Present :


Mr C B W Chapman (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J Effemey, Mr C H Lillywhite, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr A J Mundy, Mr R C Richards


Apologies :   


                        Mrs M A Jarman, Mrs M J Lloyd


Also in Attendance (Non-Voting) :


                        Mr A A Taylor



22.             MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2003 be confirmed.




Interests were declared in the following matters:




(a)               To Review the Isle of Wight Council’s Hackney Carriage Table of Fares


The applicant agreed for Mr A A Taylor to remain present throughout the whole of the consideration of the following item of business.


The Panel were advised that technical difficulties had arisen due to taxi-meter manufactures having difficulty in programming some of the taxi fare increases granted at the last meeting of the Panel.  For the purposes of calibration the majority of meters could only value each mile at an equal amount. To comply with the recommendation would involve several proprietors in purchasing new meters at considerable expense. The matter was therefore bought back to the Panel for further consideration.


The report of the Head of Consumer Services was received which set out the background to the matter and the progress made following discussions between the Council’s licensing section and representatives of the Isle of Wight Taxi Proprietors Association (IWTPA), in reaching an acceptable solution.  In the light of increasing costs both parties now agreed on the fare structure proposed by the IWTPA.  The Licensing Officer recommended, as a compromise, that the additional “extra charges” remained at the current rates until the next request for a fare review, with the exception of the charge for fouling of a taxi, which should still be increased to £60.  The Panel was reminded that any fare increase approved would be the maximum that could be charged by a hackney carriage driver and that the fare could be negotiated before a journey commenced.  Members were also advised that the Council was now currently placed 70, out of the 376 Local Authorities in the league table of fares, for journeys of 1 and 2 miles under Tariff 1, collated by the National Private Hire Association.


Mrs Rounsevall, Mr Sussex and Mr Quilter were present and outlined the response, of the IWTPA, to the resolution of the December meeting of the Panel and their reasons for proposing an increase in all the “extra charges”.  The representatives also set out their strong objections to compliance of the recommendation issued by the Office of Fair Trading, in that all proprietors should display their fares in the window of a hackney carriage vehicle.


During discussion, clarification was sought with regard to the decision taken by the Panel, at the meeting in December 2003.  The Panel and applicant were advised that the decision was a “composite” decision and that the matter, as a whole, had been bought back for consideration by the Panel.


The Panel adjourned to private session.  Upon reconvening in public it was indicated that the Panel recognised the need for an increase in the Isle of Wight Hackney Carriage table of fares as it had been seven years since the last increase.  The Panel also wished to continue to improve the quality and safety of vehicles, drivers and passengers and to support the priorities, therein, of the Local Transport Plan by promoting the alternative use of the taxi over the use of the private car.




(i)                 THAT a fare increase be granted in accordance with the joint proposal of the Council’s Licensing Section and the Isle of Wight Taxi Proprietors Association, subject to all extra charges to remain at the current rates until the next request for a fare review, with the exception of fouling of vehicle which should be increased to £60;


(ii)               THAT the increase to have the following condition attached – “That a sample list of guide prices for standard journeys to be displayed on taxi ranks”.  The precise details to be agreed between officers, the trade and the Chairman/Vice Chairman of the Panel;


(iii)             THAT the above fare increases be granted on the condition that these would only be reviewed when the Isle of Wight Taxi Proprietors Association and Officers had produced proposals for improving the quality and safety both for taxis and private hire vehicles.


(b)               To Consider whether Mr G Morrow is still a Fit and Proper Person to continue to hold a Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver’s Licence and for Breach of Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Driver Licence Conditions


Members received the report of the Head of Consumer Services, which provided the background to Mr Morrow’s appearance before the Panel. 


Mr Morrow was present and advised the Panel that when his case had been heard in court, he did not have the opportunity to see the statement of the investigating police officer.   A copy of the police statement was circulated to the members of the Panel and to the applicant.  Following the agreement of the applicant for Mr A A Taylor to remain present, for training purposes, the Panel adjourned to private session.


Upon reconvening in public the Panel were reminded of the issues that they should only consider. The applicant, after being reminded of his right to have legal representation/take legal advice, confirmed that he would like the hearing adjourned in order that he might do so.




THAT the matter be adjourned to a future meeting of the Panel to allow time for the applicant, Mr G Morrow of Flat 6, 32 Alexandra Road, Ryde, to take legal advice.


(c)               Application to Exchange a Swivel Seat “D” Plate Licence for a Standard Hackney Carriage Vehicle for the Former Urban District of Cowes


The report of the Head of Consumer Protection was referred to which set out details of the request received from Mr M White, of Amar Taxis, 72 The Mall, Newport, Isle of Wight.  The application was for the removal of the Council’s licence condition on an existing D plate licence for a vehicle, which had the benefit of a swivel seat for the disabled.  The Panel were informed that the applicant was not present and that the matter should, therefore, be adjourned to a future meeting.  The Panel indicated for a letter to be sent to Mr White expressing the waste of officer/member time caused by his absence and that, should he not wish to withdraw his application, the matter would be adjourned to a future meeting and might be considered in his absence, if he did not attend the next time.




THAT in the absence of the applicant, Mr M White, of Amar Taxis, Newport the matter be adjourned to a future meeting of the Panel.



