Present :


Mr C  B  W Chapman  ( Chairman ),  Mr  J Effemey ,  Mr  J  Howe, Miss H Humby, Mr C H Lillywhite, Mr R G Mazillius,  Mr R C Richards, Mrs J White


Apologies :  


Mr M J Cunningham, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr A J Mundy


Also Present (Non-Voting) :


Mr J R Adams, Mr A C  Bartlett,  Mr J  A  Bowker, Mr  I R  Stephens, Mr A A Taylor




17.             MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 10 August 2004 be confirmed.




There were no declarations of interest made at this stage.




Application for the Variation of Hours of the Public Entertainment Licence at Planet Ice Ltd, Quay Road, Ryde


The report of the Head of Consumer Protection was referred to, which set out details of an application received for the variation of hours of the Public Entertainment Licence (PEL) at Planet Ice Ltd, Quay Road, Ryde.


Members were advised that since the writing of the report, the Magistrates Court had approved the extension of the liquor licence to 3.00 am, on both days, these being Saturday, 28 August and Sunday, 29, August 2004.  This had the effect of automatically extending the PEL.  The applicant still requested that consideration be given to the application for a variation of the PEL until 4.00 am on Sunday, 29 August 2004.


The Panel noted that Planet Ice did not have late night entertainment very often.  However, a letter of complaint referred to the entertainment, which had been provided on 31 December 2003.  A further letter of complaint regarding the unacceptable level of noise breakout at this event was circulated to the Panel.


The Hampshire Constabulary had confirmed that they had no objections to the variation.


The Council’s Environmental Protection Section, while not opposing the application, had recommended that a number of conditions be attached if Members were minded to approve the application.


The local Councillor had submitted a letter of objection on behalf of a number of local residents with regard to the potential for noise and nuisance from the ice rink.  The local Councillor was present and highlighted his complaint that an extension to 4.00 am was unacceptable, particularly on a Sunday morning.


The applicant, Miss Lorna Cotton, the licencee of Planet Ice Ltd, Ryde was present accompanied by Mr Steven Foster, the event holder and a representative of the British Scooterists Association.  Mr Foster addressed the Panel and advised that the application was in line with their policy for similar events held on the mainland.  It was confirmed that arrangements were in hand for a noise limiter to be installed prior to the event on Friday, 27 August.  The Panel also noted the arrangements made to transport attendees back to the campsite at Smallbrook stadium.   Registered door-stewards would also be in place together with a number of the Association’s own stewards to control admission to the private event.


Following the presentations and questions by both parties and questions by the Panel it was moved and seconded that the public and press be excluded from the meeting.




THAT under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for part of this item, on the grounds that there was likely to be disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 4 of Part 1, of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Upon reconvening in public, it was indicated that the Panel had carefully listened to the presentation of the report by the Head of Consumer Protection, the information provided by the Council’s Environmental Protection Section and the objections raised by the local member.  The Panel noted that no other objectors were present and were well aware of the fact that the magistrates had extended the premises’ liquor licence until 3.00 am on both Saturday, 28 August and Sunday, 29 August so that they were solely concerned with the application request for an extension of the Public Entertainment Licence, until 4.00 am on Sunday, 29 August. 


The Panel considered carefully the applicants presentation and noted that this event had taken place over the past three previous years at this venue, last year until 3.00 am, with no complaints.  It was also noted that the liquor licence would terminate at 3.00 am and that arrangements were in hand to transport the majority of this more mature audience to their campsite. It was also appreciated that this was an international event of importance to the island.  It was considered that the decision was reasonable, proportionate and in accordance with the legitimate aims of the Council.




            THAT the Public Entertainment Licence for Planet Ice Ltd be extended as from 8.00 pm on Saturday, 28 August until 4.00 am on Sunday, 29 August subject to all the conditions recommended by the Environmental Protection Section and for the last time for admission to be 1.30 am, on Sunday, 29 August 2004.