Purpose: For Decision



Date:               20 APRIL 2004









1.         Street Trading, (in particular the selling of cars in lay-bys), has generated considerable interest of late.


2.         The purpose of the report is to assist Members in their attempt to regulate the sale of motor vehicles and other goods not currently covered by the existing schedule of consent streets (Appendix 1).


3.         At present the Council controls Street Trading by a list of designated streets where street trading consents may be issued at the Council’s discretion.  Anyone trading in a consent street designated by the Council without a street trading consent is, subject to a decision by the Court, guilty of an offence.




4.         At a meeting of the Licensing Panel on the 20 February 2004 it was resolved


“THAT a draft resolution be passed making all current and future streets, council car parks, recreation grounds and open spaces along with all public parks, gardens, amenity areas, sports areas, play areas and parking bays adopted by the Council, in the Isle of Wight, designated “consent” streets,


            THAT notice be given of the Council’s intention to pass a resolution to make the list of streets etc, as set out above, into “consent” streets. “


5.         The Licensing Panel are now invited to pass a resolution making all current and future streets, council car parks, recreation grounds, open spaces along with all public parks, gardens, amenity areas, sports areas, play areas and parking bays adopted by the Councils in the Isle of Wight consent streets.


6.         The legislation governing street trading requires the Council to publish a notice of their intention to pass a resolution in a local newspaper circulating in their area. 


7.         A copy of the notice must also be served on the Chief Officer of Police for its area. The notice was published in the Isle of Wight County Press on the 27 February 2004. It contained a draft of the resolution and stated that representations relating to it had to be made in writing to the Council within such period, not less than 28 days after publication of the notice as may be specified in the notice.




8.         The Council, by virtue of the two previous Borough Councils, has adopted Schedule 4 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982.


9.         This permits the Council to apply the measures within the Act including the necessary resolutions to control street trading and take the necessary legal action against illegal street traders.


10.       Street trading means the selling or exposing or offering for sale of any article (including a living thing) in a street.


11.       A street includes any road, footway, beach or other area to which the public have access including public slipways without payment, any service area as defined in section 329 of the Highways Act 1980 and includes any park or street.


12.       Whilst “Street Trading”, as the name applies, refers to trading on the highway, it also includes trading that takes place at other places to which the public have access, and sometimes even on private land.


13.       The former Boroughs chose to control street trading by designating areas for street trading as being prohibited streets or consent streets.


14.       At present there is only one fast food outlet with a street trading consent, and that is outside the bus station in South Street, Newport, the hours of which are set out below:


Monday – Saturday: 2100 hours – 0330 hours the following morning

Sunday: 2100 hours –0030 hours the following morning


15.       A street trading consent has been issued for the Slipway, Shanklin for the sale of ice cream only, the hours of which are set out below


14 April 2003 until and including 13 September 2003

All days: 0900 hours – 2000 hours


16.       The following markets have street trading consents granted or applications pending


(i)                 Newport Market: Tuesdays 0800 hours – 1430 hours

(ii)               Ryde Market: Thursdays 0900 hours – 1600 hours

(iii)             Sandown Market: Sundays 1000 hours – 1530 hours

(iv)              Island Farmers’ Market: Fridays 0900 hours – 1500 hours


17.       Other occasional street trading consents for street markets in Yarmouth, Ryde and East Cowes are granted on an ad hoc basis and are issued under delegated authority provided there are no objections.




18.       The current policy is that initial applications for street trading consents have to be considered by the Council’s Licensing Panel.  Officers have delegated authority on renewal to grant a consent where no objections have been received.




19.       The Hampshire Constabulary comment on individual applications at present and wish this process to continue.


20.       All Parish Councils, Town Councils and Forums have been consulted and their responses are available in the members’ rooms.


21.       All Councillors have been consulted and responses are also available in these rooms.




22.       No objections were received to the notice published in the Isle of Wight County Press on the 27 February 2004.




23.       Broadly, Council expenditure on Licensing matters, and in particular those, which are administered and enforced through Consumer Protection, balances income received from, licence fees.


24.       There will be financial implications due to the additional enforcement  required, however, the income from street trading consents would have to cover the additional costs.  There would be no extra cost to the Council Tax payer.


25.       Members are aware that the Licensing Section cannot make a profit from its Licensing function.




26.       Schedule 4 to the Act contains provisions which distinguish between the issuing of a licence and the issuing of a consent, and the main differences between the two types of street designation are as follows: (N.B. for District Council read Unitary Authority)






a)     District Council obliged to grant a licence unless the application ought to be refused on one or more of the grounds specified in the Act.


District Council under no duty to grant a street trading consent and need not specify statutory grounds for refusal.

b)     District Council may only revoke or refuse to renew a licence on the statutory grounds.


No statutory limitation on a District Council’s power to revoke or refuse to renew a street trading consent.

c)     Before a District Council may vary a principal term of a street trading licence, or before it may refuse to grant or renew or revoke a street trading licence, it must first invite the applicant/licence-holder to make representations and then afford that person a reasonable opportunity to make those representations.


No notice requirements apply to a street trading consent.

d)     Statutory grounds of appeal against the refusal, revocation or variation of a principal term of a street trading licence are contained in the Schedule


There is no right of appeal against the refusal to grant or renew a consent or against the revocation or variation of a consent.

e)   A licence-holder may be prosecuted for a breach of the “principal terms” which relate to the street in which, the days and times upon which, and the articles in which the holder trades.

A street trading consent holder may only be prosecuted for a breach of a condition where he trades from a stationary van, cart, barrow, vehicle or from a portable stall in a place or at a time not included in the consent, or for breach of a condition relating to the positions and times in which he may trade but not for a breach of a condition relating to the type of article to be sold.


f)    A District Council may recover from a licence-holder such reasonable charges as they may determine for the collection of refuse and the cleansing of the streets etc.

A District Council may not charge the holder of a street trading consent for the collection of refuse and cleansing of streets etc.


g) Where a licence is surrendered or revoked, the Council has the discretion to remit or refund any fee paid for it.

Where a consent is surrendered or revoked, a Council is under a duty to remit or refund the whole or part of any fee paid for the consent.


h)   The consent of the Highway authority is necessary for the designation of a street as a licence street.

Highway authority consent is not required before the designation of a street as a consent street.


27.       Each application for a street trading consent must be considered individually so as to comply with the rules of natural justice.


28.       This Council is under no duty to grant a street trading consent and need not specify its grounds for refusal.




29.       Without prejudice to any other obligation imposed on it, it shall be the duty of each authority to which this section applies to exercise its various functions with due regard to the likely effect of the exercise of those functions on, and the need to do all that it reasonably can to prevent, crime and disorder in its area.




30.             Members are advised that this application must be considered against a background of the implications of the Human Rights Act 1998.


            There are three convention rights which need to be considered in this context:-


            a)         Article 6 - Right to a fair trial

In the determination of his civil rights and obligations or of any criminal charge against him, everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law.


b)                 Article 8 - Right to respect for private and family life. 

Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.  In the case of Article 8 there shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except as such in accordance with the law and is necessary on a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic wellbeing of the country, for the prevention of disorder and crime, for the protection of health or morals or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.


c)                  Article 1 of the first protocol – protection of property. 

Every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions. In the case of Article 1 of the first protocol it states that “no one shall be deprived of his possessions except in the public interest and subject to the conditions provided for by law and the general principles of international law.  The preceding provisions (of which Articles 6 and 8 are but two) shall not however in any way impair the right of the state to enforce such laws as it deems necessary to control the use of the property in accordance with general interest or to secure the payment of taxes or other contributions or penalties”.


d)         The Panel needs to be clear as the rights granted and the need to ensure that the reasons given for any interference are proportionate and in accordance with the Council’s legitimate aim.


31.       These Articles will have to be considered if appropriate prior to reaching a decision on each application for a street trading consent.




32.       a)         To take no further action.


b)         To pass a resolution “that all current and future streets, Council car parks, recreation grounds and open spaces along with all public parks, gardens, amenity areas, sports areas, play areas and parking bays adopted by the Council in the Isle of Wight be designated as consent streets.”


c)         To give notice that the Council intend the resolution to come into force on the 28 May 2004.




33.       It is the applicant(s) responsibility to carry out a risk assessment.





34.       That options b and c are approved.           





35.       Appendix 1- Current schedule of consent streets.




36.       a)         Street trading general file.


            b)         Street trading consultation file.


Contact Point: John Murphy, Licensing Officer ( 823152.





                               ROB OWEN                                      

                              Head of Consumer Protection



Environmental Health Department                                                               

St Nicholas, 58 St Johns Road, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1LT












The Isle of Wight Council has by the powers invested in it resolved that for the purposes of controlling Street Trading the streets listed on the attached schedule be designated “Consent Streets” from 19 June 1997. 





"Street" includes any road, footway or beach, to which the public have access without payment and "Street Trading" means the selling or exposing of offering of any article in a street.




a)         The following off-street car parks, parking bays, recreation grounds, gardens or other parks, pleasure grounds or open spaces:-


(i)         Off-Street Car Parks and Parking Bays -


Brannon Way Car Park, Wootton; Coppins Bridge, Newport; Lugley/Crocker Street, Newport; High Street, Carisbrooke; Medina Ave, Newport; Nine Acres, Newport; Royal Exchange, Newport; Chapel Street, Newport; South Street Newport; Towngate Bridge, Newport; Arboretum Parking Place Fairlee Road; Carisbrooke High Street; County Hall Complex Sea Street; Chapel Street; Church Litten; Drill Hall Road; Furrlongs Parking Place; Hearn Street; Lugley Street; Newport Harbour; Sea Street; Seaclose Recreation Ground; opposite the Griffin Godshill


(ii)        Recreation Grounds -


Litten Park, Church Litten, Newport; Nine Acres Recreation Ground, Newport; Pan Play Area, Newport; Recreation Ground, Clatterford Road, Carisbrooke; Recreation Ground, Wootton Bridge; Seaclose Recreation Ground, Newport; Victoria Recreation Ground, Newport; Furrlongs


(iii)       Gardens or other parks -


Nelson Road play area, Newport;


(iv)       Pleasure Grounds or Open Spaces or Commons -


Arboretum, Fairlee Road, Newport; Green around Coppins Bridge, Newport; Green by Elim Church, Coppins Bridge, Newport; Nelson Road; St James Square; Barton Road; High Street; Staplers Road; Little Gatcombe; Newport Harbour


b)         The following streets or esplanades, parades, promenades, marine drives or ways to which the public commonly have access, whether or not as a right:-


Albany Road, Newport; Atkinson Drive, Newport; Barton Road, Newport (from its junction with Robin Hood Street to its junction with School Lane, Barton); Bedford Row, Newport; Bowling Green Lane, Newport; Brannon Way, Wootton Bridge; Carisbrooke Road, Newport (from its junction with High Street/Pyle Street to its junction with Recreation Ground Road); Castlehold Lane, Newport; Cavendish Place, Newport; Chain Lane, Newport; Chapel Street, Newport; Church Litten, Newport; Church Road, Wootton Bridge (from its junction with High Street to its junction with Rectory Drive); Clatterford Road, Carisbrooke (from its junction with High Street to its junction with Nodgham Lane); Cockram's Yard, Newport; Crocker Street, Newport; Cross Street, Newport; Drill Hall Road, Newport; East Street, Newport; East View, Newport; Elm Grove, Newport; Fairlee Road, Newport (from Snooks Hill to its junction with Mews Lane); Field Place, Newport; Forest Road, Newport (from its junction with Parkhurst Road to its junction with Gunville Road); Furrlongs, Newport (from its junction with Pan Lane to its northern junction with Manor Crescent); Gunville Crescent, Gunville Road, Carisbrooke (from its junction with Gunville West to its junction with Alvington Manor View); High Street, Carisbrooke; High Street, Newport; High Street, Wootton Bridge; Holyrood Street, Newport; Kennedy Close, Wootton Bridge; Laundry Lane, Newport; Little London, Newport (from its junction with Sea Street to its junction with Hurstake Road); Lugley Street, Newport; Mary Rose Ave, Wootton Bridge; Medina Ave, Newport; Mill Street, Newport; Mill Square, Wootton Bridge; Mountbatten Drive, Newport; New Road, Wootton (from its junction with High Street to its junction with St Edmunds Walk); New Street Newport; Nine Acres Lane, Newport; Orchard Street, Newport; Portland Street, Newport; Post Office Lane, Newport; Priory Road, Carisbrooke; Pyle Street, Newport; Quay Street, Newport; Recreation Ground Road, Newport; Rectory Drive, Wootton Bridge (from its junction with High Street to its junction with Glebe Gardens); Red Road, Wootton Bridge; Royal Exchange, Newport; St James's Street, Newport; St James=s Square, Newport (for a Christmas Charity Market and other suitable Charity Market only); St Thomas=s Square (for a Christmas Charity Market and other suitable Charity Market only), Newport; St Johns Place, Newport; Scarrots Lane, Newport; School Lane, Barton, Newport; Sea Street, Newport; Snooks Hill, Newport; South Street, Newport; South View, Newport; Station Road, Wootton Bridge (from its junction with High Street to its junction with Fernhill); Taylor Road, Newport; Town Lane, Newport; Trafalgar Road, Newport; Union Street, Newport; Watchbell Lane, Newport; Wellington Road, Newport; West Street, Newport; West View, Newport.




(a)       The following off-street car parks, parking bays, recreation grounds, gardens or other parks, pleasure grounds or open spaces or commons:-


(i)         Off-Street Car Parks and Parking Bays –


Brunswick Road, Cowes; Esplanade, East Cowes; Cross Street, Cowes; Mornington Road, Cowes; Ward Ave, Cowes; Well Road, East Cowes; Denmark Road, Cowes; Denmark Road; Mornington Road; Northwood Park; Park Road; St Andrews Street; The Parade


(ii)        Recreation Grounds -


Children's Play Area, Nodes Estate; Jubilee Recreation Ground, York Ave, East Cowes; Northwood Park, Cowes; Northwood Recreation Ground, Cowes; Recreation Ground, Victoria Grove, East Cowes; Park Road Recreation Ground; Princes Green; Princes Green Gurnard; Wroxall Close; Springhill Farm, East Cowes


(iii)       Gardens or other parks -


Mornington Road Open Space, Cowes; The Green, Princes Esplanade Gurnard; Princes Green, Cowes; Vectis Road play area, East Cowes;


(iv)       Pleasure Grounds or Open Spaces or Commons -


Brunswick Road play area, Cowes; Green on Esplanade, East Cowes; Egypt Point; Cowes Parade; Wroxall Avenue; The Cut; Town Hall, East Cowes


(v)        The Public Slipway adjacent to Harbour Lights Public House, High Street, Cowes


(vi)       The Sun Slip between the Midland Bank, 86, High Street, Cowes, and 88 High Street, Cowes


(vii)      Arctic Road, Cowes


(b)       The following streets or esplanades, parades, promenades, marine drives or ways to which the public commonly have access, whether or not as a right:-


Adelaide Grove, East Cowes (from its junction with York Avenue to its junction with Falcon Road); Albany Road, East Cowes; Arctic Road, Cowes; Baring Drive; Baring Road, Cowes (from its junction with Castle Hill to its junction with Crossfield Avenue); Bars Hill, Cowes; Bath Road, Cowes; Beatrice Ave, East Cowes; Beckford Road, Cowes (from its junction with Birmingham Road to its junction with Consort Road); Birmingham Road, Cowes; Bridge Road, Cowes(from its junction with Medina Road to its junction with St Andrews Street); Bridge Road, East Cowes; Bridge Square, East Cowes; Brunswick Road, Cowes; Cambridge Road, East Cowes; Carvel Lane, Cowes; Castle Hill, Cowes; Castle Road, Cowes; Castle Street, East Cowes; Church Road, Cowes; Church Path; East Cowes; Clarence Road, East Cowes (from its junction with York Avenue to its junction with Osborne Road); Cliff Road, Cowes; Cockleton Lane, Gurnard (from its junction with Church Road to Northern its junction with Gurnard Pines); Columbine Road, East Cowes; Consort Road, Cowes; Cross Street, Cowes; Crossfield Avenue, Cowes (from its junction with Ward Avenue to its junction with Mountbatten Avenue); Denmark Road, Cowes; Dover Road, East Cowes; Egypt Esplanade, Cowes; Egypt Hill, Cowes; Esplanade, Cowes; Esplanade, East Cowes; Falcon Road, East Cowes; Ferry Road, East Cowes; Grange Road, East Cowes; Granville Bridge, Cowes; High Street, Cowes - outside the Post Office at the Junction with Market Hill (for periods during Cowes Week each year and for other suitable maritime purposes only); John Nash Avenue, East Cowes (from its junction with York Avenue to its junction with Oak Tree Way); Langley Road, Cowes; Link Road, East Cowes; Love Lane, Cowes; Maresfield Road, East Cowes; Market Hill, Cowes; Marsh Road, Gurnard; Medina Road, Cowes; Mill Hill Road, Cowes (from its junction with Birmingham Road to its junction with Consort Road); Mornington Road, Cowes; Old Road, East Cowes (from its junction with Castle Street to its junction with Cambridge Road); Osborne Road, East Cowes; Park Road, Cowes (from its junction with Union Road to its junction with Ward Avenue) Park Road, Cowes (from its junction with Bellevue Road to its junction with Place Road); Princes Esplanade, Cowes; Queens Road, Cowes; Railway Street, Cowes; School Hill Road, East Cowes; Shooters Hill, Cowes; Shore Road, Gurnard; Stanhope Drive, Cowes; Sun Hill, Cowes; Terminus Road, Cowes; The Cut, Cowes; The Grove, Cowes; The Parade, Cowes (for periods during Cowes Week each year and for other suitable maritime purposes only); Trinity Church Lane, Cowes; Trinity Road, East Cowes; Union Road, Cowes; Victoria Grove, East Cowes (from its junction with Beatrice Ave to its junction with Adelaide Grove); Venner Avenue, Northwood; Ward Avenue, Cowes; Watchhouse Lane, Cowes; Well Road, East Cowes; Westhill Road, Cowes; Wroxall Close, Northwood; Wyatts Lane, Northwood (from its junction with Oxford Street to its junction with Pallance Lane); York Avenue, East Cowes (from its junction with Castle Road to its junction with Connaught Road).




(a)       The following off-street car parks, parking bays, recreation grounds, gardens or other parks, pleasure grounds or open spaces:-


(i)         Off-Street Car Parks and Parking Bays -


Appley Park, Ryde; Garfield Road, Ryde; George Street Central, Ryde; Lind Place, Ryde; Puckpool Park, Ryde; St Helens Green, St Helens; St Thomas's Street (lower), Ryde; St Thomas's Street (upper) Ryde; St Vincents Road, Ryde; Quay Road, Ryde; Pier Road, Seaview; Canoe Lake Road (on-street); Esplanade (on-street); Green Street/Station Street; North Walk (on-street); Pier Road Seaview; The Duver St Helens;  Victoria Street; Wootton Recreation Ground.


(ii)        Recreation Grounds -


Binstead Recreation Ground, Binstead; Havenstreet Recreation Ground, Havenstreet; Haylands Recreation Ground, Ryde; Nettlestone Recreation Ground, Nettlestone; Oakfield Recreation Ground, Ryde; Pell Lane Recreation Ground, Ryde; Seaview Recreation Ground, Seaview; Simeon Street Recreation Ground, Ryde; Smallbrook Stadium, Ryde; Ashley Garden; Canoe Lake; Coronation Gardens; Oakewood Road; Sandringham Green; Slade Road Recreation Ground; Wootton Recreation Ground.


(iii)             Gardens or other parks –


Appley Park, Ryde; Ashley Gardens, Ryde; Eastern Gardens (Eastern and Western), Ryde; Puckpool Park Ryde; Ryde Boating Lake Gardens, Ryde; St Thomas's Rest Garden, Ryde; Sophie Watson Gardens, Seaview


(iv)       Pleasure Grounds or Open Spaces or Commons -


Binstead Estate Open Space (east); Binstead Estate Open Space (West); Binstead Rest Garden, Binstead; Fishbourne Green, Fishbourne; Fishbourne Green (North), Fishbourne; Gassiott Green, Ryde; Haylands Play Area, Ryde; Nettlestone Green, Nettlestone; The Green, St Helens; Dover Street Shelter; Dover Street Roundabout; St Thomas Square/Church; John Street Shelter; West Street; St Helens Church; Bus Station; Western Esplanade Rose Garden; Esplanade Centre; Esplanade Pavilion; Bowling Green; Eastern Fountain; Thatchers End Island; The Glen Northwalk; St Cecilias Wall; Gassiet Green; Binstead War Memorial


(v)        Cornwall Slip (Public Slipway entrance from Ryde Esplanade)


(vi)       Pavilion Slip (Public Slipway entrance from Ryde Esplanade)


(vii)      Quay Road Slip (Public Slipway entrance from Ryde Esplanade)


(b)       The following streets or esplanades, parades, promenades, marine drives or ways to which the public commonly have access, whether or not as a right, in the former Borough of Ryde:-


Anglesea Street, Ryde; Albert Place, Ryde; Ashley Gardens, Ryde; Bank Gardens, Ryde; Bank Place, Ryde; Bedworth Place, Ryde; Bellevue Road, Ryde; Bluett Avenue, Seaview; Buckingham Road, Ryde; Canoe Lake Road, Ryde (that part of the road on the Southern side of the Canoe Lake, from its junction with the Esplanade to its junction with the North Walk); Castle Street, Ryde; Church Lane, Ryde; Church Street, Seaview; Circular Road, Seaview; Cornwall Street, Ryde; Cross Street, Ryde; Crown Street, Ryde; Dover Street, Ryde (from its junction with the Esplanade to its junction with Melville Street); East Street, Ryde; Esplanade, Ryde (A.3054) (from its junction with St Thomas's Street to its junction with East Hill Road); Esplanade, Seaview; Garfield Road, Ryde; George Street, Ryde; Green Street, Ryde; High Street, Ryde; High Street, Seaview; John Street, Ryde (for a regular weekly market only); Lind Street, Ryde; Lind Hill, Ryde; Lind Place, Ryde; Madeira Road, Seaview; Market Street, Ryde; Manor Gardens, Ryde; Melville Street, Ryde; Monkton Street, Ryde ( from its junction with The Strand  to its junction with Melville Street); Nelson Lane, Ryde; Nelson Place, Ryde; Nelson Street Ryde; Newport Street, Ryde; North Walk, Esplanade, Ryde (from its junction with Cornwall Street Slipway to its junction with Appley Slipway); Old Seaview Lane, Seaview; Pier Road, Seaview; Quay Road, Ryde; St George's Close, Ryde; St James's Street, Ryde, St Johns Road, Ryde (from its junction with High Street to its junction with Warwick Street); St Marys Passage, Ryde; St Thomas's Square, Ryde; St Thomas's Street, Ryde; Salterns Road, Seaview; Seafield Road, Seaview; Seaview Lane/Steyne Road (B3340); Simeon Street, Ryde; Spencer Road, Ryde (from its junction with St Thomas's Street to its junction with West Street); Station Street, Ryde; Star Street, Ryde; The Strand, Ryde; Trinity Street (from its junction with Bellevue Road to its junction with Melville Street); Union Road, Ryde; Union Street, Ryde; Upper Green Road, St Helens; Victoria Place, Ryde; Victoria Street, Ryde; Warwick Place, Ryde; Warwick Street, Ryde; West Street, Ryde (from its junction with Spencer Road to its junction with Green Street/Argyll Street); West Street, Seaview; Yelf's Road, Ryde


(c)        The seashore in the former Borough of Ryde between


(i)         St Thomas's Street Slipway and the Slipway at the junction of Oakhill Road and the Seaview Duver Toll Road;


(ii)        Salterns Slipway and the Slipway at the Eastern end of Seagrove Bay




a)         The following off-street car parks, parking bays, recreation grounds, gardens or other parks, pleasure grounds or open spaces:-


(i)         Car Parks and Parking Bays -


Avenue Slipway; Blue Lagoon; Browns; Devonia Slipway; Esplanade (on-street); Fort Street; Granite Fort; Memorial Slipway; Sandown Pier Slipway; The Heights; St John’s Road; Station Avenue; Yaverland; Yaverland Slipway; All Slipways between the revetment between Sandown and Shanklin; West Street Brading; New Road Lake


(ii)        Public Parks and Gardens -


Battery Gardens; Ferncliff Gardens; Pier Gardens; Eastern Gardens; Sandham Grounds; Sandown Library Area; The Heights Leisure Centre; Lake Cliff Gardens


(iii)       Amenity, Sports, Recreation and Play Areas -


Sandham Bowling Green; Sandham Putting Green; Newbridge Play Ground


(iv)       Open Spaces -


Coastal Cliff Walk Ferncliff - Battery; Culver Parade; Foxes Path; Hazeley Combe; Jeals Lane (2); Perowne Way Bus Stop; Sandham Close (3); The Ridgeway; Town Hall Grafton Street; Yaverland Meadow


b)         The following streets or esplanades, parades, promenades, marine drives or ways to which the public commonly have access, whether or not as a right:-


1.         Albert Road (the whole).

2.         Albion Road (the whole).

3.         Avenue Road (the whole).

4.         Crescent Road (the whole).

5.         Beachfield Road (the whole).

6.         Royal Crescent (the whole).

7.         Royal Street (the whole).

8.         New Street (the whole).

9.         Culver Parade (High Street to Meadow Way, Yaverland).

10.       That part of Meadow Way, Yaverland from its junction with the main Sandown-Yaverland Road, extending in a north westerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

11.       Esplanade (the whole).

12.       Avenue Slipway (the whole).

13.       Esplanade Road (the whole).

14.       Trouville Steps (the whole).

15.       Guadaloupe Steps (the whole).

16.       Ferncliff Road (the whole).

17.       Ferncliff Slipway (the whole).

18.       Grange Road (the whole).

19.       High Street (the whole).

20.       York Road (the whole).

21.       Wilkes Road (the whole).




a)         The following off-street car parks, parking bays, recreation grounds, gardens or other parks, pleasure grounds or open spaces:-


(i)         Car Parks and Parking Bays -


Atherley Road; Esplanade (on-street); Esplanade Gardens; Hope Road; Hope Road Slipway; Landguard Road; Orchardleigh Road; Osborne Road; Palestine Slipway; Shanklin Pier Apron Slipway; Small Hope Slipway; Spa Site Esplanade; Vernon Meadow; Winchester House


(ii)        Public Parks and Gardens -


Shanklin Esplanade; Tower Cottage Gardens; Newport Road Gardens


(iii)       Amenity, Sports, Recreation and Play Areas -


Batts Road Play Ground; Manor Road Play Ground; County Ground; Hurricanes Rugby Field; Shanklin Esplanade Putting Green


(iv)       Open Spaces -


Big Meade; Blythe Way; Cliff Walks 1 - 5; Green Lane Bungalow; James Avenue; Lake Common; Los Altos Park; Manor Gardens Walk; Merrie Gardens; Roseway; Cemetery Road; Shanklin Town Hall; Sibden Hill; Windsor Drive; Silver Trees


b)         The following streets or esplanades, parades, promenades, marine drives or ways to which the public commonly have access, whether or not as a right:-


1.         Atherley Road (the whole)

2.         Wilton Park Road (the whole)

3.         That of Milford Road from its junction with Atherley Road and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

4.         That part of St Paul's Crescent from its junction with Atherley Road extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

5.         That part of Atherley Cross Road from its junction with Atherley Road and extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

6.         Chine Avenue (the whole).

7.         Queen's Road (the whole).

8.         That part of Alexandra Road from its junction with Chine Avenue and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

9.         Chine Avenue (the whole).

10.       Chine Hollow (the whole).

11.       Church Road (part - High Street to St Blasius Church).

12.       The part of Manor Drive from its junction with Church Road and extending in westerly direction of 30 metres.

13.       That part of Priory Road from its junction with Church Road and extending in an easterly direction of 30 metres.

14.       That part of Rectory Road from its junction with Church Road and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

15.       Clarendon  Road (the whole).

16.       That part of Spring Gardens from its junction with Clarendon Road, extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

17.       That part of St George's Road from its junction with Clarendon Road, extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

18.       That part of Park Road from its junction with Clarendon Road, extending in a southwesterly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

19.       That part of Crescent Road from its junction with Clarendon Road, extending in a north easterly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

20.       That part of Eastmount Road from its junction with Clarendon Road, extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

21.       Cliff Walk (part - Hope Road to Beatrice Avenue).

22.       Eastcliff Promenade (the whole).

23.       That part of Osborne Road from its junction with Eastcliff Promenade, extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

24.       Esplanade (the whole).

25.       Lift Road (the whole).

26.       Everton Lane (the whole).

27.       High Street (the whole).

28.       That part of Grange road from its junction with High Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

29.       That part of Eastcliff Road from its junction with High Street and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

30.       That part of Pomona Road form its junction with High Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

31.       That part of Victoria Avenue from its junction with High Street and extending in a westerly direction until its junction with Westhill Road.

32.       Steephill Road (the whole).

33.       Orchardleigh Road (the whole).

34.       That part of Western Road from its junction with High Street and extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

35.       Landguard Road (the whole).

36.       Hope Road (the whole including Hope Hill).

37.       That part of Eastmount Road, from its junction with Hope Road, extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

38.       North Road (the whole).

39.       Arthur's Hill (the whole).

40.       That part of St Paul's Avenue from its junction with North Road, extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

41.       That part of the pathway connecting North Road with Spring Gardens, extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

42.       Those parts of Scinde Crescent from its inter-section with North Road, extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 30 metres from each inter-section.

43.       Cross Street (the whole).

44.       Osborne Steps (Esplanade to Eastcliff Promenade).

45.       Palmerstone Road (the whole).

46.       That part of Alexandra Road from its junction with Palmerstone Road, extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

47.       Prospect Road (the whole).

48.       Sandown Road (the whole).

49.       That part of Hyde Road from its junction with Landguard Road and extending 30 metres in an westerly direction.

50.       That part of Carter Avenue from its junction with Landguard Road and extending 30 metres in an westerly direction.

51.       That part of Collingwood Road form its junction with Landguard Road and extending 30 metres in an westerly direction.          

52.       That part of Western Road from its junction with Landguard Road and extending 30 metres in an westerly direction.

53.       That part of Park Road from its junction with Palmerstone Road, extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

54.       That part of St George's Road from its junction with Palmerstone Road, extending in a northerly direction of 30 metres.

55.       Popham Road (junction of Luccombe Road to Appley Green).

56.       Regent Street (the whole).

57.       Falcon Cross Road (the whole).

58.       Carter Road (the whole).

59.       That part of St Paul's Avenue from junction with Regent Street, and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

60.       That part of St Paul's Avenue from its junction with Regent Street and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

61.       Marine Cross Road (the whole).




a)         The following off-street car parks, parking bays, recreation grounds, gardens or other parks, pleasure grounds or open spaces:-


(i)         Car Parks and Parking Bays -


Shore Road Bonchurch; Botanic Gardens; Dudley Road; East Cliff; Eastern Esplanade; High Street; La Falaise Parking Place Western Cliffs; Leeson Road Viewpoint; Market Street; Pound Lane; Smugglers Haven Upper Bonchurch; The Grove; Wheelers Bay


(ii)        Public Parks and Gardens -


Cascade; Ventnor Park; Cinema Gardens; Smugglers Haven; Victoria Corner; Station Gardens; Bonchurch Pond.


(iii)       Amenity, Sports, Recreation and Play Areas -


Havensbush Play Ground; Lowtherville Play Ground; North Street Play Ground; Ventnor Bowls Green; Ventnor Park Putting Green; Spring Hill Putting Green; Wroxall Football Field.


(iv)       Open Spaces -


Alpine Road; Bonchurch Triangle/Donkey Bank; Eastern Gardens; Glowers Brooke; Newport Road (2); Northside; Ocean View Road; Rew Close; Salisbury Gardens; Streephill Down Road; Trinity Gardens; Two Posts; West Cliffs.


b)         The following streets or esplanades, parades, promenades, marine drives or ways to which the public commonly have access, whether or not as a right:-


1.         That part of Leeson Road, from its junction with St Boniface Road, extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

2.         The whole of that part of St Boniface Road from its junction with Spring Hill and Mitchell Avenue to its junction with Trinity Road and Leeson Road.

3.         That part of St Boniface Road its junction with Leeson Road and Trinity Road, extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

4.         The whole of that part of Trinity Road from its junction with High Street and Madeira Road to its junction with St Boniface Road.

5.         That part of Trinity Road affronting the northern boundary of Holy Trinity Church, in an easterly direction extending from its junction for a distance of 30 metres.

6.         That part of Madeira Road from its junction with Trinity Road and High Street, extending in a south easterly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

7.         Ninestone Steps (the whole).

8.         Spring Hill (the whole).

9.         Mitchell Avenue (the whole).

10.       Ocean View Road (the whole).

11.       That part of Newport Road from its junction with Ocean View Road and Gills Cliff Road extending in a northerly direction for a direction for a distance of 30 metres north of its junction with Down Lane.

12.       Lowtherville Road (the whole).

13.       That part of Whitwell Road from its junction with Gills Cliff Road extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

14.       Gills Cliff Road (the whole).

15.       Castle Road (the whole).

16.       That part of Zig Zag Road between its junction with Castle Road and Park Avenue.

17.       Park Avenue (the whole).

18.       Steephill Road (the whole).

19.       That part of Undercliff Drive between its junctions with Steephill Road and Inglewood Park.

20.       Alpine Road (the whole).

21.       Belgrave Road (the whole).

22.       Church Street (the whole).

23.       Pier Street (the whole).

24.       High Street (the whole).

25.       That part of Tulse Hill from its junction with Marlbourgh Road and High Street extending in a northerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

26.       That part of Marlbourgh Road from its junction with High Street and Tulse Hill extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

27.       That part of West Street from its junction with High Street extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

28.       That part of East Street from its junction with High Street extending in a southerly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

29.       Victoria Street (the whole).

30.       That part of St Catherine Street from its junction with Wheelers Bay Road extending in a north easterly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

31.       That part of Wheelers Bay Road from its junction with St Catherines Street extending in a south easterly direction for a distance of 30 metres.

32.       Albert Street (the whole).

33.       Dudley Road (the whole).

34.       Market Street (the whole).

35.       Pound Lane (the whole).

36.       Shore Lane (the whole).

37.       Hamborough Road (the whole).

38.       The Esplanade (the whole).

39.       Esplanade Road (the whole).

40.       Marine Parade (the whole).

41.       Bath Road (the whole).

42.       Alma Road (the whole).

43.       Bonchurch Village Road (the whole).

44.       Shore Road, Bonchurch (the whole)




a)         The following off-street car parks, parking bays, recreation grounds, gardens or other parks, pleasure grounds or open spaces:-


(i)         Car Parks and Parking Bays -


Chilton Chine; Blackgang Viewpoint; Chale; Whale Chine; Avenue Road Freshwater; Freshwater Bay; Jubilee Close Freshwater; Moa Place Freshwater; Solent Gardens Freshwater; Colwell Bay; Allotment Road Niton; Adjacent Youth Club Niton; Town Gate Bridge Niton; Mill Road Shalfleet; Broadway Totland; Brookside Crescent Wroxall; St Martin’s Road Wroxall; Bouldnor Viewpoint Yarmouth; River Road Yarmouth; The Common Yarmouth


(ii)        Amenity, Sports, Recreation and Play Areas -


Totland Recreation Ground; Stroud Recreations Ground


(iii)       Open Spaces -


Lane End Fishermans Walk Freshwater; Lincoln Way Openspaces (2) Freshwater; Freshwater Bay Openspace; Afton Road/Afton Marsh Freshwater; Colwell Common; Fleetway Shalfleet; Witheyfields Shalfleet; River Road Yarmouth; Yarmouth Common; Yarborough House Yarmouth




a)         Car Parks and Parking Bays -


Brooks Close; Lane End (Eastern Area); Lane End (Western Area): Steyne Park