Present :


Mr R G Mazillius (Vice Chairman in the Chair),Mr J R Adams, Mr A C Bartlett, Mr J F Howe, Mrs B Lawson (deputising for Mrs B D Clough), Mr V J Morey, Mr D G Williams


Portfolio Holder :


Mr G S Kendall


Apologies :


Mrs B D Clough, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr A J Mellor, Mrs E Oulton,

Mr I R Stephens


Also Present (non-voting) :


Mrs J L Wareham






             RESOLVED :


THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on the 18 September 2003 be confirmed.




The Portfolio Holder for Social Services and Housing reported on the budget and spending position on capital and revenue for the Services within the Committees remit as at the end of August 2003. As reported at the Committees meeting on the 18 September 2003 the Directorate were still projecting a potential overspend at the end of the financial year of approximately £142,000.


The Committee were advised that as part of the 2003/04 budget settlement the Directorate had been asked to achieve a savings target of £272,000. A ‘headroom exercise’ was currently being undertaken to identify potential savings, to date £27,000 had been recognised.


In discussion the Committee raised questions regarding the building maintenance budgets. It was noted that these budgets were within the remit of the Resources Select Committee and controlled by the Land and Property Team. It was considered that greater detail was required, the Committee requested that an officer from the Land and Property Team be invited to attend the next meeting. The Committee asked questions regarding references to various monies identified for IT purposes. It was clarified that the budgets were currently being heldover until the accommodation review had been completed.




THAT the report be accepted.





The Portfolio Holder presented the results of the three month telephone satisfaction survey of a sample of Emergency Duty Service (EDS) customers and results of a postal satisfaction survey of Isle of Wight Approved Foster Carers. The surveys were part of the Best Value Improvement Plan for the Emergency Duty Service (EDS) which the Select Committee had considered at its meeting on the 7 April 2003.


A total of 205 service users were used as the target group for the EDS Survey. The survey indicated that all respondents found that contacting the service was easy and considered that the query had been dealt with appropriately and promptly. The results indicated that there was room for improvement in the dissemination of information on the EDS within other agencies.


The Fostering and Adoption Services Survey consisted of a postal survey. The target group was all Isle of Wight Approved Foster Carers and Family Link Carers, a total of 153. Only 21 of the surveys were returned. Not all carers indicated there satisfaction with the service and therefore the satisfaction ratings were based on 9 Foster carers. From the sample group provided only 2 carers were not satisfied with the service.


In discussion the Select Committee considered areas to improve returns of such surveys, including publicity and telephone surveys.


It was clarified that the results of the survey would be addressed through the Best Value Improvement Plan.




THAT the Select Committee monitor the improvements to services arising from the Customer Survey/Foster Care Focus in six months time.




The Chairman welcomed the Foster Adoption Services Team Manager and two foster carers to the meeting


The Select Committee received the report of the Portfolio Holder which detailed the current arrangements for foster carer support. As Members were aware over the last two years there had been a commitment to improve the financial and practical support package to foster carers to maintain and secure new placements.


A significant budget increase in April 2003 had led to the development of a support package to provide greater assistance for foster carers. The Portfolio Holder outlined the services that would be provided within the package costing £250,000 per annum. Members requested that a breakdown of these figures be circulated to the Committee.


With regard to the relevant performance targets the percentage of children looked after with three or more placements during one year had fallen from 12.3% to 8.3%, the Island compared favourable with the national average of between 10 and 16 %. Members requested that details of the performance targets be circulated to the Committee.


During the meeting the foster carers expressed their views positively on the support available.


The Select Committee were advised of the importance of monitoring progress and the need to support continued funding of the program was detailed in the Children Services Service Plan and linked closely to the post Climbie report and Intensive Behaviour Intervention Team (IBIT)




That the Select Committee monitor the development of Support for Foster Carers in 6 months time




The Select Committee received the report of the Portfolio Holder which provided Members with an opportunity to consider the proposals of the Green paper and contribute to the consultation process.


The Green paper was published in response to the Laming report following the death of Victoria Climbie and highlighted the need to ensure all children were safeguarded. The document ‘Every Child Matters’ aimed to achieve a better service by changing system to address issues raised by the Victoria Climbie inquiry, It hoped to ensure :


Services were focussed around the needs of children, young people and families;

Services were integrated across education, social care, health and youth justice and;

Clear accountability at all levels


The overall aim of the Paper was to ensure that no child fell through the net, to work towards prevention and to intervene earlier prior to crisis point. A number of systems had been put in place to achieve these aims including the integration of education, health and social care, ensuring high priority to child protection, Ofsted becoming the lead inspectorate for children and the development of the Children’s Commissioner. With regard to corporate governance the Council would hold a significant role to oversee these changes.


With regard to the consultation process, Members noted that the deadline for responses was the 1 December 2003. A report was due to be considered by the Executive on the 19 November 2003. It was agreed that members of this Committee and the Education and Lifelong Learning Select Committee contribute to the consultation exercise. The Select Committee were advised that a recent event had been held for children and families. Between 2,800 - 3,000 families had attended of which 300 children had completed questionnaires which could be used as part of the consultation exercise.




THAT a joint meeting of the Social Services, Housing and Benefits and Education and Lifelong Learning Select Committees be arranged prior to the Executives meeting on the 19 November 2003 to consider the Green Paper ‘Every Child Matters’




The Select Committee received an update from the Task Group which followed on from the Groups previous reports in October 2002 and March 2003.


With regard to recruitment issues a recent recruitment drive had reduced the vacancy rate from 24% to 14 %, 3% above the national average. Branding the Island had been used to good effect, an exhibition stand had been reserved for a Community Care Live Event to be held in May 2004. A promotional CD Rom had been developed to provide potential employees with a realistic view of island life. Supported by the Council’s growth bid of £94,000 in 2002/03 a £1,200 market supplement payment was now paid to all qualified social workers.  There was some success in engaging agency work for the first time. Sponsorship “ growing our own” was continuing four members of staff had been sponsored in 2003. In addition a workforce capacity strategy had been developed and the Island together with 2 other authorities would be taking part in a national project on workforce planning. Finally a relocation allowance of up to £8,000 subject to circumstance had been agreed.


The Task Group reported that the task of assisting staff moving to the Island with temporary accommodation was subject to on-going consideration.


The Select committee expressed its thanks to the Task Group for its dedication and hard work.




(a)               THAT the Task Group continue with its work to generate ideas to improve the Council’s position with regard to recruitment and retention.


(b)               THAT the Select Committee receive an update from the Task Group in 6 months time.




A question was asked orally regarding matters relating to health. An appropriate response was given.