REVENUE EXPENDITURE SUMMARY as at end of February 2003
  LAST YEAR 2001/2   CURRENT YEAR 2002/3    
  £000 £000 £000 MONTH 10   £000 £000 SPENT £000 £000 £000 % COMMENTS
1. Service Strategy 216 206 192 89   221 216 98 5 231 (10) (4.5%)  
2.Childrens Services      
Commissioning & Social Work 1,463 1,470 1,346 92 1,513 1,270 84 243 1,506 7 0.5%  
Children Looked After 2,802 2,670 2,270 81 3,448 2,347 68 1,101 3,386 62 1.8%  
Family Support Services 636 568 528 83 694 449 65 245 705 (11) (1.6%)  
Youth Justice 198 148 123 62 221 143 65 78 195 26 11.8% Underspending due to the need to retain a contingency for remand fostering, expenditure on which depends on the outcome of court action.
Other Children's and Families Services 373 297 10 3   308 -6 -2 314 312 (4) (1.2%) Misc.overspends within admin including advertising for social workers and temp staff cover
  5,472 5,153 4,277 78 6,184 4,204 68 1,980 6,104 81 1.3%  
3. Adult Services      
Older People (Aged 65+) 9,577 9,660 9,500 99 12,985 12,227 94 758 12,908 77 0.6%  
Adults Aged Under 65 with Physical/Sensory Disabilities 1,640 1,698 1,394 85 1,770 1,487 84 282 1,721 48 2.7%  
Adults Aged Under 65 with Learning Disabilities 2,633 2,696 2,450 93 4,762 4,418 93 344 4,896 (134) (2.8%)  
Adults Aged Under 65 with Mental Health Needs 1,222 1,242 1,230 101 1,433 1,390 97 43 1,383 50 3.5%  
Supported Employment 362 362 297 82 394 370 94 24 395 (1) (0.2%)  
Asylum Seekers 0 0 13 - 0 13 - -13 0 0 0.0% Specific grant provided for Asylum Seeker expenditure
Other Adult Services 108 3 50 46   -3,817 -4,514 118 697 -3,693 (124) 3.3% Includes the projected overspend of £148k caused by reduction in P.I.Grant
  15,542 15,661 14,934 96 17,526 15,392 88 2,135 17,609 (83) (0.5%)  
4. Support Services and Management Costs 2,924 3,109 2,573 88   2,983 2,526 85 457 2,913 69 2.3% Involves year end recharges
5. Internal Trading Accounts (Direct Services) 0 0 0 0   0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% This has been reallocated to client groups
6. Social Services Unallocated (919) (283) (397) 43   61 -439 -719 500 11 50 81.9% This £50k to be used to fund overspend in Supporting People
7. CCTV Schemes 129 155 135 105   141 125 88 17 163 (22) (15.6%) Projected overspend due to some funding still unidentified in respect of Newport and Ryde schemes
8. Housing (Social Services)      
Housing Strategy 140 134 115 82 130 127 98 3 139 (9) (6.9%) One-off overspend in relation recruitment costs
Housing Advances -14 -3 (14) 100 -14 0 0 -14 -14 (0) 0.0%  
Private Sector Housing Renewal 172 176 150 87 194 201 104 -7 218 (24) (12.3%) Increased expendiutre on housing enforcement
Homelessness 671 655 600 89 688 625 91 63 676 12 1.8%  
Housing Management & Support 59 62 58 98 66 68 102 -2 67 (1) (2.1%)  
Other Housing (Former HRA) -48 -44 -98 204 -48 -99 206 51 -54 5 11.3% Small underspend projected due mainly to income from temporary dwellings exceeding budgeted amount
Supporting People N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 -31 - 31 50 (50) - Projected overspend in relation to the administration of the Supporting People Programme
  980 980 811 83   1,016 891 88 125 1,083 -67 (6.6%)  
Directorate of Social Services & Housing Total 24,344 24,981 22,525 93   28,133 22,914 81 5,219 28,115 20 0.1%  
9. Housing Benefits (Finance & Information)      
Rent Allowance/Rent Rebates N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,492 2,348 157 -856 1,492 0 0.0% The projected overspend of £150k will be met from central reserves at year end
Council Tax Benefit N/A N/A N/A N/A 480 -6,278 -1,308 6,758 480 0 0.0% Involves year end transactions
Housing Benefits Administration N/A N/A N/A N/A   317 204 64 113 317 0 0.0%  
  N/A N/A N/A N/A 2,289 -3,726 -163 6,015 2,289 0 0.0%  
Select Committee Total N/A N/A N/A N/A   30,422 19,188 63 11,234 30,405 20 0.1%  
% of the year passed as at month 11 = 92%
A negative figure (-) represents a net income figure
A figure in parenthesis ( ) represents a potential overspend
Where the forecast outturn variance is 5% under or over the budget this has been highlighted by enclosing the % figure in a box - (%) means a potential overspend