Purpose : For Information


Committee :    Partnership Board for Health and Well Being


Date :              18 November 2002








The Department of Health has set out new requirements for Primary Care Trusts to produce  Local Delivery Plans (LDP) detailing how local organisations will meet local and national priorities and targets within available resources over three years. This briefing paper summarises what is required and, based on current guidance, how the PCT intends to deliver the Plan within the timescale.




The Primary Care Trust (PCT) is designated as the lead planning organisation for development of the LDP. There is a clear requirement to involve patients, clinicians and the public and providers in the development of the Plan.  The IW Healthcare NHS Trust is also required to develop a plan, which shows how they will support the delivery of the PCT Plan.  The Strategic Health Authority (SHA) will develop a comprehensive delivery plan for the SHA area based on the LDPs submitted by the PCTs across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.


Technical Guidance setting out the detailed requirements for Local Delivery Plans is expected shortly. The “Priorities and Planning Framework 2003 –04” details the 13 areas to be included in the Plan. 


·         Access to emergency and planned care

·         Cancer

·         Coronary heart disease

·         Mental health

·         Older people

·         Life chances for children (Social Services lead)

·         Improving the patient experience

·         Reducing health inequalities

·         Drug misuse

·         Physical facilities

·         Workforce

·         Information management and technology

·         Finance


It is expected LDPs will have chapters covering each of these areas. It is intended that the Plan will subsume many other planning documents. Requirements regarding the Health Improvement and Modernisation Plan are not clear – the technical guidance should clarify the format of any submission required, health improvement clearly remains a key function of the PCT and health inequalities is one of the 13 themes in the LDP as well as featuring throughout the plan.


The Strategic Health Authority, who will performance manage the process have indicated that the LDP must :



The SHA will not accept a LDP that does not show financial balance by the end of year three.




The designated PCT lead officer for the plan is Sara Weech, Commissioning Service Manager.  The lead officer will be responsible for ensuring the plan is written and submitted within the timescale and that process are in place to implement the plan and monitor the progress. The SHA has established a Delivery Plan (LDP) Steering Group which will “advise” PCTs on the content of the LDP.  The SHA has held a meeting of all the PCT/Trust Planners to initiate the process. The IW Healthcare NHS Trust has designated Sheila Paul as their lead officer and Mark Price is the lead Director.


Due to the tight timescales it is proposed to use existing groups where possible and ensure communication is effective and timely. A small project team needs to be established to meet regularly with the lead officer to ensure the plan is progressing and meeting timescales.  Proposed membership is as follows:


Sara Weech                                        PCT

Sheila Paul/ Mark Price                       IWHCT

Helen Shields                                      PCT

CHC/Patient/Public representation 

Prue Grimshaw                                   SSD

Paul Bingham                                     PCT

Elaine Garrett                                      PCT/SSD


There will need to be close links maintained with existing groups for example:


Island Strategy Group – suggested group to oversee plan

PCT Executive/ Board

PCT Management Team

Local Partnership Planning/ NSF Groups for:

Mental Health

Older people



Cancer LIT


       Drug Action Team

       Specialist groups and clinical networks


The local project team will develop and implement a project plan to ensure the LDP is completed within the timescale.  It will also produce a risk analysis to identify where there is insufficient capacity to meet to the plan requirements through lack of people, resources or information.




·         PCT LDP first draft to SHA by mid December 2002

·         PCT LDP final plan to SHA by end January 2003

·         IWHCT final plan to SHA to SHA by end of February 2003

·         SHA LDP final plan to Regional Director of Health and Social Care by end of March 2003




Until technical guidance has been received it is not clear what the requirements for Health Improvement and Modernisation Plans will be. Therefore, the draft Plan, as discussed at the last meeting, has been held in abeyance until the guidance is issued. Following completion of the formal consultation period work had been undertaken to integrate as many comments as possible into the final version of the plan. This included action on the range of comments made by members at the last meeting of this Board. Whatever changes may be required to the format of the HIMP, it will be important to ensure that the progress already made locally on the health improvement agenda continues through an agreed multi-agency programme of preventative initiatives to tackle health inequalities.


Contact  Name : Elaine Garrett, Joint Planning Manager, tel 535437



                                                                        D CRAWLEY

                                                            Isle of Wight Primary Care Trust