Purpose : For Decision




Date :              29 JANUARY 2007


Title :               ETHICAL AUDIT BY I&DeA







1.             To update the Committee on the Ethical Audit to be undertaken by the Improvement and Development Agency (I&DeA).




2.             As part of the Council’s response to the recent Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) we have agreed to undertake an ethical governance audit of the Council, to renew its rules framework and arrangements to ensure compliance.


3.             This Ethical Audit will be undertaken by the Improvement and Development Agency (I&DeA) who have a well developed scheme for such audits to be undertaken by a team involving peer Monitoring Officer and suitably qualified and experienced Member from another authority.


4.             Arrangements have now been put in place and the I&DeA team will be on the Island on 21 and 22 February. During that time they will focus their attention on a number of issues including:


§       To assess how well the council recognises and meets the ethical agenda against the sections in the benchmark

§       Undertake a ‘reality check’ on the effectiveness and appropriateness of member / officer relationships and understanding of respective roles and responsibilities

§       To undertake an assessment of the relative understanding of the roles of Scrutiny Committee and the Audit and Performance committee

§       To undertake an assessment on the quality of the decision making, particularly at the member level

§       Testing out awareness and realising the debate about declaration of personal and prejudicial interests – especially concerning planning issues

§       To raise the profile and effectiveness of the Standards Committee

§       Promotion and use of mechanisms as first port of call when problems or ethical issues arise

§       To suggest how any issues might be addressed

§       To identify where the council might make improvements


5.             Meetings are being arranged with a number of key officers and members and this will include a session with the Chairman of the Standards Committee and a session with the whole Standards Committee.


6.             The final report produced from this exercise will feature as an agenda item at a future meeting of this Committee.


7.             The Chairman of the Committee will be interviewed by the I&DeA team on Wednesday, 21 February 2007 and there will be a session for the whole Committee on Thursday, 22 February 2007.




8.             That the report be noted.



Contact Point : Chris Mathews,      

Telephone: 823280

Email: [email protected]







Interim Director of Legal and Democratic Services