Working with Landlords
Ensures that staff are aware of the landlord leaflet and that it is sent out in appropriate cases. Monitoring to be carried out Mar-04 Included with all landlord letters Completed
Develops regular and formal liaison with private landlords. To include benefit and fraud awareness sessions Ongoing Quarterly meetings of the Landlords forum  
Formalises arrangements with its housing associations. Benefit Forum meets quarterly Jun-04 Improve working with landlords Terms of reference agreed March 04
Encourages Bankers’ Automated Clearing System for all payments made direct to landlords. Requests sent with landlord agreement Apr-04 Increase % of BACS payments Ongoing
Produces written procedures so that staff can apply the fit and proper person test to decide against or end direct payments to landlords. Revise current procedures to cover all aspects May-04 Meet the standards  
Develops written procedures for staff on the circumstances when recovery of HB overpayments should be sought from claimants rather than landlords. Develop through work with PIAT team Jun-04 Improve overpayment administration  
Develops written guidance for staff on the application of the regulations that prevent the recovery of HB overpayments from landlords who report suspected fraud in certain circumstances. Develop through work with PIAT Jun-04 Improve overpayment administration  
Best Value Review        
More training for outside agencies Identify need through the Benefits & Landlords Forums Mar-04 + ongoing Satisfaction survey  
Further development of the Benefits Forum Terms of ref, who should attend, task finish dates, feeding back to each organisation Mar-04 Agreed at meeting on 11 March 2004  
Better links with the Landlords Forum   Mar-04 + ongoing Regular attendance at Landlords Forum Completed & Ongoing
Use of HA's form saying HA can act for claimant Take to Benefits Forum Jun-04 Consent form to be agreed  
Better info to landlords on the status of claims Monthly e-mail to HA's on the status of all claims May-04 % payments direct to landlords  
Better co-ordination of information between agencies 3 largest RSL's to do "verification" Apr-04 Nos verified by RSL's  
Improve home visits Coordinate visits with FAB & DWP Jul-04 No of joint visits  
Update on future legislation changes Newsletters / forums to provide updates Mar-04 + on-going Raising awareness