Growth Inflation Amount Service Implications
Description £000 £000 £000
Homecare 730 70 800 Uplift in fees to ensure capacity is maintained
Nursing Homes 520 87 607
Residential Sector 438 300 738
Children’s Services recruitment & retention 94 0 94 Allowed for the payment of a 'market supplement' to Childcare social work staff as part of the local Recruitment & Retention Strategy. Failure to address this issue would have contributed to a continuing decline in our ability to attract and retain appropriately qualified staff to undertake statutory duties in respect of children in need.
Foster Care 250 0 250 This has enabled the provision of an enhanced package of support to foster carers and has been the subject of a detailed report to Select Committee in October 2003. Feedback from foster carers indicates a recognition that the Council has begun to recognise the need to support them in the task they undertake and has contributed to some improvement in recruitment.
Direct Services NCSC 45 0 45 To meet NCSC regulation requirements (staffing)
Fairer Charging Policy 200 0 200 To offset income loss due to implementation of Fairer
Charging Policy
Total 2277 457 2734
Allocation of Additional £500,000
Holidays for Direct Provision       7,000 To fund additional costs incurred in Direct Services for holiday periods
Foster Care     50,000 To provide additional funding to support carers working with young people with particularly challenging behaviour and who may be excluded from school and to support a range of additional training needs for foster carers on the Island. The increasing demands and expectations on foster carers make it imperative that they receive approppriate practical and financial support and training in undertaking their role. Investment in this regard is critical to the Council's recruitment and retention approach for Island foster carers.
Childrens Disability     50,000 To resource additional service demands on the CDT and to promote the take up of Direct Payments to parents of children with a disability. Over the past few years demands on the CDT have outpaced available resources and the team's capacity to respond. This funding supports a priority service area in meeting the Council's obligations to children with a disability.
Autism - Adult Services     38,000 To fund care management and support services for vulnerable adults
currently falling outside of learning disability services
LD - Adults Residential Care     60,000 To fund additional placement in residential care
MH - ASW Out of Hours     25,000 To fund changes to ASW out of hours working arrangements
Equalities (one off)     30,000 For Diversity training and to fund the Communications Post 2004/05
Supporting People     40,000 To provide additional base budget funding for the adminstration of the Supporting People Programme
Central Staffing     50,000 To provide additional capacity to the central support function of the
Directorate (particularly the Contracts Section) until such time as the
integration with health and proposed new structural changes are in place
Contingency   150,000 Directorate contingency held