Present :


Mr I R Stephens (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr A C Bartlett, Mrs B D Clough, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr J F Howe, Mr A J Mellor, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr V J Morey, Mr A Taylor (deputising for Mrs E Oulton), Mr D G Williams

Apologies :


Mrs E Oulton

Portfolio Holder :


Mr G S Kendall

Also Present (non voting) :


Mr J Effemey, Mr R A Sutton


 46.      MINUTES



THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on the 7 October 2003 be confirmed.



Interests were declared in the following matters :

Mr R G Mazillius declared a personal interest as he was receiving legal advice on a matter relating to health

Mr G S Kendall declared a personal interest as an Executive Director of the Primary Care Trust



The Chairman welcomed Mr Mark Price, Director of Strategic Development for both the Primary Care Trust and the Isle of Wight NHS Healthcare Trust, Mr Graham Elderfield, Chief Executive for the Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Trust and Mr David Crawley, Chief Executive of the Isle of Wight Primary Care Trust to the meeting. Mr Price had been invited to attend the Select Committee to present the Draft Isle of Wight Healthcare Strategy prior to the start of formal consultation in November 2003.

The Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support reminded Members that the Social Care Act of 2001 had given local authorities with responsibility for Social Services power to scrutinise health services within that authority’s area. This area of scrutiny was now the responsibility of the Social Services, Housing and Benefits Select Committee.

The Select Committee received a presentation from Mark Price, which provided an overview of the Draft Strategy document. The content of the presentation included :

Development of the Strategy

Key Drivers for Change

Themes within the Strategy identifying particular service areas

Content of the Strategy and;

The way forward

Following the presentation members asked detailed questions on the draft document, from which a number of concerns were raised regarding the future direction and sustainability of local health services. The Select Committee considered the Strategy under each of its main headings as follows:

Drivers for Change

As detailed in the Strategy the Island NHS representatives advised the Committee that the strategy aimed to reduce overheads by streamlining services and reducing the number of beds in the hospital.

Transfer of Care

The Committee considered the proposals for transfer of care. The need to ensure that the strategy did not result in increased pressure on local authority budgets was highlighted. Concern was raised regarding the retention of existing staff and the effect any transfer of staff would have on morale. The Committee asked questions regarding the nursing workforce and were advised that a Workforce Group had been established to ensure nursing vacancies were planned strategically. It was confirmed that there would be a transfer of nursing posts into the community. Members emphasised that transfer of care provision in the community would only be successful if well-trained healthcare staff were put in place.

The issue of the recruitment and retention of staff was highlighted. The Select Committee considered that the Draft Strategy’s success relied upon the ability of both the NHS and Social Services to recruit staff. The representations from the NHS recognised that this element was one of the Strategy’s major risks but indicated that steps had been taken to address this risk with some recent success.

With regard to the recent bed closures and plans for further reductions members raised questions concerning contingency planning in the event of a red alert. It was noted that plans had been put in place as is required of all health services for the winter period. Mr Elderfield confirmed that the further 70 beds planned for closure would be care of the elderly beds. In addition the Committee agreed that in order to avoid bed blocking bed closures should only be considered when all agencies were satisfied that the transfer of care strategy had been successfully implemented.

Primary Care

The shortage of NHS Dentists on the Island particularly those available to treat children, was raised. Mr Crawley advised members that 8 different schemes addressing this had been submitted to the Department of Health and meetings had been arranged to consider these schemes further. The Committee asked that the increased provision of NHS dental services be addressed as a matter of urgency.

Members addressed the redirection of services from St Mary’s Hospital to GP Surgeries. The Committee considered this to be a risk if the recruitment of GPs was not addressed as a matter of priority.

Emergency Services

Members drew attention to the shortage of radiologists. The Committee were informed that the final radiologist vacancy had now been filled and the Hospital would have a full establishment by January 2004.


The Select Committee raised concern that the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) would be moved from the Island. It was noted that the Unit would remain at the hospital, however due to the increasing demand for critical care the service was under pressure.


With regard to Neo Natal care members asked for confirmation that a consultant led service would remain at St Mary’s Hospital. Mr Elderfield confirmed that the Hospital would maintain a level 2 status.

Children’s Services

Mr Elderfield briefed Members on proposals to establish a Children’s Network across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Members were supportive of these provided they led to improved delivery of Children’s Services.

Mental Health

The Select Committee commented upon the high workloads being experienced by those staff providing Mental Health Services. Mr Elderfield indicated that the NHS recognised that greater support needs to be given to the Crisis Intervention Teams.

Older Peoples Services

The Select Committee considered that the recruitment and retention of staff would be fundamental to underpinning the proposals in this area. Members considered that an employment support package should be established to encourage recruitment.


The Select Committee supported the Joint Commissioning of services in order to improve service delivery and increase budget savings. Members referred to the pooling of budgets and suggested that the strategy’s target of 2005/06 to pool further budgets be brought forward to 2004/05.

Patient Transport and Travel

It was considered that patient travel should be free for patient and carer at the first point of contact. Members asked what negotiations were taking place with the Island ferry companies. It was confirmed that meetings had been arranged with the companies to consider this.

Resource Plan

The Select Committee questioned figures relating to the Healthcare resources. During discussion there was some uncertainty as to what the figures in the Resource Plan table specifically referred to. Mr Crawly agreed to clarify these issues.

The Committee thanked Mr Price, Mr Elderfield and Mr Crawley for attending the meeting.

Following the scrutiny of the Draft Isle of Wight Healthcare Strategy the Select Committee agreed that in accordance with its powers of health scrutiny they would continue to monitor the Strategy. The Committee also agreed to undertake its own consultation with stakeholders, patient’s representatives and other interested bodies prior to formulating a formal response.