Improving health, housing and the quality of life for all





To achieve efficient and effective overview and scrutiny by means of a planned programme of work.




CHAIRMAN                                                             VICE - CHAIRMAN


Cllr I R Stephens                                                          Cllr C Hancock






To review and/or scrutinise decisions made or actions taken relating to the areas of work covered by the Committee


To make reports and/or recommendations to the full Council and/or the Executive


To consider matters affecting the area or its inhabitants relating to the areas of work covered by the Committee






Housing services

Housing benefits

Support for the young, elderly and those with disabilities

Voluntary sector liaison

Health Improvement Programme Strategy








Best Value Review 1999/2000 (pilot)


Housing (Homelessness)


Best Value Reviews 2000/01


Social Services – Care Management and Commissioning

Out of Hours Services

Promoting a Safe Society (part)


Best Value Reviews 2001/02


Services for Children with Special Needs – jointly with Education

Community Care Services for Older People and Physically Disabled Adults


Best Value Reviews 2002/03

To be confirmed


Service Plans



Policy Performance and Resources Services

HIV/Aids, Drugs & Alcohol, Mental Health & Learning Disability Services/Older and Disabled People

Children’s Services




Other Strategic Documents and Plans                                  Next Review  (to be advised)                       


Children’s Services Plan                                                          

Community Care Plan

Youth Justice Plan

Health Improvement Programme (HImP)                                 

Learning Disability Strategy                                          

Joint Review Action Plan                                                         

Joint Investment Plan (Learning Disabilities)                              

Joint Investment Plan (Welfare to Work)                                  

Housing Strategy                                                         

Quality Protects Management Action Plan                                



Select Committee Task Group(s)



Task Group


Lead Officer




Cllrs, Hancock, Mundy, Stephens, Williams




Dawn Cousins


Recruitment and Retention of Child Care Workers



Cllrs Hancock, Stephens, Mundy





Jimmy Doyle





































Children and Young Persons Committee – Terms of Reference




To enable Elected Members to examine, analyse and ensure the Council's performance as a corporate parent to agreed objectives and performance indicators in relation to Looked After Children and Children in Need.


To undertake policy development reviews and scrutiny of areas of significant joint working between the Education and Social Services Directorates on behalf of the relevant Select Committees.


To report on the performance and progress to the Executive for approval of strategic direction, priority and resourcing of these activities and services.




Where referred by the relevant Select Committee, to look in detail at the work of the authority against the government and Local targets for improving the life chances of children ‘Looked After’ or ‘In need’ using qualitative evidence and quantative data, together with information from young people themselves with regard to:


         Looked After Children, and in particular those for whom being cared for long term or placed for adoption


         all those children and young people defined under the Children Act (1989) as Children in Need:


*          children and young people leaving our care

*          children with disabilities and special needs

*          child protection and child safety

*          young offenders


To review the performance of the Council in relation to its policy objectives and performance targets affecting service delivery to children and young people (up to the age of 25)


To maintain a workplan setting out a rolling programme of work that it intends to pursue subject to the approval of the relevant Select Committees.




To be made up of Members from Social Services, Housing and Benefits and Education, Community Development and Life Long Learning Select Committees on the basis of political proportionality together with one co-opted member from the Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning Select Committee.







SCHEDULE OF PLANNED BUSINESS    (as at 31 July 2002)                                                                                                   




Officers are reminded that copies of reports for Select Committees should be sent in electronic format to

Committee Services 10 working days before the planned meeting date. Agendas will normally be dispatched 7 working

days before the meeting.










3 July 2002




Meals on Wheels


Housing Services Service Plan

Consider service plan and recommend changes, priorities areas for further scrutiny and monitor delivery of previous service improvement targets


Children and Young People’s Committee



Kerry Hubbleday


Charles Waddicor


Chris Binnie





Paul Thistlewood


7 August 2002





7 August 2002 cont.


Age Concern

To receive a presentation from Age Concern. Members will have the opportunity to participate in a question and answer session.



Isle of Wight Foster Care Association

To receive representation from a leading Foster Care group. Members will have the opportunity to participate in a question and answer session.


Service Plan – Policy, Performance and Resource Services

To consider Section 11 of the service plan and recommend changes, priority areas for further scrutiny and monitor delivery of previous service targets.


Budget Update

To monitor the revenue and capital budgets.



To receive a presentation on the Caldicott principles.


Select Committee Workplan

To consider and approve the workplan



Felicity Booker





Mr. and Mrs Hatcher





Dawn Cousins





Kerry Hubbleday



Dawn Cousins



Alistair Drain


2 September 2002



Housing Needs and Homelessness

Joint meeting with Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services Select Committee





Chris Binnie/Ashley Curzon


4 September 2002




4 September 2002 cont.














Service Plan – Children’s Services

To consider Section 11 of the service plan and recommend changes, priority areas for further scrutiny and monitor delivery


of previous service targets


Budget Update

To monitor the revenue and capital budgets


Foster Carers

To consider a report on recent developments in the recruitment of foster carers.


Recruitment and Retention of Child Care Workers

To receive an update from the Task Group


Supporting People Implementation Programme

To receive an update on the Programme and consider the draft charging policy

Referred to at the Select Committee on 6.6.02


Lead Commissioning Report

Director’s recommendation


Social Services ICT Task Group t.b.c

To receive an update from the Task Group and agree a way forward.


Pairing of Councillors with Childrens Services Officers







Jimmy Doyle






Kerry Hubbleday



Jimmy Doyle




Jimmy Doyle



Yvonne May





Charles Waddicor



Dawn Cousins




Jimmy Doyle


2 October 2002







Service Plan – HIV/Aids, Drugs &Alcohol, Mental Health and Learning Disability Services/Older and Disabled People

To consider Section 11 of the service plans and recommend changes, priority areas for further scrutiny and monitor delivery of previous service targets


Budget Update

To monitor revenue and capital budgets


Audit Commission Inspection of Homelessness

To consider the action plan produced as a result of the recent inspection.


SSI Report on Older Peoples Services

To consider the outcomes of the recent inspection in Older Peoples Services


Homelessness Monitoring


Autumn Statement

Directors recommendation





James Lowe/Pete Scott?






Kerry Hubbleday



Charles Waddicor/Head of Housing




James Lowe?




Charles Waddicor/Head of Housing


Charles Waddicor



6 November 2002






6 November 2002 cont.
















Budget 2003

To make recommendations to the Executive





Community Care Services for Older People and Physically

Disabled Adults Best Value Review (2001/02 Review)

To monitor progress made against the improvement plan.


Annual Review of Performance

To monitor progress and highlight areas of concern

Referred to at Select Committee on 6.6.02


Local Authority Nomination Rights for Tenancies in Properties Managed by RSL

Referral from the Executive 21/5/02









Charles Waddicor






Martin Johnson




Charles Waddicor




Charles Waddicor/Head of Housing



4 December 2002












4 December 2002 cont.






Budget Update

To monitor revenue and capital budgets


Out of Hours Services Best Value Review (2000/01)

To monitor progress made against the improvement plan.


Care Management and Commissioning Best Value Review (2000/01)

To monitor progress made against the improvement plan.




Health Scrutiny tbc

Member training session



Kerry Hubbleday



Martin Johnson



Martin Johnson






Select Committee Support


? January 2003









Budget 2003

To consider Executive budget proposals/options


Autism in Adults

To hold a scrutiny session of the provision of services etc for adults with autism and receive evidence from stakeholders.




Service Heads





? February 2003


Budget Update

To monitor revenue and capital budgets


Respite Care

Following Member visits with carers this session will give carers and other stakeholders the opportunity to give evidence to the Select Committee.



Kerry Hubbleday



Carers Groups/Carers/

Pete Scott?








Member Visits t.b.c


Fact finding visit to Primary Care Trust to consider further opportunities for shared working/resources


Visits with Child Care Social Workers – September/October – Jimmy Doyle


Visits with other carers – December/January – Pete Scott (Officer briefing followed by ½ day visit)