Present :


Mr I R Stephens (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr A C Bartlett, Mrs B D Clough, Mr J F Howe, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr V J Morey, Mrs E Oulton, Mr D G Williams


Apologies :


                        Mrs D Gardiner, Mr G S Kendall


Also Present (non voting) :


                        Mr J A Bowker, Mrs B Lawson, Mrs S A Smart




69                  MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 22 January 2004 be confirmed.


70                  PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


A question was received from Mrs M Swan in relation to the OFSTED report in respect of Looked After Children (PQ 07/04)


A copy of the question and reply given are contained in the Public Question Register.




The Select Committee received the report of the Portfolio Holder for Social Services and Housing which set out the budget and spending position on revenue for the services within the Committees remit as at the end of December 2003.


With regard to revenue expenditure Members noted that there would be a potential overspend at the end of the financial year of approximately £123,000. This took into account the cost pressures of the reduction in the promoting independence grant and the savings target yet to be identified. The potential outturn position of the income levels relating to residential care client contributions would not be known until later in the financial year, this was due to a change in the benefits system from October 2003 relating to Pension Credit and Residential Allowance.


The nursing care pooled budget projected an underspend of £587,000 to be shared between the organisations based on respective contributions, Social Services Directorate would receive approximately £448,000. This underspend had accrued largely because the budget had been constructed on a bed occupancy rate of 100%.


It was highlighted that if the nursing care pooled budget had not underspent the Social Services Directorate would be facing an overspend of approximately £571,000. It was confirmed that the pressures on the promoting independence grant would continue




THAT the report be noted.




The Select Committee welcomed Mr Thatcher, the Law Centre Manager to the meeting.


Members were advised of the Housing Advice Centres change in status to become a Law Centre. The Law Centre was an independent non-profit agency providing free legal advice and representation to local individuals and community groups.


Areas of work undertaken by Law Centres included welfare benefits, employment law and housing law, which remained the centres main area of work. Its change in status offered various advantages including its ability to attract various streams of funding.


The Council provided the Centre with core funding of £48,000, the remaining £350,000 was met by other sources. Nationally law centres currently claimed 30% of its funding from legal aid. However the Islands law centre was not currently in a position to claim for this.


During discussion the Select Committee expressed concern regarding the law centres policy to give free advise to all clients. It was feared that clients may take advantage of this policy. Housing services advised the Committee that this was an area that would be revisited. Although did emphasise the importance of maintaining good relationships with landlords who assisted with Island housing problems. In addition concern was raised that as the law centre grew there would not be sufficient staffing capacity to continue with the free advise policy. Mr Thatcher outlined the current staffing levels and believed that this would need to be assessed as the Centre developed.


Members questioned whether there was any duplication of work between the Law Centre and the Citizen Advice Bureau. Mr Thatcher believed the services were able to compliment each other and ensure clients were being advised by the appropriate service.




(a)             THAT the Select Committee monitor the development of the Law Centres and the impact it would provide on homelessness applications on the Isle of Wight.


(b)             THAT Performance Indicators be developed and report be brought back to the Select Committee in six months time.




The Select Committee received the Homeless Monitoring and Nomination Statistics from October 2003 to December 2003. The number of applications had reduced slightly during the last three months of 2003, this was broadly in line with trends. There were currently 7 households with children in Bed and Breakfast accommodation all of these except 1, had been allocated alternative accommodation. The committee noted that the  Service was on schedule to meet the Government target of April 2004 which required that there be no families with children in B&B. The Select Committee congratulated all officers involved who contributed to achieving this target.


Concern was raised regarding the length of time clients could spend on the housing waiting list and the points system upon which housing was allocated. It was explained that the waiting list was designed to determine the level of need and in line with the Housing Strategy would now be reviewed on a six monthly basis. The large focus would be on creating more housing opportunities rather than reviewing the points procedure. It was expected that a report on alternative methods of allocating housing would be brought to the Select Committee in the near future.




THAT the report be noted.


74                  HOUSING STRATEGY


Consideration was given to the Isle of Wight Housing Strategy which set out the needs within the locality together with a series of proposals indicating how these needs would be addressed. The draft Strategy had been submitted to the Government Office for the South East (GOSE) in December 2003 the feedback had been generally positive and had highlighted some issues to address. The Strategy was nearly complete and had now been agreed by the Executive at its meeting on 17 December 2003 and Full Council on 21 January 2004. The only information to add related to the results of Housing Market Research, it was not expected that the results of this study would require significant variations to the current document.


The Select Committee asked question in relation to evictions due to anti social behaviour. It was noted that the service would perhaps look at reviewing the Homelessness Strategy and looked at other areas for examples of good practice, although this problem was not expected to increase.


It was recognised that the Planning Policy Guidance 3 which related to the provision of Housing needed some reform. The Planning department was currently awaiting the results of the Housing Market research.




THAT the Select Committee note and support the Housing Strategy.




The Homelessness Action Plan updated the Select Committee on the progress made in implementing the Homelessness and Housing Advice Implementation Plan. Members noted that the majority of targets were achieved or on target and there were no actions which were marked as being seriously delayed.


During debate members asked questions relating to the progress of amending the Council policy on Planning Policy Guidance 3. It was noted that this was being progressed corporately and property services were advising providers of particular housing need. It was suggested that the Select Committee receive an update on the pro-active work in examining land stock on the Island.


The Select Committee emphasised the importance of ensuring that the Islands health partners were involved and were able to contribute to the Action Plan.




THAT the Homelessness Action Plan be brought back to the Select Committee in six months to monitor its progress.




The Select Committee received the report of the Chairman which presented the Select Committees response to the Isle of Wight Healthcare Strategy. At its meeting on 14 October 2003 the Select Committee agreed to undertake its own consultation with stakeholders, patient’s representatives and other interested bodies in order to respond to the proposals contained in the Isle of Wight Local Healthcare Strategy. The consultation process was undertaken through a series of six Select Committee meetings specifically arranged around the themes contained in the Isle of Wight Local Healthcare Strategy and a consultation feedback meeting was held at Medina Theatre on 27 January 2004 to invite views from anyone unable to attend the earlier meetings. Members of the Select Committee had been nominated to champion each of the themed consultation meetings.


It was noted that in addition to the both general and specific recommendations contained in the Committees response, the Select Committee had also expressed concern regarding the publication of the Healthfit Strategic Framework prior to the end of the local consultation process on the Strategy, although the Committee understood the purpose of the Strategic Framework it was concerned that the framework contained new proposals on areas of health provision that were not able to be addressed by the local strategy. The Committee would therefore continue with their scrutiny of the Healthfit Strategic Framework and make appropriate representations.


The Chairman briefly outlined some areas of concern that had been raised through the consultation process, including concern over the lack of detailed financial information both in terms of current and future spending, and the need to seek savings totalling £32 million by 2006. The Committee believed that such saving could undermine the successful delivery of the proposals contained in the Strategy. The Select Committee also strongly considered that the successful recruitment and retention of healthcare staff would be essential in ensuring the successful delivery of all the proposals in the Strategy.


The meeting was advised that the Committee would be sending their response to local Health bodies and to the Department of Health and would request a reply within the statutory requirement of 28 days.


Mr Mazillius, Member Champion for the Transfer of Care and Older People, advised the meeting that it had been largely considered that there was a lack of appropriate staff to successfully deliver the strategy and a lack of confidence that there would be adequate training and funding to ensure that older people were cared for at the safe level the Strategy would require.


Mr Howe, Member Champion for Travel and Transport outlined the need for the Voluntary Sector to work in Partnership and that all patient’s travel costs to mainland hospitals be subsidised.


Mr Williams, Member champion for Surgery and Emergency Services highlighted that concern had been raised regarding GP’s conducting minor surgeries and that waiting times at surgeries would be extended.


Mrs Clough, Member champion for Maternity and Childrens Services, highlighted that the majority of stakeholders supported option 1 as outlined in the Strategy providing there was successful recruitment and retention of staff. It was also considered important to support agency working and multi disciplinary teams to ensure a high level of care.


The Select Committee requested that the Children and Mental Health report be circulated to the Committee when available. Discussion ensued with regard to the dissemination of information from mainland health services, the Chairman would discuss this with the Strategic Health Authority.


The Chairman and Committee expressed their grateful thanks to the Select Committee and Best Value Support team for their valuable support in helping to undertake the consultation process.




(a)               THAT the recommendations contained in the Select Committee’s response to the Isle of Wight Local Healthcare Strategy be approved.


(b)               THAT the Select Committee’s recommendations be considered by the meeting of the Isle of Wight Council on 23 February 2004.


(c)               THAT the recommendations be submitted to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Strategic Health Authority, the Isle of Wight Primary Care Trust and the Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Trust for consideration.


(d)               THAT the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Strategic Health Authority, the isle of Wight Primary Care Trust and the Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Trust be requested to provide feedback to the Select Committee on the recommendations.


(e)               THAT the Select Committee’s response be made available to all those who have participated in, and contributed to, the consultation process.


(f)                 THAT the Select Committee formally express their thanks to all who assisted in the preparation of the Response and its recommendations.






THAT the Select Committee received the notes for information



