Comment PAPER C




Date :              3 JULY 2002






To consider amending the title and role of the Children’s Committee.


The Children’s Committee was established in June 2000. Its remit was primarily to oversee the Council’s role as a Corporate Parent and monitor progress against national objectives for Children’s Services (Quality Protects Programme) in respect of Children Looked After and Children in Need.

A meeting took place on 17 June 2002 to discuss the future role of the Committee, particularly in the light of changes in scrutiny and policy development brought about by the modernisation process. This was attended by the Chairman of this Select Committee, the Chairman of the Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning Select Committee, the Children’s Committee, the Portfolio Holder for Social Services and the Portfolio Holder for Education.

The meeting agreed that in the first instance the name of the Committee required amendment. It was suggested that it could be the Children and Young Persons Committee. This would reflect the Council’s duties with regard to young people up to the age of 25.

It was noted that there were a number of matters that related to children and young people that had in the past been reported to both the Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning Select Committee and the Social Services, Housing and Benefits Select Committee. This involved a duplication of effort and no clear line of responsibility on such matters.

The remit of the Committee could be extended so that it received relevant Best Value Reviews and assisted in the development of plans and strategies that would otherwise have to go to both Select Committees. This would facilitate consideration of key themes and initiatives such as Crime and Disorder, Teenage Pregnancy, Children Fund and Inclusion and ConneXions in the context o fan overall approach to meeting the needs of children and young people.

The Children and Young Persons Committee had to function on a similar basis to that of a Select Committee in terms of policy development and review and scrutiny but without the power for call-in , this being left to the appropriate Select Committee. It also needed the ability to make recommendations and comments to the Executive and Portfolio Holder without having to wait for matters to go to the two Select Committees for approval.

The relevant Select Committee Chairman would still retain the ability for an item to go to one or both Select Committees for discussion.

Officers are drawing up a list of plans, policies and reviews where there are areas of significant joint working between Social Services and Education. This would then enable a workplan to be drafted for approval by the Chairmen. This list will be circulated at the meeting.

The proposed revised terms of reference for the Children and Young Persons Committee is attached as Appendix 1. With regard to membership it is suggested that the existing number of elected members are retained. There will be a need to also have one co-opted member from the Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning Select Committee appointed to the Committee.

Under Article 6 of the Council’s Constitution, Select Committees can establish working parties by formal resolution and specify the terms of reference.

A similar report will be presented to the Education, Community Development and lifelong Learning Select Committee on 8 July 2002.


There are no financial implications.



THAT the Children’s Committee be renamed the Children and Young Persons Committee, with the terms of reference as set out in Appendix 1 and covering the agreed areas of significant joint working.


Children’s Committee - agenda and minutes 30 April 2002

Council Constitution

Contact Point : Paul Thistlewood, ☎ 3285

                                                                                  ALAN KAYE

                                                                           Head of Paid Service