Present :


Mr C B W Chapman (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr J A Bowker, Mr J Effemey, Mrs M A Jarman, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr A J Mundy

Apologies :


Mrs J White

Also Present (non voting) :


Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J F Howe, Mr A T Tiltman

 34.      MINUTES



THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 15 March 2002 be confirmed.




           (a)       To Consider Whether Mr T M Webb is Still a Fit and Proper Person to Hold Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licences


The Strategic Director of Finance and Information reminded the Panel that this item had been adjourned from the last meeting. Prior to consideration of this item the Panel adjourned to enable papers circulated at the commencement of the meeting by Mr T M Webb to be read. Upon reconvening the Strategic Director explained that Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence No. 150, operated by Mr T M Webb of Norman Baker Taxis, York Road, Sandown, Isle of Wight, had failed its 6 monthly compliance test on 18 February 2002. A suspension notice had been issued which included a list of the defects found on the vehicle.


Mr Webb explained the circumstances that related to the contravention and in particular details of testing arrangements for his vehicles. He also clarified a number of issues raised by the Panel.


The Panel adjourned to private session. Upon reconvening in public the licence holder was advised that having heard all the evidence and noting that he had endeavoured to take steps to ensure his vehicles reached the required standard the Panel must have as its prime concern the safety of the public. The Panel believed that Mr Webb had failed to reach a satisfactory standard.




                                  (i)        THAT Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence No 150, issued to Mr T M Webb, be suspended for a period of one month.


                                  (ii)       THAT Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence Nos 156 and 167, issued to Mr T M Webb, be taken for an immediate compliance test at the owners expense.


                                  (iii)       THAT the conditions imposed upon all Mr T M Webb’s Hackney Carriage Vehicles by the Panel on 7 July 2000 in respect of :


                                              (1)       passing a certificate of compliance test every 6 months at his expense for a 3 year period; and


                                              (2)       the production of maintenance records every 6 months for inspection at the Council offices for a 3 year period


be extended for a further period of 2 years making a total of 5 years in each case.


           (b)       Application for the Grant of the Public Entertainment Licence for the Ryde Castle Hotel, The Esplanade, Ryde


The Strategic Director of Finance and Information reported that an application had been received for the grant of the Public Entertainment Licence for The Ryde Castle Hotel, The Esplanade, Ryde. The comments of the Environmental Protection Section in relation to an electronic sound limiter, ventilation and fitment of acoustic louvres to ventilation fan extract ducts. The applicant had agreed to the first two items but believed that the last matter could be delayed and reviewed in the light of experience.


Three letters of objection had been received but none of the objectors were present.


The applicant, Mr C Silva, outlined his case.


The Panel adjourned to private session. Upon reconvening in public it was indicated that they had listened carefully to all the evidence and read the letters of objection. The Panel was satisfied that there were no justifiable grounds for refusal.




THAT a public entertainment licence be granted in respect of The Ryde Castle Hotel, The Esplanade, Ryde for : -


                                   Monday - Thursday    :          11.00 hours - 23.00 hours

                                   Friday - Saturday       :          11.00 hours - 24.00 hours

                                   Sunday                       :          12.00 hours - 23.00 hours


subject to the installation of a noise limiter and the provision of a suitable ventilation system if doors and windows are to be kept open when public entertainment is taking place.


           (c)       Application for the Renewal of a Street Trading Consent


The Strategic Director of Finance and Information reported that an application had been received for the renewal of a Street Trading Consent for Newport Market in St James Square, St Thomas’ Square and the High Street, Newport. No comments had been received in response to the public notice but the Police had made several observations in connection with the application.


PC Bartlett, Traffic Management Officer for Hampshire Constabulary, referred to a number of problems that had been encountered during the initial operation of the market in its present location. A number of these had been satisfactorily addressed. There was still a need to ensure that there was a clear understanding as to the siting of stalls, particularly in the High Street and the relevant Council officer that should be the main contact point in respect of the market operation.


The Panel then heard the views of the two local Councillors for the area


The applicant’s representatives outlined the case for renewal. In response to the comments made at the meeting held on 25 January 2002 a number of alternative siting options had been investigated but ruled out on fire safety grounds.


The Panel adjourned to private session. Upon reconvening in public it was explained that the Panel had listened carefully to all the evidence and comments made but considered that there was no substantive reason why the renewal should not be granted.




THAT the street trading consent be renewed for a weekly market on Tuesday’s for a period of six months, expiring on 31 October 2002, on the following basis :-


                                  (i)        Setting up not to commence before 07.00 hours,

                                  (ii)       Trading will not start before 08.00 hours,

                                  (iii)       Trading will cease at 14.30 hours,

                                  (iv)      The designated area of St James’ Square, St Thomas’ Square and High Street, Newport to be completely cleared by 16.00 hours,

                                  (v)       The point of contact in respect of any queries on the operation of the market be the Market Superintendent in the first instance and if unavailable the Senior Licensing Officer,

                                  (vi)      That a plan of the agreed siting of the stalls be attached to the consent.