Date of Meeting

 Agenda Items and purpose

Lead Officer


7 April 2003

Out of Hours Improvement Plan

To receive a full SMART Best Value Improvement Plan as      requested by the Committee on 4 December 2002


Public and Patient engagement in Health Fit


Homelessness Monitoring – in graphical format

To monitor the situation – to be presented in graphical format as requested by the Committee on 5 Feb and 4 March 2003


Budget monitoring

To monitor any variations


Simon Smith




Alistair Drain


Martyn Pearl




Kerry Hubbleday



8 May 2003

GAGS – Social Services overview

To consider progress of E-Government


SSI Inspection of Older Services

To monitor the action plan arising from the inspection – referred to at the December 02 Committee meeting


Select Committee Workplan

To agree the Committee’s work plan as considered at the Committee’s Away Day on 27 Feb 03


Glen Garrod



James Lowe




Alistair Drain








Date of Meeting





8 May 2003 (cont.)


Budget Monitoring

To monitor any variations


Budget monitoring – Where the extra money went from 2002/03 (presentation)

To receive a presentation on the tracking of the extra social services budget for the year 2002/03


Homelessness Monitoring


Best Value Review of Benefits

To elect Members to the Appraisal Group



Kerry Hubbleday



Portfolio Holder





Martyn Pearl


Don Roe


12 June 2003

Empty Properties

To monitor the progress of bringing empty properties back into use


Budget Monitoring

To monitor any variations


Homelessness Issues/Women’s Refuge


Homeless User Consultation


Victoria Climbie Implications Report

To receive an update on the report.


Peter Griffiths




Kerry Hubbleday



Martyn Pearl


Martyn Pearl


Jimmy Doyle




Date of Meeting




8 July 2003

Budget Monitoring

To monitor any variations


Patient Advisory Liaison Service (PALS)

To receive a report about patient transport and related issues.


Kerry Hubbleday



Cathy Brown/Alistair Drain


7 August 2003

Effectiveness of voluntary sector partnerships


Specialist Therapy


Homelessness Monitoring

To receive the quarterly monitoring report


Budget Monitoring

To monitor any variations


Joint Commissioning Update (Moved  to August from July)

To receive an update







Martyn Pearl



 Kerry Hubbleday


Glen Garrod


8 September 2003

Healthfit – scrutiny of options


GAGS update

To receive a progress report on e-govt


Budget Monitoring

To monitor any variations


Alistair Drain


Glen Garrod



Kerry Hubbleday




Date of Meeting




7 October 2003

Foster Carers – How money is being spent


Foster Carers –  “Real Life” case presentation


Childcare Review


Recruitment and Retention Task Group

Refer to Select Committee meeting held on the 4 March 2003


Results of the Customer Survey

To receive the results of the independent customer survey


Budget Monitoring

To monitor any variations

Jimmy Doyle


Prue Grimshaw/Jimmy Doyle

Prue Grimshaw/Jimmy Doyle


Prue Grimshaw



Simon Smith


Kerry Hubbleday




Last updated:  30 April 2003


When available:  Implications of the Victoria Climbie Report. (Update to be provided in June by Jimmy Doyle)


Adaptations – Occupational Therapy – Work Delays – To consider current waiting times within OT – Informal briefing, date to be confirmed.  Deleted from the May SC meeting agenda due to late delivery of report.  Maggie Convery (Stakeholders – Registered Social Landlords)_