Isle of Wight Council

Social Services and Housing Directorate












The Improvement Plan In Full













Implementation of this improvement plan will be the responsibility of the following team of council members and senior officers:

R Mazillius (Portfolio Holder - Social Services & Housing), I Stephens (Chair of Social Services & Housing Select Committee),

R Barry (Portfolio Holder - Resources), M Miller (Chair - Planning Committee). C Waddicor (Strategic Director of Social Services & Housing until 10/02),                G Garrod (Strategic Director of Social Services & Housing from 1/3/03), C Binnie (Head of Housing until 31.12.02), M Pearl (Head of Housing from 1/1/03), E D Cousins (Head of Policy, Performance & Resources), Martyn Stanley (Senior Housing Officer),

P Griffiths (Housing Initiatives Officer), A Curzon (Principal Planning Officer) Y May (Manager - Supporting People),

T Flower (Head of Property Services).



Improvement Issue

Action to be taken





























Improve arrangements for preventing homelessness.


Improve workload capacity within the homelessness service.


Ensure that applicants with genuine priority and grounds for help are not disadvantaged by inaccurate information, inadequate preventative support or by dishonest applicants.


Improve the housing office reception arrangements.









1.        Agreement to be made with IHAC, Homestart and ISP to increase and co-ordinate preventative work. To be added to existing contracts.

2.        Agreements to be made with housing associations and the IW Supporting People team to co-ordinate preventative work that will further limit eviction of RSL tenants.

3.        A homelessness prevention officer to be appointed to the homelessness team to undertake preventative work including home visiting and investigation, and a focus on updating information and recording decisions.

4.        Improve availability and quality of written prevention and support advice. For Who/When details see Action 8.2.

5.        Review of staffing structures and processes. See Action 15.



C Binnie &

ED Cousins




C Waddicor






C Binnie










Nov 2002





Nov 2002






Oct 2002













These action points all relate to the Council’s approach to developing a coherent homelessness prevention strategy.  A Homelessness Prevention Officer has already been appointed and has begun to scope the nature of the problem and how to address it.  Prevention will also feature heavily in the forthcoming work on developing a new Homelessness Strategy.





Oval: GOval: A



Improvement Issue

Action to be taken







6.        New strategic manager to be in post within a satisfactory time, in order to avoid delays in change and improvement.

7.        Implement new file audit and decision review process as part of improved staff supervision arrangements: 10% of all files to be audited as directed by HoHS each year. See Action 7.

8.        Commence an upgrade of the housing reception area as part of a planned investment. Give priority to concern for corporate branding and visitor comfort, to a level that compares with the benchmark corporate customer services centre.

C Waddicor



M.Pearl/ M.Stanley



Head of Housing Services (HoHS)

Dec 2002








April 2002

M.Pearl commenced on 01/01/03


To be in place by March 2003



Work is now underway, new doors by end of Jan

Oval: G
Oval: G







Oval: A


Ensure compliance with the Code of Guidance and procedures.


Improve the earliest stages of offering advice and making homelessness decisions.

1.        Improve reception and call-taking arrangements by clarifying the intentions and needs of people approaching the council for advice (change reception and interview protocols) and;

2.        Implement the recording of all approaches and issue a decision on all approaches classed as ‘applications’.

M Stanley





M Stanley

August 2002





April 2003

To be implemented by end of Feb 2003




To be implemented by end of Feb 2003

Oval: A
Oval: A









Reduce the reliance of the council on long term temporary accommodation (TA) and bed and breakfast (B&B) accommodation.

1.        Apply the B&B action plan and regularly monitor performance through HoHS PDP with quarterly data reporting to SMG.

2.        Commence a programme of member-agreed council (corporate) working policies and strategies aimed at raising the range and level of (long-term) affordable housing. See Action 21.

HoHS &

ED Cousins



July 2002

Complete March 2004





Monitoring of action plan performance is now in place


To be initially developed through the new Homelessness and Housing Renewal Strategies


Oval: G
Oval: G









Improvement Issue

Action to be taken






Re-focus and improve allocation arrangements. Speed up the housing nomination process, and improve the accuracy of information that supports decisions.


Continue to improve the ‘local connection’ policy for all applicants, to ensure that needs and public concerns are balanced.

1.        The Common Housing Register to include new nomination protocols between the council and RSLs, including a new points policy with greater emphasis on the needs of local people. See Actions 14.1 and 14.2.

2.        Commence monitoring and reporting to members on the performance and effectiveness of new nomination protocols.

3.        Investigate with the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) and subsequently act on any potential for extension of the minimum wait for applicants without local connections from six months to nine months.

4.        Implement six-monthly reviews of the status of housing register applicants (from yearly reviews).

M.Pearl/ M.Stanley




M Stanley




C Binnie & R Mazillius




M Stanley






March 2003




July 2002





Sept 2003

CHR to become operative April 2003




CHR to become operative April 2003       



Contact made with ODPM – the six months remains operative


Due from Oct 03

Oval: G
Oval: G
Oval: G













Improve vacancy nomination arrangements for people in temporary accommodation.

1.        Agree with RSLs an increase in the total proportion of nomination rights from RSLs, to a level in excess of 80%.

2.        Agree with RSLs a protocol for ensuring that nominations largely meet the needs of people in temporary accommodation.

3.        Agree with partners a joint monitoring process for performance in housing nomination offers as part of the new common housing register (See also Action 14.1 and 14.2).

C Waddicor




C Waddicor



C Waddicor

Dec 2002




Dec 2002



Dec 2002


Responded to via the Service Level Agreement for the Common Housing Register.  See separate report



Oval: G





Living space in some temporary accommodation (TA) is limited and unsuited to long-term residence.


Improve co-ordination of floating support schemes

1.        Undertake and conclude a review of the suitability of existing TA and identify alternatives and a course of action at the end of existing contracts.

2.        Conclude arrangements with the Supporting People (SP) manager and potential providers to ensure all SP funded floating support schemes are co-ordinated effectively.

3.        Merge housing and ‘Supporting People’ services and staff.

HoHS &

 R Mazillius



HoHS &

Y May



C Waddicor

July 2003




March 2003




Dec 2002









Now all part of new Housing Services






Oval: G





Improvement Issue

Action to be taken











Customer care arrangements can be improved.


Improve the satisfaction of service-users with the consistency of staff contact and decision-making.

1.        Commence consultation with service-users for feedback on the highest priority issues in customer care improvement. Make changes that will continuously improve standards and measurable levels of customer satisfaction  See Actions 8.4 and 8.5.

2.        Improve service quality and consistency; commence identification of staff training, support and monitoring arrangements through annual PDPs. See Action 12.8.

3.        Publish an updated and amended staff manual that reflects inspection findings, user feedback and new legislation. See Action 12.6.

4.        Immediately implement the new directorate supervision strategy (2002).







M.Pearl, M.Stanley, I.Hookey, Y.May




HoHS &

M Stanley




Jan 2003



Jan 2003





April 2003



Aug 2002

Consultation will be a feature of homelessness and Housing Renewal Strategy Development








Awaiting final Code of Guidance














Oval: G







Improve public communications and information about the service, access to advice and help, and how to complain.


Improve communication with service users, particularly written contacts and updates on progress.


Develop better arrangements for consultation on homelessness service, its conduct, objectives and service standards (see Action 12 below).


Improve and exploit links with corporate consultation opportunities.


Improve the public image of the service. Market the service to stimulate and make more accurate the ‘word of mouth’ understanding of the service within the community and especially with those most at risk.

1.        Immediately implement the new directorate-wide information and communication strategy (due September 2002).

2.        Commence continuous revision of leaflets and arrangements for their distribution (50% of the portfolio within 6 months). Use the resources of the communications strategy to exploit new forms of access including the internet and RSLs. High priority will be given to upgrading complaints information.

3.        Agree a programme for marketing and publicising the homelessness service through corporate communications such as Wight Insight and campaigns.

4.        Through audit and consultation, commence identifying the key communication needs of service users during the homelessness process and devise a new communication protocol that includes clear service standards and regular review of performance.

5.        Drawing on support from the directorate’s communications strategy, commence a continuous consultation process using service-user feedback, focus groups and wider public inclusion through corporate communications arrangements.

6.        Commence a six-monthly review of consultation and feedback, apply findings to the revision and updating of the homelessness service and housing advice standards; report to members.

7.        Review performance against service standards, using data and service-user consultation See Action 11.2.

C Binnie




P Griffiths






P Griffiths &

R Mazillius


P Griffiths






P Griffiths







HoHS &

P Griffiths





Sept 2002




Nov 2002






Sept 2002




April 2003






April 2003







Sept 2003










Linked to CHR






Dec 2002 Wight Insight and Empty Property Crisis in press 1/2

Information & Communication WG delays in appointing post holder











Oval: G





Establish a dialogue with those at risk of social exclusion.

1.        Commence a programme of improved regular contact with the voluntary sector by establishing a forum with the objective of preventing social exclusion through homelessness.


2.        Commence a programme of officer and member attendance and support for key voluntary group and housing advice events.

C Binnie &

I Stephens

& R Mazillius




As 9.1

Sept 2002







Sept 2002

Some work already  - further progress through Homelessness Strategy

Oval: A





Improve contact arrangements with primary healthcare services that will support and protect service users.

1.        Implement pilot health contact arrangements immediately.

2.        Incorporate notifications to primary healthcare staff in the revised staff guidance manual. See Action 12.6.

C Binnie



Oval: G







Set and monitor more challenging corporate targets and standards for homelessness, re-housing and investment.

1.        The housing strategy for 2003/08 will include challenging targets agreed with stakeholders and council members including number of new properties built to let, number of empty properties brought into use and number of properties via PPG3

2.        Agree with council members a framework of challenging targets and standards for 2003/04 service plan (see also Action 8.7).

C Binnie &

I Stephens &

R Mazillius



HoHS &

I Stephens &

R Mazillius

July 2002






Oct 2002 and then annually

To be reviewed annually







Oval: G
Oval: G










Improvement Issue

Action to be taken





































Improve the framework of service standards and performance monitoring.


Improve the performance management of staff and other resources. Update the staff guidance manual and monitor performance and compliance.


Improve target-setting for managers and staff (SMARTen targets and PDPs).



1.        Commence improvement in the range and scope of consultation through the information and communications strategy (see Action 8 above), leading to service user and good-practice driven service standards, with arrangements to monitor performance (see also Actions 8.7 and 11.2).

2.        Commence continuous review of consultation findings and performance information to identify improvement priorities and actions (see Actions 8.6 and 8.7 above), and

3.        Quarterly SMG reporting on key areas including nos. in B&B, wait time in B&B, no. of EPs brought back, new build to let, PPG 3 homes let,and % of nominations for voids from the Register.

4.        Implement the directorate performance management strategy (Oct 2002) and supervision strategy (April 2002).

5.        Improve performance information collection through automated data collection (see Action 14 below).

6.        Publish revised staff manuals to include best practice (including guidance on the managed exercise of discretion), inspection findings and compliance with the code of guidance.

7.        Implement service and team target setting aligned with the objectives of the housing service plan. See Action 11 above.

8.        Including staff target setting in all completed personal development plans for 2003/04.

9.        Commence updating and publishing policies, procedures and protocols on the intranet and other networks for easy access.


HoHS &

P Griffiths







HoHS &

P Griffiths







HoHS &

ED Cousins





M Stanley







M Stanley



P Griffiths

Oct 2003













Dec 2002



Oct 2002






March 2003







May 2003



March 2003 all by 2004

















In progress






Work in hand










Underway on target













Oval: G
Oval: G
Oval: G
Oval: G
Oval: G
Oval: G
Oval: G























Improvement Issue

Action to be taken






Increase the potential for service development through longer-term contracts and service level agreements. Incorporate service guidelines and compliance checks into contracting.

1.        Commence applying social services contracting services and procedures to all new contracts; all existing contracts to be reviewed/audited by social services contracting by April 2005.

2.        Commence investigating and where appropriate arrange for longer-term contracts for suitable contractors and partners.

M Stanley & ED Cousins




M Stanley & ED Cousins

April 2003





April 2003





In progress




Oval: G



Improve the range and quality of data collection.


Improve the recording and review of needs, actions and other information.

1.        Conclude strategic and joint planning for the implementation of automated systems development including investment in new computerised systems;

a)       Common Housing Register, and

b)       Homelessness Recording System.

2.        Have in place agreed information sharing protocols and new processes with key partners including RSL’s.

3.        Transfer data administration and data quality responsibility to the directorate’s data and information co-ordinator.

4.        Complete a protocol requiring the recording of diary/contact pages and decisions in the new homelessness IT system.

5.        Commence staff training on business rules for electronic and data recording, to be completed before ‘switch-on’.

6.        Housing services to commence submissions to a directorate library of objectives and targets networked to all managers and staff via the intranet.

M Stanley & ED Cousins






M Stanley



M Stanley & ED Cousins.


M Stanley &

ED Cousins.


M Stanley &

ED Cousins.


ED Cousins

Jan 2003







Jan 2003



April 2003



March 2003



March 2003



March 2003

Planning process complete, now in implementation phase for CHR.  HRS still in development



Linked to CHR



In progress



May be delayed due to delayed Homelessness system

To be arranged

Oval: G
Oval: A
Oval: G
















Investigate staff workloads and processes to ensure best value.

1.        Commence investigation of workloads and processes, benchmark with other LSVT councils, re-structure staff and processes as required, report to members.

M.Pearl &

R Mazillius

March 2003 and report annually





Improvement Issue

Action to be taken






Clarify local policy on response to victims of domestic violence who have no local connection.

1.        Review current domestic violence policy when the new housing code of guidance is published. Amend policies as needed within timescales set out in this plan and the housing service plan.


C Binnie &

R Mazillius

July 2002

July 2003


To be included in Homelessness Strategy Review

Oval: A





Limit the burden of producing and working to a large number of Government-inspired strategies.

Clarify with the ODPM the potential for acting on the Audit Commission inspector’s views on achieving a reduction in the number of published housing strategies.

C Binnie &

R Mazillius

Sept 2002


Oval: G


Developing awareness of ethnic minority needs.


Improving the range and scope of ethnic monitoring within the housing service and at IHAC.

1.        Produce a detailed analysis of new census information and revise BME housing strategies accordingly, update annually.

2.        Commence production of improved ethnicity information through new data collection systems. See Action 14.

3.        Implement a contractual change that will improve ethnic monitoring and reporting at IHAC.








M Stanley

July 2003







March 2003



Oval: G


Investigate and improve the potential for attracting housing and homelessness resources to the Island.


Identify local potential for investment in housing that will alleviate housing need.

1.        Report to members re: continued pressure on the Housing Corporation to re-assess the Island’s TCI banding.

2.        Confirm grant conditions for the £100,000 grant payment from the Bed and Breakfast Unit.

3.        Review and then monitor the HIP allocation to ensure the most effective use of the housing capital programme.

4.        Transfer funds from housing regeneration budgets to a campaign for bringing empty properties into use and monitor effectiveness every six months.

5.        Develop and implement a range of incentives based on best practice that will encourage private landlords to maintain tenancies that would otherwise be ended as a result of current market conditions. Review effectiveness and options annually.

6.        Commence a working review of the content and style of the Housing Strategy and subsequent versions, to achieve ‘above average’ GoSE rating.

C Waddicor & R Mazillius


C Binnie






P Griffiths




P Griffiths








Sept 2002




Sept 2002



March 2003



March 2003




March 2003







April 2003








In progress














In progress




Oval: G
Oval: G
Oval: G

















A comprehensive review of options for provision or contracting out of services.

1.        Complete a service review as part of the council’s Best Value review programme (2004/05).


March 2005




Improve corporate working and ability to make difficult decisions (planning and housing, subsidised land etc).

1.        Arrange a joint policy meeting (planning and housing members) to amend council policy on PPG3. Policy issues to include; variation in affordable housing levels from 20% to 30%; variation in policy on the nature, type, density and , location of sites; commuted payments and housing tenure.


2.        Commence regular reporting to members on the potential to make good use of land stock through disposal to RSLs at a discounted price.

C Binnie &

R Mazillius &

I Stephens &

M Miller &

A Curzon


C Binnie &

R Mazillius &

R Barry &

T Flower

Sept 2002








March 2003

Meeting held, however ongoing work in developing planning and affordable housing policies

Oval: G


Improve the satisfaction of stakeholders who are involved in consultation on strategy and policy development.


Improvements in corporate planning.

1.        Include in the Information and Communication strategy a practice guide with the requirement for stakeholder expectations to be clarified at the outset of the strategy process and for consultation feedback to be provided, to be reviewed at each I and C strategy review.

2.        Ensure that housing achieves a higher profile in corporate consultation processes through the information and communications strategy. See Action 8.3.

P Griffiths









April 2003









Linked to appointment of Corporate Information and Communication postholder

Oval: A

Oval: GOval: A



= Amber


= Green


Items amended are in italics.