Dear Friend and Colleague


Children’s Centre Draft Plan


Please find enclosed the draft consultation plan for the Isle of Wight Children’s Centre.


As you can see, this is a comprehensive plan which will deliver combined and integrated services for children and families.


The Island allocation of just over £1 million is just enough to provide a network of centres across the most disadvantaged areas of the Island and we expect that central co-ordination and commissioning of services and joint funding of some local initiatives will ensure that we get best value for money and reach as many children and families as possible.


We have however, overspent on our revenue budget. In the event of the proposals having to be pared down to meet the Governments revenue allocation (£438,890 in total over 2 years), please consider which service activities should be cut out of the plan? Bear in mind that each centre must deliver the core offer detailed on the accompanying sheet.


Your comments, suggestions and suggestions would be much appreciated. Please return them in writing by 5pm on 25th September to:


            Rachel Brown                            [email protected]

            11 Orchard Street


Isle of Wight

PO30 1JZ


The final document will be taken to the EYDCP Executive on 1st October for approval, and it will then be sent to the DfES for approval.


This document represents a considerable amount of work and consultation already and we value your comments.



Marion East and Rachel Brown

On behalf of the Isle of Wight Childcare Centre Groups