


Person(s) Responsible

Date issue to be Addressed

Expected Outcome




The social service department should establish effective mechanisms for consulting with service users and carers from minority ethnic communities.

James Lowe/Gillian Baker

August 2003

Services better able to meet the assessed needs of people from different ethnic backgrounds

Initial meeting taken place with management team to explore the way forward December 2002.

Public consultation meeting to take place in June 2003.



The social services department should ensure that all carers receive an assessment of their own needs; independent of the person they care for.

James Lowe/Martin Henson

March 2004

Carers who agree to an assessment of their needs being carried out have their needs identified

This was highlighted in care management training in January/February 2003. Carers assessments now being offered to carers.



The social service department should develop services to meet the needs of older people with mental health problems

James Lowe/Gillian Baker

March 2005

Services to be provided in line with the NSF for Older People and the NSF for Mental Health

A sub-group of the NSF Older People has been formed and work is continuing on developing this service. New Care Plan Approach documentation has been written and is now being trialled.



The social services department should ensure that extra care sheltered accommodation is made available to all older people who are assessed as needing it, regardless of where they live.

James Lowe/Gillian Baker

The number of units needed will vary through time. Monthly discussions to take place at Older Persons Housing Sub-group. Annual meeting with Head of Housing Service starting October 2003.

That people who become frail can remain in the community for longer reducing the need for admission into residential care.

Some accommodation already made available and a number of units are being planned with housing associations to come on stream over time.



The social services department should work with independent and voluntary sector providers to develop services to meet the needs of older people for low levels of domestic support.

James Lowe/Gillian Baker

Meeting with voluntary sector providers re alternate funding streams January 2003. Review of progress December 2003.

Increased community options for people with low level domestic support needs

Initial meetings held with independent and voluntary sector providers and regular meetings scheduled through the year. Commissioning strategy currently being rewritten.

Services now on offer: Home Shopping-Age Concern.

Home From Hospital – Red Cross.

Supporting People – various providers.




The social services department should ensure that their partnership with the police authority always works effectively at every level, to implement the Adult Abuse Policy.

James Lowe

Policy was reviewed January 2003, full review to be carried out over July/August 2003

Increased effectiveness of adult protection in our response to allegations of adult abuse.

Police now attending meetings, database developed to monitor activity and training has been offered to all groups, further training planned for this year.



The department should ensure that all service users receive a comprehensive pack of information that would inform them, and their carers about all of the services available to them.

James Lowe/Dawn Cousins

1/4/2003 new date for further improvements June 2003. June 2003

Increase knowledge of choice to service users and their carers.

All clients receive a copy of the Long Term Care Charter; Carer’s booklet has been developed and is waiting to go to publishers. Printing is scheduled for June 2003.



The department should ensure that all documents available to the public make reference to the communication needs of people whose first language is not English and describe the services available for translation and interpretation.

James Lowe/Dawn Cousins


Increase the information available to people who’s first language is not English

All future documents will include this reference.



The social services should ensure that all enquirers are sent information on which service users are entitled to which service and the circumstances in which they would be provided.

James Lowe/Dawn Cousins

1/4/2003 Some Slippage new date May/June 2003.

Increased knowledge among the general public about services provided by social services.

Information strategy in place.

 New carers handbooks and a catalogue of services for older people were due to be published in February 2003.

 Long Term Care Charter to be updated and republished on 1st April 2003. These have been delayed, as there was a delay in employing a communications coordinator, this post has now been filled.

Carers’ handbook now at printers with a finish date of end of May.

Catalogue and LT care charter to be published in June.




The social services should ensure that service users and carers are able to access services regardless of where they live.

James Lowe/Gillian Baker/Dawn Cousins

Starting 1/4/2003 and ongoing. Review of progress 1/4/2004.

A more equal distribution of services across the Island

The commissioning policy will address this issue. We have held discussions with providers and the home care contract hourly rate has been increased to attract more people into the workforce, this will be particularly helpful in remote areas.



The social services department should take a proactive approach to identifying and meeting the needs of older people from minority ethnic communities and their carers.

James Lowe/Gillian Baker

1/10/2003. Effectiveness of progress to be reviewed 1/4/2004.

Services appropriately targeted to meet the needs of individuals.

Initial discussions held within the directorate agreement on the way forward reached. See point 1 above.



The social services department should ensure that all service users and carers receive information on the complaints procedure, as a matter of routine.

James Lowe/Martin Henson


Inform service users and carers how to complain.

Leaflets  given out at first point of contact.



The social services department should ensure that all data fed into the ACCISS data collection system is an accurate reflection of the content of care packages

Dawn Cousins

Improvements to information systems to be costed and planned by September 2003

Improved information flow to inform practice and data collection.

The current ACCISS system is old and in need of replacement. A successful bid for funding has been made under the PSA to enable a new management package to be purchased which will address the needs of the directorate for the next few years.



The department should develop a consultation process with the voluntary sector, similar to that in place with private providers.

James Lowe//Gillian Baker

November 2002.

To develop better cooperation and working practices with the voluntary sector.

This system is now in place with meetings agreed on a regular basis with the voluntary sector.



The department should undertake a value for money exercise on (in house) homecare services

James Lowe/Gillian Baker


To enable benchmarking with the private sector and to demonstrate value for money.

The directorate has not had the capacity to undertake a separate review of Wightcare Services. By March 2004, the new commissioners will prepare a costed plan for future review



The department should establish a multi-disciplinary panel to inform decisions about admission to residential and nursing care and to explore community based alternatives available to older people.

James Lowe/Gillian Baker


To enable more people to remain at home in the community with extra support.

Multi disciplinary panel is now in place and meets twice weekly.