Purpose : For Decision




Date :              19 OCTOBER 2004








1.                  At the last meeting of the Committee it was agreed that the scheme for the publication of the Members Attendance Figures should continue for the time being but that, subject to the views of the Group Leaders, the existing form be amended so that the number of absences from meetings when on other Council business be excluded from the percentage headline figure.


2.                  Following the meeting I consulted with the Group Leaders and all were in support of this suggestion except that it was suggested that possibly the definition should be wider to include any “Local Government Business”.


3.                  The point being made is that a number of members are, by virtue of being members of the Isle of Wight Council, active in a range of Local Government areas on a national and international arena. Examples are being commissioned by the Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA) to work on Peer Reviews of other Authorities, being appointed to the Committee of the Regions, and the Local Government Information Bureau. The members concerned are not appointed to these bodies by the Council and therefore attendance would fall outside the definition as agreed at the last meeting of the Committee.


4.                  However it is highly unlikely (and probably in some cases a certainty) that the members would not be on these bodies unless they were Councillors and the Isle of Wight clearly benefits from their involvement by virtue of raising our profile, by sharing the experiences gained and having direct access to some key national and international players that may help the Islands case. It therefore does seem unfair to penalise members who undertake this sort of activity.


5.                  The contrary view however is that such a wide definition as “Local Government Business” could also include constituency work and where a Councillors normal business happens on that occasion to be working for a local authority (for example if a Councillor happens to be a Solicitor in private practice and is acting for the Council in a particular case). Such a definition would therefore give a distorted picture where a Councillor through his normal business activities happens to undertake Local Government Business.


6.                  To overcome this the definition could be amended to read:


“That the number of absences from meetings when on other Council business, or other Local Authority business by virtue of being an Isle of Wight Councilor, be excluded from the percentage headline figure.”


7.                  I have sought the views of the Group Leaders on this suggestion and will report their views at the meeting.


8.                  On a wider note the Committee will still need to consider if this scheme is achieving the objectives of explaining to the public exactly how busy and effective members are. This will be the subject of a report back at a later date.




That the scheme for the publication of members attendance figures be amended so that the number of absences from meetings when on other Council business be excluded from the percentage headline figure.





Contact Point : Chris Mathews, F 823280 ([email protected])


                                                                                                   JOHN LAWSON

                                                                                                  Monitoring Officer