Committee Administrator – Chris Mathews ( 823280


10 February 2004


To:       Independent Members :


Mr Claxton, Mrs J Harding, Mr G Hibberd, Mrs J Scott, Mr D Watson, (Two Vacancies)


Representative of Town and Parish Councils :


Mr D Russell and Mr R Mew (Deputy)


Isle of Wight Council Members :


Mr M Cunningham, Miss H Humby, Mr V Morey (1st Deputy), Mrs M Jarman (2nd Deputy), and Mr K Pearson for a 3rd Deputy. (All are invited to attend (including Deputies) but if there is a vote only the first two (or their deputies) can vote).


NB.     Any other member of the Council may attend the meeting and may speak with the permission of the Chairman provided that notification has been given to the Committee Services section before the commencement of the meeting, such notification to detail which items the member is attending for.


Meeting :

Standards Committee

Date :

Wednesday 18 February 2004

Time :

9.30 am

Place :

Committee Room 1, County Hall, Newport, Isle of Wight





1.                  MINUTES


To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 21 October 2003 (Paper A).


2.                  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST


To invite Members to declare any interest they might have in the matters on the agenda.


3.                  ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN


To consider electing a Vice Chairman of the Committee.




To consider the attached draft of the annual report of the Standards Committee (Paper B)




(a)               Ethical Audit


To note that the questionnaires have now been issued and that the questionnaire is available on the Councils Intranet. The results shall be reported back to the next meeting of the Committee.


(b)               Section 66 Procedures


To consider the revised procedures for this Committee when hearing matters referred to it by an Ethical Standards Officer (Paper C).


(c)               Review of Publication of Councillor Attendance Figures


To consider a review of the publication of Councillor Attendance Figures in December 2003 (Paper D).


(d)               Issue Raised with the Standards Board on Behalf of the Isle of Wight Council


To note that on behalf of the Isle of Wight Council the Chairman has raised with the Standards Board an issue with their arrangements for notification of a complaint to the Standards Board against a member. Attached at Paper E(a), E(b) and E(c) are copies of the correspondence.


(e)               Independent Members Forum – 11 March 2004


To note that the first meeting of the Independent Members Forum will be held on Thursday 11 March 2004 at 10.30 am at Southampton City Council offices.


6.                  Work programme for the coming year:


Agenda Item

Wednesday 23 June 2004

·        Methodology for review of ethics and probity in Parish/Town Council context.

·        Report on Ethical Audit of the Isle of Wight Council

Tuesday 19 October 2004

·        Report on the Review of ethics and probity in Parish/Town Council context.

·        Work Programme for the year 2005

February 2005

·        To be determined.

Standing items

·        Report on Standards Board activity including guidance; statistics; analysis; case reports.

·        The Committee’s Work Programme

Other meetings as necessary

·        Allegations referred by the Standards Board for England and Wales for local determination.

·        Requests for dispensations.

·        Urgent ethical and probity issues as they arise.



Informal chat over coffee


Details of this and other Council committee meetings can be viewed on the Isle of Wight Council's web site at :


The information contained in this agenda is available in Braille, large print, tape and community languages.  Please contact Chris Mathews F 823280, for details.