expect, election day, role and standards;


b.             A “Day in the life of a Councilor” ?


c.             Job profiles – may need refinement;


d.             Information on “Thinking of Standing?” available electronically on the web site;


e.             Members Working Party to help develop the induction package – what information would they like?


f.               Training needs to be matched to needs to provide reassurance and commitment.


g.             Mentors to be identified really early and to make approaches to all candidates before the election (an early “friendly face”);


h.             Mentors to be identified via Heads of Service initially and then individuals approached if needed – needed to be identified from across the organisation and not just the corporate centre;


i.               Training for Mentors needs to be established


j.                Learning Centre to be asked to assist in tailoring and developing the learning programme;


k.             Learning Centre to be involved in development of the initial induction programme and the longer term role (post annual Council);


l.                Need to identify clearly at beginning what incoming members want and can give (CVs, why stand, what want to achieve for electoral division/Island);


m.           Discussion on how new members communicate with community and the press;


n.             Need for new members (particularly post Annual Council) to understand the various constitutional roles (portfolios, select committees, member/officer, procedure rules); and


o.             Need to deal with retiring and non returned existing members).