Appendix 1


Social Services and Housing Directorate


Information for Social Care AGENDA – CLIENT DATABASE/ACCISS Replacement


Meeting held on 6 August 2002


Attending: David Price, Charles Waddicor, Dawn Cousins and Su Holman


Purpose of the Meeting


To discuss and agree an Action Plan to move forward the ACCISS Replacement Project. 


Project Methodology


The group spent the first part of the day discussing the methodology to be used for this project and it was agreed that in line with Corporate ICT standards the Prince methodology would be used with the following work to be undertaken as a matter of priority prior to the first Project Board meeting:



These need to be approved by the Project Board.


Action Plan


1.             A Project Board was appointed and membership agreed.  The board members will be Charles Waddicor, Dawn Cousins and David Price, with Councillor Stephens being invited to attend on behalf of the Task Group and Select Committee.


2.             A Project Manager to be appointed.  Following some discussion this will initially be for up to 8 months in order to finalise the Business Case and scope the full cost and size of the project.  Once the Business Case and financial details are approved by the Select Committee a Project Manager will be appointed for up to a three-year contract. Funding for this post will be through our current Local Information Plan grant from the Department of Health.  The grant totals £89,000 for 2002/03.


3.             Dawn Cousins and Charles Waddicor agreed to identify if someone from within the organisation could act up as the Project Manager for the initial Business Case stage, with possibly a view to the full duration of this project management.


4.             The first meeting of the Project Board to be arranged for mid September 2002.


5.             A joint report to be taken to members outlining these proposals, with a copy to the Directors' Group by November 2002.


6.             It was also agreed that on-going work should continue on ACCISS in preparation for the purchase and implementation of the new electronic client record database.


7.             The group also agreed that this continued preparation work should include (subject to approval and funding by members) some form of electronic reporting tool such as Business Objects.  It is appropriate for the directorate to review its reporting requirements for ACCISS and it was agreed that the directorate would undertake some work to define what information it needs out of the existing system that is already being captured to an appropriate level of quality.


8.             As part of this on-going programme of 'short term' ICT improvements funding through our current Local Information Plan grant will be used to purchase new software for the Financial Assessment Team and the Complaints Service.


9.             David Price agreed that Directorate Information Services should continue to define any amendments or programming issues, such as the ‘Bugs’ list and agreed to fund these at cost to Corporate ICT.