Purpose : for information




Date :              17 JUNE 2003









To note the following:


1.      The Members Job Profiles as discussed at the last meeting of the Standards Committee were approved by the Council at its meeting on 16 April subject to the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council being excluded from the attendance record procedure in view of their wider Civic duties.


2.      A refresher training course for all Members of the Isle of Wight and the Town and Parish Councils (with particular reference to Members elected/appointed since last year) will be held on 25 June 2003. It is envisaged that this will become a yearly event as part of the ongoing training needs.


3.      Attached at Appendix A are the details of a major training initiative designed to address recently identified training needs in both officers and members. The training is not expressly designed to deal with issues of ethics and probity, but these issues are integral to and indivisible from the principles of good decision making. Accordingly, issues within the terms of reference of the Standards Committee will be considered throughout the day.


4.      At the instigation of the Chairman of the Development Control Committee, a day long training event for members of the DCC, and members who have an interest in development control matters, included a substantial session on ethical/probity issues and human rights.


5.      That the Adjudication Panel of the Standards Board for England, in determining that a Bembridge Parish Councillor be disqualified for failing to register his interests, did not identify a need for training, instead recommending that:


            “the Isle of Wight Council should ask other members of the Bembridge Parish Council if they are members of a political party and if so whether they have registered their membership”


            The council has gone significantly beyond the recommendation, making that enquiry of all parish and town councils on the island, and offereing assistance to each council, and the clerk to each council.


The Ethical Audit work (detailed elsewhere on the agenda) may identify other training needs for Members on ethics these will be considered as they materialise.


The terms of reference of the Standards Committee include;


            “To promote and maintain high standards of conduct by the members and co-opted members of the Isle of Wight Council and the Town and Parish Councils on the Isle of Wight.


            … (to) advise, train or arrange to train members and co-opted members of the Councils on matters relating to the code of conduct.”


There is an active programme of training, including significant attention to issues and probity in a practical context, new members are having their particular needs addressed and specific actions have been taken in relation to the recommendation in relation to Bembridge Parish Council. It is therefore recommended that the Standards Committee can be confident that no further events, specific to the terms of reference of this Committee, are required unless, or until, the ethical audit reveals such a need.




That the Standards Committee notes current and recent developments in member training, and makes recommendations, and/or arranges training in accordance with it’s terms of reference at the completion of the planned ethical audit.




Minutes of the Council held on 16 April 2003


Contact Point : Chris Mathews, F 3280