Present :


Mr I R Stephens (Chairman), Mr A C Bartlett, Mrs T M Butchers, Mrs B D Clough, Mr C R Hancock, Mr R C Richards, Mr D G Williams

Apologies :


Mrs D Gardiner, Mrs E Oulton, Mr G P Price

Portfolio Holder :


Mr R G Mazillius

Also Present (Non Voting) :


Mr J A Bowker


 38.      MINUTES



THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 October 2002 be confirmed





THAT an item of urgent business be taken at the end of the meeting.




           (a)       Recruitment and Retention of Child Care Social Work Staff


The Strategic Director reminded Members that in December 2001 the Committee had agreed to establish a Task Group to investigate the problems of recruitment and retention of child care social work staff. The group commenced in February 2002 and had met on a monthly basis to date. It had focussed on the original problems identified in the Committee report in December 2001 and in addition taken into account the Community Care Employment Survey 2001 in relation to national findings regarding recruitment difficulties.


The Task Group had identified the problem areas surrounding recruiting and retaining staff and arising from this had proposed a number of changes to address the problem areas. The Key proposal was to revise salary grades by means of the introduction of a supplement.


In discussion Members supported the Task Group’s proposals and considered that the proposals should in the future be taken forward into other social care services where similar problems existed.




                      (i)        THAT the Select Committee endorse the proposals and view the proposal for a market supplement as a priority in the forthcoming budget discussions in respect of 2003/04


                      (ii)       THAT the Committee invite the Task Group to continue with a view to monitor the position and progressing the Recruitment and Retention Strategy and bring a report back to Committee in February 2003.


           (b)       Home Care Provision


Consideration was given to the report of the Strategic Director which outlined issues surrounding in-house and independent home care providers. It was explained that since the introduction of the Community Care Act there had been a shift in the commissioning strategy to allow for the provision of more personal care instead of the previous level of Domestic Care. This had created problems in the recruitment and retention of staff.


The Chairman welcomed Mr Ian McCarthney from the Anchor Trust, a private provider of care, providing two and a half thousand hours of care a week on the Island. Mr McCarthney indicated that the private sector were experiencing similar problems in the recruitment and retention of staff.


The Strategic Director outlined the issues faced by independent home care providers. In discussion the Select Committee considered training requirements of existing and new staff. Mention was also made of partnership working to pool resources for training purposes.




                      (i)        THAT the Committee note the contents of the report and sanction the setting up of a Task Group to look at the full ramifications and potential solutions to the current situation and report back to the Select Committee in January 2003


Members of the Task Group would include :


Mrs T M Butchers

Mrs B Clough

Mr D Williams


                      (ii)       THAT Members of the Task Group undertake visits with care staff to further improve their understanding of the service


           (c)       Service Plans and Performance Indicators


The Select Committee received the Service Plan and Performance indicators for Adult Services. These included :



Drugs & Alcohol

Mental Health

Learning Disability

Disabled People

Older People


Members raised a number of questions with regard to Performance Indicators the Strategic Director agreed to provide written responses. In discussion it was highlighted that a new data collection system was required, this issue was currently being addressed by the ICT Task Group. Once in place it was hoped the system would improve relevant Performance Indicators.




THAT the report be noted.


           (d)       Inspection of Social Care Services for Older People by the Social Services Inspectorate


The Chairman welcomed Ms Ann Callanan, lead Inspector and Ms Jessica Slater, business link inspector both from the Social Services Inspectorate. The Social Services Inspectorate expressed their thanks to all the Council staff that had given assistance with the report.


Ms Callanan advised the Select Committee that the Social Care Services for Older people had been assessed as serving most people well with promising prospects and had therefore been awarded two stars. Members noted that the inspectorate benchmarked the services against six standards. The Inspectorate highlighted many areas of strengths together with areas for further development against each standard


In discussion the Select Committee indicated that they were generally happy with the inspectorates findings. It was considered that the areas for development were achievable. Arising from the report a Action Plan would be tabled to address the outstanding issues.




THAT the report be noted and the subsequent action plan be brought to the Select Committee in December 2002


           (e)       Budget Monitoring Report as at End of August 2002


The Select Committee received the report of the Strategic Director which set out the budget and spending position on both revenue and capital for areas within the Committee’s remit. As requested at the Select Committee’s meeting on 4 September 2002 comparative information for the year 2001 had been included in the report. It was indicated that as at the 31 August 2002 the Directorate was projecting a potential overspend of £63,000 by the end of the financial year.




THAT the report be noted.


           (f)        URGENT BUSINESS


The Chairman invited Members to mark the departure of Charles Waddicor, Strategic Director of Social Services and Housing who was shortly to take up a new position as Director of Social Services at Oxfordshire County Council. The Select Committee gave their grateful thanks and best wishes to the Director for his hard work and achievements over the last 2 and half years.




THAT the Select Committee express their best wishes and thanks to the Strategic Director of Social Services and Housing.





