Date:               6 MARCH 2002







1.1To update Members as to the progress of the Communications and ICT Task Group established by the Social Services & Housing Select Committee to assist move forward the ICT Modernisation Agenda regarding Information for Social Care.

2.        BACKGROUND


2.1Members and Officers of the Communications and ICT Task Group met to discuss the progress of two projects: Transfer of HQ Switchboard to Corporate ICT and New Electronic Client Record Database, and to receive feedback on the visit to the London Borough of Lewisham. The purpose of the visit, to view the client database and alternative system in action.


3.1      Electronic Client Record Database


A consultant has been appointed to undertake a short-term contract to explore the two electronic client record database options and recommendations will be provided to the Project Board by the 31st March 2002.


Councillor Stephens, Jimmy Doyle (Head of Children Services), James Lowe (Head of Operations East Wight), Susanne Holman (DIS Team Co-ordinator) and Clive Thomas (Head of IM&T IOW NHS Healthcare Trust) visited the London Borough of Lewisham in December 2001 for a demonstration of their newly implemented Electronic Client Record Database, which is one of the options being considered.


           A project plan has been drafted and is currently being finalised.


No financial details can be provided at present for either electronic client record database option although the consultancy report will include financial implications for each of the options. It is anticipated however that at least £600K will be needed to upgrade the existing system, and funding options are presently being considered.


Liaison with our partners, both regionally and with the NHS Health Trust and Primary Care Trust is proving very productive. It was agreed at a recent meeting with Hampshire, Portsmouth and Southampton County Councils that Hampshire would provide financial details of their current contract negotiation by 31st March 2002. They also confirmed that they would be awarding the contract for their new electronic client record database in April 2002. However, there could be some financial savings by considering either regional partnership or using the same suppliers as Hampshire as costs could be shared between the partners or savings negotiated for using the same supplier.


At the last Select Committee it was reported that the Directorate had submitted a Local Information Plan, which detailed the need for £1.3m to achieve the basic requirements.

We have received confirmation that the Directorate has been allocated £89,000 by the Department of Health from this Plan. We will also be meeting with the Social Services Inspectorate in March to discuss our Plan and explore how we can obtain further funding from the Department of Health in relation to our Plan.


We are also working with the Healthcare Trust to access the Local Information Strategy where further funding may be available.


The Social Services & Housing Directorate in partnership with Corporate ICT recently bid for further financial assistance through the regional ‘Information for E-Government’ Initiative and we await the outcome confident that further funding will be achieved.

3.2      Transfer of the Social Services HQ Switchboard to Corporate ICT

           A project plan has been drafted and is currently being finalised.


Corporate ICT has confirmed that the cost to Social Services and Housing for the transfer of the Switchboard to County Hall will be £18,000.


The following is a snapshot of our financial outlay for the period May 2000 to February 2001 of our departmental telephony and therefore further investigation will be required for final, definitive figures:


The total recurring and annual charges current incurred by the Social Services and Housing Directorate is £78752.15 per annum.


The total usage charges currently incurred by the Social Services and Housing Directorate is £39031.89.


Corporate ICT have confirmed that following the transfer the Social Services and Housing Directorate should benefit from savings achieved by working within a corporately negotiated contract.


However, before any transfer can be achieved a Service Level Agreement between the Social Services and Housing Directorate and Corporate ICT will be agreed and an appropriate action plan formulated to ensure a smooth transfer.


We currently await plans and costings from Property Services with regard to accommodation issues.


      Presently none have been identified, however careful monitoring is on-going.




That the committee await the results of the consultancy and a further update from the Task Group.





Information for Social Care : Department of Health Guidance

Electronic Client Record Database Project Plan (Draft Two)

Business Volume and Estimated Users of ACCISS

IEG Partnership Project Bid

Other relevant guidance as issued by Central Government and the Department of Health E-Government / Health & Social Care Agenda


Contact Point:Dawn Cousins, Head of Central Support Services

                                   01983-520600 Extension 2240. [email protected]


Strategic Director of Social Services and Housing