Present :


Mr I R Stephens (Chairman), Mr A C Bartlett, Mrs T M Butchers, Mrs B Clough, Mr C Hancock, Mr G S Kendall, Mrs E Oulton, Mr R C Richards, Mr D G Williams

Apologies :


Mr G P Price, Mr A Mellor

Portfolio Holder :


Mr R Mazillius


 31.      MINUTES



THAT, subject to Minute 28 paragraph 2 line 3 with the words ‘Primary Care Trust’ being replaced with ‘Health Care Trust’, the Minutes of the meeting held on 7 August 2002 be confirmed.



The Chairman indicated that there was an item of urgent business that required consideration by the Select Committee. Members were informed that due to the workload of the Committee an extra meeting of the Committee would be arranged in October 2002.



THAT an extra meeting of the Select Committee be arranged to take place on 15 October 2002.



A question was put to the Chairman as follows :

Miss H Humby asked a question in relation to Private Sector House Condition Survey (MQ 67/02)

A copy of the question and reply given are contained in the Members’ Question Register.




           (a)       Information for Social Care Modernisation Agenda : Update on Progress Report of the Directorate’s ICT Agenda


The Select Committee received an update on the progress of the Communications/ICT Task Group. The Task Group had been overseeing general ICT matters in particular the upgrading of the Client Database and telecommunications.

With regard to the client database, Members were advised that a consultants report had recommended the purchase of a new system. Arising from this, an action plan had been formulated and a Project Board established with a view to formulate a Business Plan.


The Select Committee were advised that the IT Strategy Budget had been estimated after consultation with ICT colleagues. Concern was raised that the proposed costings were high. The Strategic Director agreed to provide Members with a break down of costs. The Select committee noted that the required funding to implement the new system was not yet in place.


The Task Group had agreed that the Switchboard/Telecommunication issue be deferred until the current accommodation and technical issues were resolved.




THAT the Select Committee support the action plan and work of the Task Group, and that a further progress report be brought back to the Committee in three months.


           (b)       Lead Commissioning Proposals for Health and Social Care Services for Adults


The Select Committee received the report of the Strategic Director of Social Services and Housing which set out proposals for Lead Commissioning arrangements for Health and Social Care for adults. The Directorate together with the PCT proposed to bring together all health and social care commissioning for all adult services.


The Strategic Director detailed the proposed arrangements. There would be two Heads of Health and Social Care Commissioning Posts, supported by a new post of Senior Commissioning Manager. It was noted that all care management and assessment staff, together with Direct Services staff would remain under the operational control of Social Services. The proposals also included the creation of a new post to be Head of Operations to manage staff groups.


With regard to the commissioning of the two budgets, an officer group was currently studying the implications of such a proposal. The Select Committee debated the implications of such a proposal and the Strategic Director advised Members that adequate safeguards to protect both the interests of the PCT and Council would need to be put in place. The findings of the officer group would be reported to the Select Committee in due course.


In discussion Members raised the matter of redundancies and received an update on the latest position.




THAT it be recommended that the Lead Commissioning Proposals for Health and Social Care Services for Adults be approved.


           (c)       Supporting People Strategy (Draft)


Members received the draft Supporting People Strategy. The Strategy set out Isle of Wight Service providers receiving support under the programme from 1 April 2003 and identified priority areas for development across the different client groups. The intention of the strategy was to ensure more effective funding and coordination of housing related support services


In discussion, Members highlighted the development of a Direct Access Hostel. Members were advised that this would probably be ringfenced as a cross authority Service. Concern was raised that the Hostel would be used by visitors to the Island.




THAT the report be noted.


           (d)       Budget Monitoring Report as at end of July 2002


The Strategic Director of Social Services and Housing presented his report on the budget and spending position on revenue and capital for the Services within the Select Committee’s remit.


The Select Committee were advised that the promoting independence grant was unexpectedly reduced for the current financial year, this had led to a cost pressure of £148,000 on independent living resource centres. The cost would be absorbed by the current projected underspend of approximately £850,000, which had occurred primarily in the community care budget. The Strategic Director advised Members that the underspend should be viewed with some caution due to the early stage in the financial year. Clarification was sought on whether or not such an underspend would effect future funding. Members were advised that it was likely that the underspend would be reduced significantly in the winter months due to additional pressures and other costs that arise during the winter months.


The Select Committee were advised that next months budget monitoring report would include further information on expenditure trends. In addition, further analysis using comparative data for the 2001-2002 financial year would form the basis for subsequent budget forecasts.




THAT the report be noted and comparative data on last year’s budget and be provided at the next Select Committee meeting.


           (e)       Children’s Service Plans and Performance Indicators


The Select Committee received the Service Plan for Children’s Services. The Strategic Director advised that the Services Plan did not stand alone but reflected national objectives for Children’s Services.


Members noted that the Performance Indicator (PI) for placement of children had improved from 12 - 8%. Although significant progress had been made the PI was considered to be too high. The placement of children was made difficult due to placement choice and reduction in adequate number of foster carers.


Members considered how to address the problem of the recruitment of foster carers. It was advised that the Government had recognised the problem and were running a national press campaign to encourage families to apply. The Select Committee were informed that the matter of recruitment and retention of social car workers was due to be considered at the next Select Committee meeting.




THAT the Service Plan for Children’s Services be noted.


           (f)        Briefing for Members on Foster Care Issues


The Strategic Director presented his report which briefed Members on matters relating to foster care provision and support on the Island. In particular the report set out the issues raised by foster carers at the Select Committee meeting held on 7 August 2002.


The Select Committee were aware of the difficulties of attracting and retaining suitable carers for Island children. It was recognised that this was crucial to achieving quality placements for children in the care system and fulfilling other statutory responsibilities.


Members were reminded at the Committee on 7 August 2002, the Isle of Wight Foster Care Association had identified a number of concerns relating to support available to carers. In particular :


Inadequate Social Work and Out of Hours Support


Limitations of the Child and Adolescent mental Health Services in terms of therapeutic input


Managing children in placement who may be excluded from school on a fixed term basis.


The Strategic Director advised Members of the steps that had been put in placed to improve the situation. In particular a growth bid was being formulated to address some of the continuing support issues for foster carers




THAT the report be noted and that a report be brought back to the Select Committee later in the autumn regarding a proposed growth bid to support potential developments.


           (g)       Developing Links for Members with Children’s Services Teams


The Select Committee were reminded that at the Committee’s Away day in June 2002 it had been suggested that Members be given the opportunity to experience the work of various areas of Social Services. In discussion with the Chairman and some Members of the Committee it had been proposed to allocate Social Services teams to individual members of the Committee.


The proposed initial allocation to teams was suggested, in discussion some amendments were made and it was agreed that Select Committee and Best Value Support together with Social Services would confirm details of the allocation to teams.




THAT the proposed arrangements be endorsed and that a report detailing the operation of the scheme be brought back to the Committee by September 2003