Purpose: For Decision



Date:               27 FEBRUARY 2004









1.         To consider an application for the renewal of a Street Trading Consent




2.         An application has been received for the renewal of a Street Trading Consent


from: Michael Tracey


for: 1 March 2004 – 28 February 2005


for the days and times: All days setting up from 2000 hours to commence trading at 2100 hours to 0330 hours the following morning to be cleared by 0345 hours


a copy of which is attached (Appendix 1).


3.         The applicant wishes to offer for sale hot snacks, and the premises are registered with the Council’s Food Section under the Food Premises (Registration) Regulations 1991.


4.         The current days and times are: Monday – Saturday: setting up from 2030 hours to commence trading at 2100 hours to 0330 hours the following morning to be cleared by 0400 hours and Sunday: setting up from 2030 hours to commence trading at 2100 hours to 0030 hours the following morning to be cleared by 0100 hours.




5.         The site requested is: South Street, Newport just after the entrance to Southern Vectis’s Bus Station on the same side of the road as the taxi rank.  The vehicle must be close to the entrance of the Bus Station so as not to inhibit the free movement of the taxis.




6.                  Mr Tracey was first granted a Consent for South Street on 28 August 1997.

7.                  The following premises are licensed under the Late Night Refreshment



Kentucky Fried Chicken, Furrlongs, Newport

Open between the hours of 0500 hours – 2400 hours


McDonald’s Restaurant, 93 – 94 St James Street, Newport

Open between the hours of 0500 hours – 2330 hours


Temptations Nightclub and Coffee Plus Café, 16 Lower St James Street, Newport

Open between the hours of 0500 hours – 0500 hours




8.         The Council’s Licensing Panel considers all new Street Trading Consents for fast food or ice cream, and renewals where letters of comment have been received.


9.         A copy of the Police comments have been sent to the applicant who has been invited to attend the meeting to answer any questions Members may have.




10.     The Hampshire Constabulary have been advised of the application and have made comments regarding the trading hours.  A copy of their comments is attached (Appendix 2).


11.       A representative of the Hampshire Constabulary has been requested to attend the meeting to answer any questions Members may have.


12.       The Local Councillor has been advised of the application and has confirmed that he has no objection.


13.       The Council’s Highways Department, Wight Leisure, Revenues Section, Fire Safety and the Council’s Food Section have all been advised of the application.  However, no comments have been received.




14.       The application has been advertised in the Isle of Wight County Press, and no letters of objection have been received.


15.       The Local Business Association has been advised of the application, however, no comments have been received.




16.       Broadly, Council expenditure on Licensing matters, and in particular those which are administered and enforced through Consumer Protection, balances income received from licence fees.




17.       Each application should be considered individually so as to comply with the rules of Natural Justice.


18.       Street Trading Consents are issued under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982, Schedule 4.


19.       “Consent street” means a street in which street trading is prohibited without the consent of the district council.


20.       There is no right of appeal against the refusal to grant or renew a consent or against the revocation or variation of a consent.


21.       Trading consents


7 – (1) An application for a street trading consent or the renewal of such a consent shall be made in writing to the district council.

(2) Subject to sub-paragraph (3) below, the council may grant a consent if they think fit.

(3) A street trading consent shall not be granted –

(a) to a person under the age of 17 years; or

(b) for any trading in a highway to which a control order under section 7 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 is in force, other than trading to which the control order does not apply.

(4) When granting or renewing a street trading consent, the council may attach such conditions to it as they consider reasonably necessary.

(5) Without prejudice to the generality of sub-paragraph (4) above, the conditions that may be attached to a street trading  consent by firtue of that sub-paragraph include conditions to prevent –

(a) obstruction of the street or danger to persons using it; or

(b) nuisance or annoyance (whether to persons using the street or otherwise).

(6) The council may at any time vary the conditions of a street trading consent.

(7) Subject to sub-paragraph (8) below, the holder of a street trading consent shall not trade in a consent street from a van or other vehicle or from a stall, barrow or cart.

(8) The council may include in a street trading consent permission for its holder to trade in a consent street –

(a) from a stationary van, cart, barrow or other vehicle; or

(b) from a portable stall.

(9) If they include such a permission, they may make the consent subject to conditions –

(a) as to where the holder of the street trading consent may trade by virtue of the permission; and

(b) as to the times between which or periods for which he may so trade.

(10) A street trading consent may be granted for any period not exceeding 12 months but may be revoked at any time.

(11) The holder of a street trading consent may at any time surrender his consent to the council and it shall then cease to be valid.


22.       Late Night Refreshment Houses Act 1969:


A person who keeps open for public refreshment, resort and entertainment at any time between the hours of 10pm at night and 5 am the following morning is required to hold an annual Licence granted in accordance with the Late Night Refreshment Houses Act 1969.  Premises in respect of which a liquor licence is in force do not require to be licensed where they are not kept open as a late night refreshment house longer than half an hour after normal evening closing time.




23.       Without prejudice to any other obligation imposed on it, it shall be the duty of each authority to which this section applies to exercise its various functions with due regard to the likely effect of the exercise of those functions on, and the need to do all that it reasonably can to prevent, crime and disorder in its area.




24.       Members are advised that this application must be considered against a background of the implications of the Human Rights Act 1998.


            There are three convention rights which need to be considered in this context:-


            a)         Article 6 - Right to a fair trial

In the determination of his civil rights and obligations or of any criminal charge against him, everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law.


b)                 Article 8 - Right to respect for private and family life. 

Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.  In the case of article 8 there shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except as such in accordance with the law and is necessary on a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic wellbeing of the country, for the prevention of disorder and crime, for the protection of health or morals or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.


c)                  Article 1 of the first protocol – protection of property. 

Every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions. In the case of Article 1 of the first protocol it states that “no one shall be deprived of his possessions except in the public interest and subject to the conditions provided for by law and the general principles of international law.  The preceding provisions (of which articles 6 and 8 are but two) shall not however in any way impair the right of the state to enforce such laws as it deems necessary to control the use of the property in accordance with general interest or to secure the payment of taxes or other contributions or penalties”.


d)         The Panel needs to be clear as the rights granted and the need to ensure that the reasons given for any interference are proportionate and in accordance with the Council’s legitimate aim.


Article 8 is important in respect of this application as the residents have the right to enjoy their private and family life without undue disturbance and the public have the right to be able to use the area free of any unnecessary obstruction or interruption.


Article 1 of the first protocol is important as Mr Tracey has an existing consent to trade and this could be viewed as a possession, which should not be denied him without good reason.




25.       To grant the application.


26.       To vary the hours.


27.       To vary the location.


28.       To grant the consent for a lesser period.


29.       To refuse the application.




30.       Prior to making the recommendation Officers have considered the implications under the Human Rights Act, Crime and Disorder and the Late Night Refreshment Houses Act 1969.  It is the applicant’s responsibility to carry out a risk assessment. 





31.       To grant the application as requested by the applicant.





32.       Appendix 1: Application

Appendix 2:   Hampshire Constabulary’s comments.




33.       As attached.




34.       When determining the application Members may wish to take into account the following:


(a)       noise to local residents, particularly late at night

(b)       litter

(c)        smell

(d)       road safety

(e)               comments from Members, Police, Parish or Town Councils and Business Associations

(f)                 the type of goods which are to be sold.


35.       A district council is under no duty to grant a street trading consent and need not specify statutory grounds for refusal.


36.       There is no statutory limitation on a district council’s power to revoke or refuse to renew a street trading consent.



Contact Point: John Murphy, Senior Licensing Officer ( 823152.





ROB OWEN                                      

Head of Consumer Protection