Purpose : for Decision




Date :              26 NOVEMBER 2002









1.                  This report proposes a work programme for the Standards Committee during the calendar year 2003.




2.                  The Isle of Wight Council Standards Committee is, compared to those in other Authorities, long-standing and has undertaken much valuable work.  There has, however, been in recent months something of a hiatus whilst the new democratic structure was adopted and bedded in, locally, and whilst the Standards Board for England and Wales was established, nationally.  It is suggested that there is a need to refocus the work of the Standards Committee in order to ensure it continues to deliver on its various vital responsibilities.




3.                  It is proposed that the Committee plans three ordinary meetings during the course of the year with extra-ordinary meetings as necessary.  This will strike the right balance between sufficient frequency to drive the ethical and probity agenda whilst allowing substantial work to be undertaken between meetings.  There will also be flexibility to enable unplanned issues to be dealt with as they arise.




4.                  The programme set out at Appendix 1 is, generally, either self-explanatory or is illuminated by other papers on this agenda.  Some elements, however, merit further discussion.


(i)                 The Council’s Corporate Plan – has two tasks that are specific to this Committee – the creation of a statement setting out members’ roles and responsibilities (Councillors contract with the electorate) and the production of an Annual Standards Report. It is suggested that the latter should be prepared by this Committee and passed to the Council for adoption.


(ii)               Indemnity issues - The extent to which it is lawful, and consistent with ensuring high standards of ethics and probity, for a local authority to indemnify its Elected Members and officers has, historically, been controversial to the extent that the first Labour Government promised legislation.  This has not yet been forthcoming.  Unless legislation is promised in the Queen’s Speech it will be a considerable period of time before any national approach is adopted and it is likely, in any event, that a degree of local discretion will be preserved by any such legislation.  It is therefore proposed to facilitate a debate on the issue by this Committee leading to firm recommendations to the Council.


(ii)        Constitutional Review – Roles of Members and guidance on ethical issues and the training of Members are all standing responsibilities of this Committee and are of sufficient significance to benefit from a planned approach to ensure they remain high on the agenda.


(iii)       The Parish/Town Council element of this Committee’s responsibilities must not be allowed to be subsumed by issues relating only to the principal Council.  It is therefore suggested that time on a future agenda is set aside for a full airing of these issues.  This may need to become an annual fixture.




5.                  Adopt, or amend, the suggested Work Programme.




6.                  The benefits of having a planned and structured approach to the discharge of the duties of this Committee are discussed in the body of the report.  A less structured approach runs the risk of an unprioritised and ad hoc approach which may miss or fail to give appropriate weight to important issues.  The exact contents and balance of any work programme is, of course, a matter for members of this Committee.




7.                  The cost of the Standards Committee work is planned within existing budgets and will be reflected in the budgetary process for 2003-2004.




8.                  The constitutional and statutory framework is set out in sufficient detail in the body of the report.




9.                  It is recommended that the option set out in Paragraph 5 above is approved with any amendments necessary to reflect Members’ views on the priority of work planned to be undertaken.


Contact Point : John Lawson, F 823207 or Chris Mathews, F 823280




Monitoring Officer






Agenda Item

February meeting

·        Ethical Audit – confirm methodology


·        Indemnity issues


·        Councillors contract with the Electorate


·        Annual Standards Report


·        Constitutional Review

June meeting

·        Co-option of new Member


·        Role of Monitoring Officer in handling a complaint


·        Roles of Members and training needs (possibly subject to delay pending ethical audit report)


·        Methodology for review of ethics and probity in Parish/Town Council context

October meeting

·        Co-option of new Members


·        Report on review of ethics and probity in Parish/Town Council context.


·        Work programme for calendar year 2004.


Standing items

·        Report on Standards Board activity including guidance; statistics; analysis; case reports.

Other meetings as necessary

·        Allegations referred by the Standards Board for England and Wales for local determination.


·        Requests for dispensations.


·        Urgent ethical and probity issues as they arise.