

27 May 2004










Mr J Murphy

Senior Licensing Officer






Assistant Divisional Officer S White

Deputy Senior Fire Safety Officer


Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982

Public Entertainment Licence

Grant of Public Entertainment Licence

Club House, 26 Newport Road, Cowes, Isle of Wight


Further to receipt of Notice of Application and recent inspection, with reference to the above, I would confirm that the Isle of Wight Council as Fire Authority will raise no objection to the grant of a Public Entertainment Licence, in respect of the above premises, subject to the following:


1.       Remove storage from WC on first floor.


2.       All fire resisting and fire resisting self-closing doors to be fitted with intumescent strips and cold smoke seals.


          All associated fire door frame rebates to be not less than 12 mm deep.


          All fire doors must be self-latching.  All latches must be made of metal.  'Ball' catches are not permitted for latching fire doors.


3.       Ensure door to front first floor room is effectively self-closing against door stops.


4.       Ensure adequate emergency lighting on external escape routes.  Such lighting to be installed in compliance with BS 5266: Part 1: 1999.


5.       All external escape routes to be kept free of obstructions and undergrowth.


6.       Provide and maintain records of the weekly test of the fire-warning system; monthly test of the emergency lighting; twice yearly staff instruction and drill and yearly maintenance and test of the fire fighting equipment.


Maximum Permitted Numbers


Having regard to floor area, exit facilities, proposed layout and other relevant factors, the recommended maximum density of occupation should not exceed 300 (three hundred) persons.


Any subsequent follow-up inspections will only be carried out by this Department on receipt of a request, in writing, from the appropriate enforcing agency.


NB       Push Pads are not acceptable on doors used for means of escape in case of fire in places of Public Entertainment.


Deputy Senior Fire Safety Officer