Appendix A


Report to Social Services, Housing and Benefits Select Committee – 8 May 2003



Social Service Performance Indicators


D36 Users who said they got help quickly - acceptable

D38 Percentage of items of equipment costing less than £1,000 delivered within 3 weeks - good                                           

D39 Percentage of people receiving a statement of their needs and how they will be met - poor

D41 Delayed discharge – acceptable

D42 Carer assessments - good

D43 Waiting time for care packages - good

E46 Users who said that matters relating to race, culture or religion were noted - poor

E47 Ethnicity of older people receiving assessment - poor

E48 Ethnicity of older people receiving services following assessment - acceptable

E49 Assessments of older people – very good

E50 Assessments of adults and older people leading to provision of service - good