1 April - 30 September 2003                  1                2                3                4               5               6               7               8 9               10 11
 Expenditure  Projected Projected Activity
 Qtr 1  July  Aug  Sept  Total  Budget  Actual  Variance No Clients  Budgeted
 Apr - June as at 30 Sept  No Clients Variance
 £  £  £  £  £  £  £
Preserved Rights
Q501 Elderly Frail - East Team          39,497        10,955        11,240          7,966       69,658     158,970     149,330        9,640 5 6 1
Q502 Elderly Frail - West Team          33,120        11,282        11,282        10,918       66,602     132,475     118,210       14,265 4 5 1
Q505 Elderly Mentally Ill - East Team          13,247          4,513          4,513          4,367       26,640       26,495       26,641 -         146 1 1 0
Q506  Elderly Mentally Ill - West Team            6,033               -                 -                 -          6,033       26,495        6,032       20,463 0 1 1
Q509 Mental Health - East Team                 -                 -                 -                 -               -         26,495             -         26,495 0 1 1
         91,897        26,750        27,035        23,251     168,933     370,930     300,213       70,717 10 14 4
IWSSD Funded Island Clients
Q501 Elderly Frail - East Team        385,545       119,964       129,240       127,835     762,584  2,066,613  1,416,242     650,371 52 78 26
Q502 Elderly Frail - West Team        227,988        81,861        79,287        69,608     458,744  1,139,287     943,454     195,833 36 43 7
Q503 Elderly Frail - Hospital Team          61,579        28,909        44,670        34,847     170,005     132,475     404,546 -   272,071 17 5 -12
Q504 Elderly Frail - Sensory Impairment          23,650        11,526        11,720        12,076       58,972     158,970     124,338       34,632 5 6 1
Q505 Elderly Mentally Ill - East Team          90,084        26,703        10,908        20,238     147,933     423,921     336,055       87,866 12 16 4
Q506  Elderly Mentally Ill - West Team        122,886        45,667        39,815        50,325     258,693     529,901     531,751 -      1,850 20 20 0
Q507 Elderly Mentally Ill - Hospital Team                 -                 -                 -                 -               -         26,495             -         26,495 0 1 1
Q508 Elderly Mentally Ill - Sensory Impairment          14,042          8,860          7,311          6,422       36,635       52,990       64,874 -     11,884 2 2 0
Q509 Mental Health - East Team                 -                 -                 -                 -               -         26,495             -         26,495 0 1 1
Q510 Mental Health - West Team          16,153          7,307          5,054          4,321       32,835       26,495       47,834 -     21,339 1 1 0
Q511 Physical Disability - Hospital Team                 -                 -                 -                 -               -         26,495             -         26,495 0 1 1
Q512 Physical Disability          19,871          6,769        14,704          8,735       50,079       79,485     103,362 -     23,877 4 3 -1
Q513 Physical Disability - Sensory Impairment                 -                 -                 -                 -               -         26,495             -         26,495 0 1 1
       961,798       337,566       342,709       334,407  1,976,480  4,716,117  3,972,456     743,661 149             178 29
IWSSD Funded Mainland Clients
Q551 Elderly Frail - East Team            3,083               -            8,241          5,277       16,601       44,150       28,400       15,750 1 2 1
Q552 Elderly Frail - West Team            7,024          1,882          3,817          1,821       14,544       44,150       25,596       18,554 1 2 1
Q553 Elderly Frail - Hospital Team                 -                 -            2,821          6,461        9,282             -         27,832 -     27,832 1               -   -1
Q555 Elderly Mentally Ill - East Team            1,719          1,971          6,209          3,783       13,682             -         36,997 -     36,997 2 0 -2
Q556 Elderly Mentally Ill - West Team            5,502          1,993          1,993          1,402       10,890             -         23,530 -     23,530 1 0 -1
Q559 Mental Health - East Team                 -                 -                 -                 -               -         22,075             -         22,075 0 1 1
Q560 Mental Health - West Team            5,396          1,838          1,838          1,779       10,851       22,075       21,700           375 1 1 0
Q562 Physical Disability                 -                 -               576               -             576             -          1,152 -      1,152 0 0 0
         22,724          7,684        25,495        20,523       76,426     132,450     165,207 -     32,757 7 6 -1
RNCC Island Placed Self Funders
Q570 RNCC Island Self Funders          96,230        36,649        32,319        30,434     195,632     378,300     391,265 -     12,965 89 89 0
RNCC Island Self Funders Placed by Mainland Authorities
Q580 RNCC Self Funders (placed by Mainland Auth)          13,085          2,391          4,254          4,238       23,968       50,700       47,935        2,765 11 13 2
SUB-TOTAL      1,185,734       411,040       431,812       412,853  2,441,439  5,648,497  4,877,076     771,421 266             300 34
Q585 Continence Products                 -                 -                 -                 -               -         76,360     120,000 -     43,640
Q590 Admin/Assessment                 -                 -                 -            9,637        9,637             -         40,000 -     40,000
SUB-TOTAL                 -                 -                 -            9,637        9,637       76,360     160,000 -     83,640
TOTAL      1,185,734       411,040       431,812       422,490  2,451,076  5,724,857  5,037,076     687,781
The expendiutre columns (1-5) show actual expenditure in this period, i.e. no accruals basis is used
Indicative share of the underspend based on the contributions to the pooled budget are as follows:
   Social Services @ 76.3%  £     524,777
   Primary Care Trust @ 23.7%   £     163,004
 £     687,781