Internal Security
Urgently revises its post opening procedures taking account of the weaknesses surrounding supervision and assurance, segregation of duties and items of value received, particularly ensuring that each returned HB cheque is entered as an individual entry. Post opening staff not involved in processing benefits. Draft  and agree procedures May 04 More secure post arrangements In progress
Introduces a formally documented monthly management check of compliance with post opening good practice. Checks carried out and reported Apr 04 Meet standards In progress
Introduces and applies the recruitment checks recommended by Audit Commission for all Benefits service staff, including agency staff. Check on previous employers now being carried out for all new staff Jul-04 Better internal control In progress
Introduces management controls to ensure that a register of interests declared by staff is set up, maintained and kept up-to-date and secure arrangement are in place for benefit claims affected by such declarations. Line managers to monitor Jul--04 More secure post arrangements Corporate requirement from February 2004
Ensures its recruitment and vetting procedures are reviewed annually by Internal Audit or another independent body. Procedure to be agreed Jul--04 Include in Audit report In progress
Ensures its Internal Audit function includes the size of HB and CTB payments in the risk assessment that informs its annual work programme,   maintains an up-to-date model of key internal controls and carries out annual tests of their effectiveness, and uses Performance Standards to assess the performance of the Benefits service. Review Audit programme Sep 04 Better controls In progress
Cheques are handled securely at all stages of the cheque dispatch process: Access restricted to Systems staff, Print room has security lock Mar-04 Management checks Completed
Ensures that the record book for cheques to be delivered by hand is fully maintained and that regular management checks are introduced and recorded. Cheques are not now delivered Oct-03 Management checks Completed
Ensures that procedures are implemented to investigate cheques that remain un-cashed 3 months after issue. Improve format of report from Financial system Jun-04 Management checks Completed