Present :

Mr R G Mazillius (Chairman), Mr A C Bartlett, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr J Effemey (as deputy), Mrs D Gardiner, Mr C R Hancock, Mr G S Kendall, Mr A J Mundy, Mr R C Richards, Mr I R Stephens, Mrs J L Wareham, Mr D G Williams

Spokesperson :

Mr J A Bowker

Also Present (Non-Voting) :

Miss H Humby, Mrs B Lawson, Mr R A Sutton

Apologies :

Mrs E Oulton


THAT the minutes of the meting held on 20 August 2001 be confirmed.


The following members declared non-pecuniary interests:


Questions were put to the Chairman as follows:
Mrs F Booker, on behalf of Age Concern in relation to the revision of the eligibility criteria resulting in the withdrawal of Domestic Cleaning Services (PQ16/01)
Mrs F Booker, on behalf of Age Concern, a supplementary question, in relation to what constitutes 'due notice' both in respect of notice of reassessment, and notice of withdrawal of Domestic Cleaning Services (PQ17/01)
Copies of questions and replies are contained in the Public Questions Register.


(a) Social Services Inspection of Mental Health Services
The Director reported on the inspection of the authority's mental health services carried out by the Social Services Inspectorate (SSI) during February/March 2001. The purpose of the assessment was to evaluate the Isle of Wight's social services implementation of national and local objectives relating to the social care needs of adults with mental health difficulties and to assess the quality of outcomes for service users and their carers. Particular interest had centred on the implementation of the National Service Framework for Mental Health.
Ms C Owens, of the SSI, highlighted the overall findings of the inspection which concluded that the service was serving some people well and that the prospects for the future of mental health services on the island were promising. The Report contained ten areas for improvement, to be undertaken jointly by Social Services and the IW Health Trusts, through the joint Action Plan. It was noted that some recommendations had already been addressed or were in the process of being addressed.
In consideration of the issues raised by the report the Director indicated that discussions would take place with the Rural Community Council (RCC) to form a closer working partnership with the voluntary sector agencies. The several benefits of such an arrangement were highlighted which could also lead to increased opportunities to access Government funding not available to the Council.
(i) THAT the report and Joint Action Plan be accepted;
(ii) THAT closer working arrangements be established via the Rural Community Council with the voluntary sector.
(b) Social Services Financial Position
During the debate, on the following item of business, Mrs D Gardiner declared a non-pecuniary interest.
At the meeting of the Executive, on 12 July, the serious financial difficulties experienced by the Social Services and Housing Directorate was reported and it was resolved for action to be taken with health partners to minimise the impact of the financial difficulties on service users and patients. At that meeting the projected year end overspend, as at the end of May, had been predicted to be approximately �1.3m. Acting under delegated authority, the Director had taken urgent steps to control the major areas of overspend to bring the expenditure back within estimates agreed by the Council. Since introducing the measures the position at Month 4 (end of July) was a projected overspend of �892K.
Members received the report of the Director which set out in detail the areas at issue, the series of measures introduced and options for action. It was noted that a lack of resources did not remove the statutory duty of the Council to provide services to those people having been assessed as being in need of assistance. Other areas of expenditure were also determined by decisions made elsewhere, over which the Directorate had little or no control. Some reductions in the cost of Mental Health services had been proposed. However, it was suggested that these should considered at a special meeting of the Select Committee to be arranged for later in September.
A letter dated 4 September, received from Unison, highlighting their concerns at the effects any service reductions could have on the most vulnerable members of the community and on some Council staff was circulated to members.
The Director reported that predictions on the levels of income and expenditure remained inherently uncertain. However, if all the measures put in place to control the budget were implemented, it was anticipated that the overspend, at year end, would be approximately �570K.
(i) THAT a further report be presented to the October meeting of the Select Committee;
(ii) THAT the actions taken to date be endorsed;
(iii) THAT the proposals for Mental Health services, in particular the future of Church View day centre, be discussed at a special meeting of the Select Committee to be arranged for later in the month and recommendations subsequently made to the Executive.
(c) Action Plan following the Independent Review of Services and Support to Richard and Robert Turnbull and their Parents on the Isle of Wight
Members were reminded of the independent review of services and support to Richard and Robert Turnbull and their parents, on the Isle of Wight, which had been considered at the meeting of the Select Committee, on 4 July 2001. An Action Plan had now been drawn up with the agreement of the Health Authority Board, the NHS Healthcare Trust Board and the Primary Care Trust in response to the recommendations set out in the Independent Report. It was noted that some recommendations could have cost implications. These were difficult to detail, at present, although it was anticipated that they should be able to be contained within existing budgets. The Select Committee would receive a further report when all the recommendations had been implemented.
Members questioned the involvement of the voluntary sector and were assured by the Director that their participation in the provision of services would be the subject of future discussions.
THAT the Executive be recommended to adopt the action plan, subject to the minor amendments agreed, based on the recommendations for action detailed in the Independent Review of services and support to Richard and Robert Turnbull and their parents on the Isle of Wight.


The Director advised members that there was a need to appoint a number of representatives to specified outside bodies. Nominations had been sought from all members of the Council and, where the appropriate number had been received for the vacancies available, these had been filled accordingly. The list had subsequently been recirculated as a number of vacancies still remained. Members noted the additional nominations received. If appropriate, where vacancies continued to exist the Town and Parish Councils would be invited to apply for those positions.
The Chairman declared a non-pecuniary interest in the nomination of a representative to the National Housing and Town Planning Council, Southern Region Executive Committee. He thereupon vacated the chair and left the meeting room while consideration of the nominee took place. The Vice Chairman, Mr I Stephens took the chair. After the vote, the Chairman reentered the meeting room and resumed the chair.
THAT the Executive be recommended to approve the following appointments to outside bodies:
Harriet Guy & Cowes War Memorial Convalescent Home - Mr A J Mundy
Island Women's Refuge - Mrs J L Wareham
Isle of Wight Relate - Mr G S Kendall
Leeds Charity - Mr A J Mundy
National Housing and Town Planning Council Southern Region Executive Committee - Mr R Mazillius
Ryde Relief Society - Mr I Stephens
Vectis Housing Society Ltd - Mr D Williams