6.      A continuous strategic

review of the scope and role of out of hours services, with a cross Directorate emphasis on responding to emergencies only.  (Strategy should ensure that resources are used by those most in need, and that staff of the service have clear instructions on how best to deal with a growing workload of non-emergency calls.  The structure should be changed as needed to ensure a Best value service).



* Wide-ranging internal and interagency communication and ongoing liaison regarding the emergency nature of the service.

* Redirection of Foster Carer non-emergency support requests to dedicated support worker.

* Development of interagency protocols clarifying ‘out of hours’ interface.

* Direct communication with regular non-emergency users of the service and/or their key workers to identify alternative sources of support outside office hours.

* Monitoring of ‘out of hours’ hospital discharges.

7.  A core set of service protocols to be developed based on best practice.


* Emergency Duty / Divisional (local) Police / Child Protection Police, Emergency Protocol.

* Foster Carer Support / Emergency Response Protocol.

* Adult Protection Policy and Practice Guide Implementation.

* Emergency Duty Service Staff Supervision Policy.

* Joint Foster Care / Police Protocol for reporting Looked After Children Missing.

* Emergency Contingency Planning Protocol.

10.  All staff on out of hours duty to have a contractual agreement with the Council clearly stating responsibilities, accountabilities and rewards.


* Review of Terms of Reference, Job Descriptions and Staff allowances.

* Full liaison and negotiated agreements with staff groups to ensure staff retention and enhance prospects of future recruitment to the Emergency Duty Service.


12.  Improved record keeping to be introduced for monitoring of performance and outcomes, particularly against standards.  Compliance with record keeping policies to be monitored.


* Regular sampling of case recording and review of the procedural interface of ‘day-time’ services and Emergency Duty.

* Promotion of the use of Emergency Contingency Planning (see Action Point 7).

19.  Construct a realistic and manageable budget for the out of hours service, and enter structural costs into the Directorate budget book.


* Comprehensive Budget Review and restructuring where appropriate. 

* Pursuit of savings in all areas.

* Ongoing review of costs to the service and appropriate compensatory actions.

* Stabilisation of the Budget and construction of a predictable cost range for all elements of the Emergency Duty Service.




















The above represents action within those priority areas identified from the Best Value Improvement Plan.  These should be seen in a wider context of review and activity emanating from the other improvement issues detailed in the plan.


Also ongoing is a wide ranging interagency liaison and planning regarding the Emergency Duty Service and its role in providing effective emergency support to the users of the service.









Simon Smith

Manager, Emergency Duty Service

Bugle House, Newport
