Children’s Centre – Core Offer


Early Education Integrated with Daycare


1)                  Early Education integrated with day care for babies and children until they reach school age

2)                  Daycare for 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, 48 weeks per year

3)                  Nurseries open to all (not just children locally), with locally determined admission and fee policies

4)                  Support for Childminders, who may offer wrap-around care

5)                  Early Identification of children with special needs and disabilities with inclusive services and support for their families


Family Support and Parental Outreach


1)      Visit to all children in ‘catchment area’ within 2 months of birth

2)      Access to specialist Services

3)      Parenting support and information

4)      Information about parenting skills at significant transition points for the family

5)      Increasing parents understanding of their child’s development

6)      Increasing the involvement of fathers


Child and Family Health Services


1)                  Ante-natal advice and support for parents

2)                  Information and advice on breastfeeding, hygiene, nutrition and safety

3)                  Identification, support and care for those suffering from maternal depression, ante and post-natally

4)                  Speech and language and other specialist support

5)                  Smoking cessation interventions


Links with Schools and CIS


1)      Links to local schools, extended schools, and out of school activities (holiday play schemes, before and after school play and learning)

2)      Information to parents/carers about the CIS


Links with Jobcentre Plus


1)      Linking in with Local Arrangements for collaboration with JobCentre Plus Partnership Project Managers (CPM’s)

2)      Encouragement and support for parents who wish to consider training and employment


Additional Services that may be included in, but not funded through, Children’s Centres: