Purpose: for Decision



Date:               5 APRIL 2005










1.                  To recommend the adoption of powers and the implementation of controls to restrict anti-social drinking in the Church Litten area of Newport.


2.                  The Council has received a request from the Hampshire Constabulary to designate the area bounded by Prospect Road, South Street, Upper St James Street, Medina Avenue to the junction from Marks and Spencers and Safeways as an area where anti social drinking in public is prohibited. (Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 – request and plan)




3.                  On 1 September 2001, sections 12 to 16 of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 and the Local Authorities (Alcohol Consumption in Designated Places) Regulations 2001 came into force.  The Act provides local authorities with an adoptive power to restrict anti-social drinking in public places and provides the police with power to enforce such restrictions.  The Regulations set out the procedures to be followed by local authorities in designating public places for this purpose through a Designation Order and therein creating controlled drinking zones.


4.                  These new statutory powers replace the Home Office model byelaw relating to the consumption of intoxicating liquor in designated public places.  If a local authority wishes to place a restriction on public drinking within their area they must now apply for a Designation Order under section 13 of the 2001 Act rather than proceeding with a bylaw.


5.                  Section 13 of the Act allows an order to be made to restrict anti-social drinking in a public place where there is evidence of such drinking associated with nuisance and annoyance to members of the public, or disorder associated with the consumption of intoxicating liquor.


6.                  Section 12 of the Act provides new police powers to deal with anti-social drinking only in areas that have been designated by the local authority.  The police will have the power to require a person, in such a place, not to drink alcohol in that place where the officer reasonably believes that the person is, has or intends to do so and to surrender any alcohol or alcohol containers (other than sealed containers) in the person’s possession.  Failure to comply may result in arrest.


7.                  The provisions of the Act are not intended to provide a comprehensive ban on drinking in the open air but to provide a restriction on drinking in public places.  Therefore festivals and open-air events or licensed premises will not be affected.  It will not be an offence to drink alcohol in a designated public place, but failure to comply with an officer’s requirements in respect of public drinking or to surrender alcohol, without reasonable excuse, becomes an arrestable offence in the designated area.




8.                  The proposed designation order is consistent with the Community Strategic theme of “guaranteeing the quality of life and sustainability” in that it impacts upon crime and disorder and protection of the environment.


9.                  It also assists in meeting the following Corporate Objectives:


(a)     Improving health, housing and the quality of life for all.

(b)     Creating safe and crime-free communities.




10.             There is a requirement for local authorities to undertake a consultation process prior to making a Designation Order.  Full details of the consultation that has taken place are set out below.


11.             The Council has consulted with the following:


i)                    Newport Forum – which has an interest in all of the area proposed

ii)                  Licensees within the area

iii)                The owners or occupiers of the land identified in the Designation Order area.


12.             The police have been involved at all stages in considering the implementation of the Act and were represented at a public meeting which was held at the Riverside Centre on 24 March 2004.


13.             The Council has publicised its intention to make a Designation Order.  A notice was published in the Isle of Wight County Press containing the following information:


a)                  Identification of the place recommended to be designated.

b)                 The effect of any order made in relation to the Designation Order.

c)                  An invitation for representations as to whether or not a Designation Order should be made.


14.             The Council also gave notice of its intention to hold a public meeting at the Riverside Centre, Newport, where interested parties could make representations.


15.             The Council’s officers considered these representations made during the consultation process prior to submitting this report.  There were no substantive objections lodged in respect of this proposal.




16.             Expenditure to date includes:


·                     £500 staff time

·                     £80 newspaper notice

·                     £120 printing costs for consultation stationary


17.             Future costs estimated include:


·                     Incidental staff costs

·                     £100 newspaper notice

·                     £2000 erection of signage


                                    These costs will be met from within existing budgets.




18.             Without prejudice to any other obligation imposed on it, it shall be the duty of each authority to which the Crime and Disorder Act applies to exercise its various functions with due regard to the likely effect of the exercise of those functions on, and the need to do all that it reasonably can to prevent, crime and disorder in its area.


19.       A designation order in this area of Newport would be consistent with the objectives of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.




20.             If the Council decides to make a Designation Order it can only come into effect after the Isle of Wight Council has taken the following actions:


·                    Published a further newspaper notice describing the area to be designated, the effect of the Order and the date on which the Order comes in to effect.

·                    Erected sufficient signs in the area designated to draw the attention of the public to the effect of the Order.

·                    A copy of the Order has been sent to the Secretary of State.

·                    This procedure for establishing designated public places pursuant to Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 are not incompatible with the Human Rights Act 1998 and its convention rights.  The powers that can be exercised by the police once a designation order is in force are designed to prevent crime and disorder; consequently they also protect the rights and freedoms of members of the public who might otherwise be affected by such criminal activity.  The power to prevent the consumption of alcohol and to confiscate alcohol will only be exercised if there is thought to be a public interest.

·                    There is a requirement to provide signing in the designated area and in its boundary.  The design of a sign is attached at Appendix 3.  The wording has been agreed with the Hampshire Constabulary.




21.             That the Council adopts powers to restrict drinking intoxicating liquor in designated public places as prescribed by Section 12 – 16 of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001.


22.             That a Designation Order be made to establish the area set out in Appendix 1 of this report as a controlled drinking zone.


23.             Take no further action on the report.




24.             Appendix 1: request from Hampshire Constabulary

Appendix 2: Proposed area for restriction

Appendix 3: design of the sign




26.       The recommendations in this report are based on evidence submitted by Hampshire Police.  The evidence shows that there is a particular “hot spot” in the vicinity of Newport Bus Station and Church Litten Park.  Police and Council officers believe that by designating this area as a controlled drinking zone that there will be a reduction in the number of incidents making the area safer.  Whilst consideration might be given to other areas in the future, officers recommend that the Council introduce and monitor this pilot scheme and if successful consider future evidence when and if produced by the police with regards to other areas.  At present the proposed zone is considered the priority area.




27.             That the Council adopts powers to restrict drinking intoxicating liquor in designated public places as prescribed by Section 12 – 16 of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001.


28.             That a Designation Order be made to establish the area set out in Appendix 1 of this report as a controlled drinking zone.




29.       Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 Local Authorities (Alcohol Consumption in Designated Places) Regulations 2001

            Records of consultation


Contact Point:      John Murphy, Licensing Officer 823152,

                                                email [email protected]





Head of Consumer Protection