Present :
Mr R G Mazillius (Vice Chairman in the Chair), Mr A C Bartlett, Mr J A Bowker, Mr J Effemey, Mr P A Fuller, Mrs M A Jarman
Apologies :
Mr A J Mundy, Mrs J White
THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 16 March 2001 be confirmed.
(a) Grant of a Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence
The Director reported on an application for the grant of a new Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence for Mr M R Linington of 23 Chatfield Lodge, Newport, Isle of Wight, for a vehicle in the former Borough of Newport.
The applicant circulated to members a survey that he had undertaken. The applicant and his representative indicated that there had been a change in circumstances in the Newport area as more venues were now open later leading to an increased demand for taxis. The applicant believed that the previous survey, undertaken in 1997/98, was now outdated. There were also currently fewer plates in Newport, 11 as opposed to 9 ten years ago.
The Committee adjourned to private session. Upon reconvening in public the Chairman indicated that the Committee were satisfied that a case had been proven that there was an unmet demand due to the reduction in the number of plates since 1990, the effect of the additional late night entertainment venues in Newport and the date that the last survey had been undertaken it was therefore :
THAT a Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence for the period 1 May 2001 to 30 April 2002 be granted to Mr Mark Roger Linnington of 23 Chatfield Lodge, Newport, Isle of Wight, for a vehicle in the former Borough of Newport.
(b) Application for Renewal of a Public Entertainment Licence for Royal Squadron, 70 Union Street, Ryde
The Director reported on an application to renew the Public Entertainment Licence for Royal Squadron, 70 Union Street, Ryde. The hours requested also varied to those currently operated under the existing licence.
One letter of objection had been received and a further letter of objection was circulated at the meeting. 21 letters of support had also been received. The Police had no objection and Environmental Protection Section had confirmed that there had been no complaints in the last 18 months.
The applicant and his representative explained to the Committee that the noise limiter on the premises had now been linked to the back doors. A CCTV system had also been installed.
The Committee adjourned to private session. Upon reconvening in public the Chairman indicated that the letters of objection appeared to be general and not related to the Royal Squadron in particular. Having heard from the applicant and read the letters of support, there being no objection from the Police and no complaints to Environmental Protection Section in the last 18 months it was :
THAT the renewal of a Public Entertainment Licence for Royal Squadron, 70 Union Street, Ryde be granted for :
Monday - Thursday : 1900 hours - 2300 hours
Friday - Saturday : 1900 hours - 0200 hours the following morning
Sunday : 1900 hours - 0030 hours (0200 hours if a bank holiday follows, but excluding Easter Monday when it would be 0030 hours)
subject to a condition whereby no admission is allowed after 0100 hours on the occasions when the premises are open until 0200 hours.
(c) To Consider Whether Miss K E Godolphin is a Fit and Proper Person to Hold a Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Driver's Licence
The Director reported that Miss K E Godolphin had been convicted of two speeding offences and had been disqualified from holding or obtaining a licence to drive a motor vehicle for 28 days. Her licence was automatically revoked under Condition 7 (c) of the Council's Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver's Licence Conditions.
Miss Godolphin was asked if she understood that she could be legally represented at the Committee. She explained the circumstances of the motoring offences and clarified a number of issues raised by the Committee.
The Committee adjourned to private session. Upon reconvening the Chairman indicated that the Committee had to ensure the safety of members of the public using hackney carriages and private hire vehicles and therefore it was :
THAT Miss K E Godolphin's Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Driver's licence is not reinstated on the grounds that Miss K E Godolphin is not a fit and proper person to hold a licence because of the two additional convictions for speeding, which have resulted in there being nine penalty points on the applicant's driving licence but that an application can be submitted when her penalty points had been reduced to six.