21 November 2003









You may be aware that the Isle of Wight NHS Healthcare Trust in conjunction with the Primary Care Trust started its formal consultation period for the Isle of Wight Local Healthcare Strategy on 1 November 2003. The strategy forms the NHS’s local response to the HealthFit Project launched last December. 


As part of its responsibility for scrutinising the Islands healthcare services, the Social Services, Housing and Benefits Select Committee will be undertaking its own independent consultation.  This will enable the Select Committee to make recommendations to the Island’s NHS bodies.


As Chairman of the Social Services, Housing and Benefits Select Committee I would like to invite you to take part in the Select Committee’s consultation process.  Specifically, to attend the Select Committee’s meeting on «dateofmeeting» to share your views on the proposals contained in the Healthcare Strategy regarding «themeofmeeting».  Owing to time constraints I would be grateful if this could be limited to no longer than 10 minutes.  Please be advised that all meetings will be open to the press as well as recorded.


If you are able to attend the meeting, please notify the Committee Administrator, Katy Green, on 01983 823283. It would be beneficial if you could submit any written evidence stating your views on the strategy at least 4 working days prior to the meeting date.  Please send these to through to:


Health Consultation

c/o Select Committee Support

Floor 4, County Hall


Isle of Wight

PO30 1UD


Alternatively, please email [email protected] or phone on 01983 823803. 



You are, of course, welcome to submit your views in writing on any of other themes covered in the Healthcare strategy and attend any of the meetings.  The series of consultation meetings will be held in the Council Chamber, County Hall, Newport and should last approximately two hours, please report to reception upon arrival.   Food and drink will be provided at the meeting and car parking is also available in the County Hall car park.  Katy can also supply you with the papers in a variety of formats and you may also view the full agenda on the Council’s website at  In addition, a public meeting to include feedback from the Select Committee, will be held on 27 January 2004 at Medina Theatre, Newport, commencing at 6.00 pm. 


If you have not yet seen a copy of the Healthcare Strategy, this can be found in help centres and libraries or on the web at either or, or by phoning 01983 552028.


I look forward to hearing from you.


Yours sincerely






Cllr Ian Stephens

Chairman, Social Services, Housing and Benefits Select Committee