Internal Issues  
      Effectiveness of most of the actions will be measured by on-going staff questionnaire In progress
Address the Sickness issue Raise awareness, develop procedures, monitor progress Jun-04 Reduced sickness levels In progress
  Look at long-term sickness on individual basis Jun-04   In progress
  Apply return to work procedures Mar-04   Already in place
  Investigate stress audit Sep-04    
Flexi-system Apply the corporate rules uniformly Mar-04   Completed
Training Communicate Jenny's role     Completed
  Individual training issues Jun-04 + ongoing days of training  + training evaluation + results of management checks - less errors, less complaints In progress
What info can be shared with other sections / organisations Develop clear rules for staff Jun-04   In progress
Internal communications Fixed dates for team meetings & PDP's Apr-04 Monthly meetings with regular agenda items Completed
  Continue with e-mail updates On-going No. Sent In progress
  Away day On-going   In progress
  Ongoing consultation & staff involvement On-going    
Working relationships Develop a more open & honest atmosphere On-going    
Personnel rep for Sandown Allocate Avril as the personnel rep Already in place   Completed
Closer working with other IWC sections Improved procedures with customer accounts & homeless sections Apr-04    
  Training Apr-04 + ongoing   Plan being developed in response to requests
  Role of other forums Jul-04    
  Sharing information Sep-04    
Changing workloads Restructure Apr-04   In progress
  Assess the use of temps Apr-04    
Changing workloads Home working - consider options Possible May bid   In progress
  Home working - staff awareness/consultation May-04   In progress
  Consider Benefits staff working in C Tax Oct-04   In progress
  Assess the impact of data matching & loss of renewals 01-Mar   Completed
  Assess the possible impact of the Pathfinders project(no payments to landlords etc) ongoing   In progress
        In progress
Issues raised during the review, but not acted on
Too many forms of id required Must have a national Insurance No. but not seen as a major issue
Take support workers evidence of proof of identity etc Not possible, but can do more training
HA tenants have to provide proof of rent + amount of Ctax Not true for council tax - an awareness issue
Cross-check info with library cards / WL cards etc No saving as Benefits would still need the basic evidence
Develop staff specialisms (young, old , hard of hearing) Difficult to organise & better to be generalists
Named member of staff for an individual claimant Not practical  - would inhibit quality service
Single help point for all Benefits A long-term aim, but not feasible with current resources
Fast track for genuine eviction cases Very few of them, and felt that new prioritisation processes make it unnecessary