This report has been requested by the Select Committee as an update of the work of the Recruitment and Retention Task Group, and as follow up to the Select Committee progress reports of October 2002 and March 2003. Recruitment and Retention was agreed as part of the work plan for this Committee.




To debate and make recommendations and to consider inviting the Task group to continue with a view to monitoring the position and progress the Recruitment & Retention Strategy


1.         BACKGROUND


1.1       A report was presented to the Social Services, Housing and Benefits Select Committee in December 2001, which identified that there was an urgent need to address the recruitment and retention difficulties being encountered in Children’s Services. It was agreed to establish an Officer and Member Task Group to consider the issues reporting back to the Select Committee.


1.2       A Task Group was established and commenced work in February 2002, it has convened on a regular basis since then, and has achieved the progress outlined within this report.  Member representation has included the Portfolio Holder for Social Services & Housing together with the Chair, Vice-Chair and an additional Member of the Social Services & Housing Select Committee. Officer representation has included senior officers and staff together with input from Human Resources and the Learning Centre.


1.3       The work of the Task Group has focused on the issues identified in the original Select Committee report in December 2001, progress on the proposals contained within the report in October 2002, and March 2003, and ideas generated to improve our position with regard to recruitment and retention.


1.4       The Task Group is continuing to work to the following Key Principles, identified at the outset:


·         Valuing staff as a significant resource within the Authority

·         Having a clear and flexible approach to recruitment

·         Developing a diverse and representative workforce

·         Promoting and improving the image of the Authority

·         Reviewing and monitoring the recruitment/retention package

·         Supporting training and ‘growing our own’ social work staff

·         A strong focus on retention


2,         PROGRESS TO DATE:


2.1       Recruitment Issues:  When the Task Group started its work Children’s Services were experienced ongoing difficulty in attracting applications from social workers and experienced childcare managers. The Government’s Green Paper entitled Every Child Matters, published this month, cites Public Sector national vacancy rates for Children & Families Social Workers as 11% rising to 20% for London. In March our vacancy rate for qualified social work staff, was 24%, now, due to a successful recruitment drive our vacancy rate has reduced to 14%, still 3% above the national average. Regular recruitment advertising continues, our last advert was published at the end of August 2003, with interviews planned for early October.


2.2       The Task Group received positive feedback regarding our distinctive Island branding from a member of the recruitment section of the professional journal Community Care, who attended the Task Group. We were encouraged to consider use of the Community Care Live event, in London, to proactively promote employment on the Isle of Wight.


2.3       Community Care Live Event:  An exhibition stand has been reserved for us at the Community Care Live Event in May 2004. A sub group of the Task Group has been meeting to make the best use of this event and to prepare the materials and information required, including the production of a promotional CD Rom.


2.4       CD Rom: Following the Task Group’s review of recruitment CD’s produced by Health and Education, the group has commissioned a recruitment CD Rom specifically for Children’s Services from Utility Films Ltd. The CD will be completed, and ready for use by the end of October. The CD will be developed based on the experiences of existing childcare social workers and managers on the Island. The aim is to produce realistic view of the advantages, disadvantages, and training opportunities of working in childcare on the Island whilst marketing the Island’s potential for enhanced quality of life. The CD will also include information on Estate Agents, Schools, together with a template of the Council’s employment application form.


2.5       Market Supplement Growth Bid: We are now paying a £1,200 market supplement payment to all qualified social workers, and those newly recruited, supported by the Council’s growth bid of £94K in 2002/03. In addition a post-qualifying increment for staff is being awarded to staff that successfully complete national training requirements funded from base budget.


2.6       Use of Agency Workers: For the first time, we have been successful, in engaging agency workers, from a mainland agency, on short-term contracts to cover some of our existing vacancies.


2.7       Bursary Scheme: Work has been undertaken to provide a bursary scheme of £1K per term (total £3K) for final year social work students seeking employment in childcare. Portsmouth, Southampton and Bournemouth Universities have been approached, all have shown interest. The proposed contract has been approved by Legal Services, and requires a two-year commitment to us in return for the bursary payments. 


2.8       Sponsorship - “growing our own” We are continuing the secondment options for unqualified non social work staff wishing to undertake professional training. This year

we have sponsored four members of staff (2 for Children’s Services and 2 for Adult Services) on the new social work degree course. Sponsorship brings financial support for course fees, travel expenses and books. It also provides for locum cover for 2.5 days @ week in their existing workplaces. This, also, requires a two-year commitment from the sponsored student in return for our sponsorship. 


2.9       Workforce capacity strategy: The Task Group has reviewed strategies developed by other Local Authorities and has produced a draft strategy for the Island. This Authority, together with 2 others, Surrey and Reading, is participating in a national project on Workforce Planning being undertaken by the Employers Organisation. This is consistent with an emerging emphasis on workforce planning in the Green Paper on children’s services. As a member of this project we will receive an analysis of children’s services workforce issues through individual manager interviews, culminating in a report of the analysis, conclusions and recommendations for progress. Project members will be entitled to service from the Employers Organisations usually charged at £600 @ day for the one off cost of £1,000 for administration, together with the organisation of a local seminar to assist in future work.


2.10          Relocation Allowances:  An enhanced allowance of up to £8000 has been agreed, subject to individual circumstances.




3.1       There is one recommendation outstanding from previous reports, namely, the identification of temporary accommodation options to assist staff moving to the Island and to provide a base for potential agency staff that may be employed on fixed term contracts.  This remains the subject of ongoing consideration by the Task Group.




4.1       Recruitment and retention costs as outlined are being met from within the current revenue budget. However, significant costs such as the market supplement are only possible as a result of extra recurring monies agreed by the Council for the current financial year.

4.1              There are no Legal implications to date

4.2              Crime and Disorder implications, a reduced workforce potentially impacts our ability to respond to Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act.


5.         RISK ANALYSIS


5.1       Operating with a continuously reduced workforce puts the Council is in danger of being unable to effectively discharge its statutory duties, respond to Government requirements and  the recommendations of the Laming Report into Victoria Cimbie‘s death, and  the agreed PSA targets. It also endangers Children’s Services star rating which reflects our ability to serve the community and improve our outcomes for children.


5.2       Ultimately this could affect the Council’s ability to improve its Corporate Performance Assessment.




6.1       Recruitment & Retention of Child Care Social Workers Select Committee Report December 2001, October 2002, and March 2003.


Contact Point: Jimmy Doyle Head of Children’s Services F 520600 [email protected]

                        Prue Grimshaw, Service Manager,


                GORDON KENDALL

Portfolio Holder for Social Services and Housing