Present :

Mr C B W Chapman (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr J Effemey, Mrs M A Jarman, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs J White

Apologies :

Mr J A Bowker, Mrs D Gardiner


THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 27 September 2001 be confirmed.


Mr P Thistlewood, Principal Administrative Officer, declared a non pecuniary interest in Minute 15 (d).


(a) Application for the Grant of a Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence for the Former Urban District of Cowes
The Director indicated that the applicant, Mr D Sussex, had requested that his application for the grant of a hackney carriage vehicle licence for the former Urban District of Cowes be deferred.
THAT in the light of the request by the applicant consideration of the application be deferred until the meeting of the Committee on 14 December 2001.
(b) Application for the Grant of a Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence with a Swivel Seat for the Former Urban District of Cowes and Application for the Grant of a Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence for the Former Urban District of Cowes
The Director indicated that applications had been received from Mr B H J and Mrs R M Martin and Mr C Taylor both for the grant of a hackney carriage vehicle licence in the former Urban District of Cowes.
The Committee was advised that taking into account human rights and the rules of natural justice it would be inappropriate to consider these two applications as it would give them an unfair advantage over the previous application which had been deferred.
THAT the applications be deferred until the meeting of the Committee on 14 December 2001.
(c) Displaying of Council Identity Plate
The Director reported on an application from Mrs K Thomas which sought an exemption from displaying the Council's normal identity plate whilst the vehicle involved was being used for private hire. The Committee was reminded of the policy on this matter with each case being considered on its merits.
The applicant outlined the reasons for seeking the exemption. The Committee viewed the vehicle and clarified a number of issues before adjourning to private session.
Upon reconvening in public it was indicated that the Committee considered that sufficient evidence had been supplied by the applicant to enable an exemption to be granted.
THAT an exemption be granted to Mrs K Thomas, under Section 75(3) of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 Part II, at all times that the vehicle, registration number N461 JLD, is licensed as a private hire vehicle the new executive plate issued by the Council be displayed.
(d) Application for the Grant of a Provisional Public Entertainment Licence for Newport Congregational Church, 16 Lower St James Street, Newport
(Mr P Thistlewood, Principal Administrative Officer, declared a non pecuniary interest in this item and left the meeting)
The Director reported on an application for the grant of a Provisional Public Entertainment Licence for Newport Congregational Church, 16 Lower St James Street, Newport. One letter of objection had been received. The objector was not present at the meeting. The Committee was made aware of the process involved in the issuing of any provisional licence.
The applicants Manager and representative were present and outlined details relating to the proposed use of the premises. It was noted that the installation of CCTV cameras to the rear of the property had already been agreed as part of the extension of the existing system covering the Newport area. A number of issues concerning the operation of the premises as a place for public entertainment were clarified by the Committee.
The Committee adjourned to private session. Upon reconvening in public it was indicated that as the result of there having been no sustainable objection presented to the Committee it had been :-
THAT the provisional Public Entertainment Licence be granted in respect of Newport Congregational Church, 16 Lower St James Street, Newport for :
Monday - Wednesday : 1030 hours - 0200 hours the following morning.
Thursday - Saturday : 1030 hours - 0300 hours the following morning.
Sunday : 1200 hours - 0030 hours the following morning.
Sundays preceding a Bank Holiday (excluding Easter Sunday) :
1200 hours - 0200 hours the following morning.
24 December 2001 : 1030 hours - 0300 hours the following morning.
31 December 2001 : 1030 hours - 0600 hours the following morning.
(e) Application for the Grant of a Public Entertainment Licence for The Old Stag, Cowes Road, Newport
The Director reported on an application for the grant of a Public Entertainment Licence for The Old Stag, Cowes Road, Newport. One letter of objection had been received. The objector was not present at the meeting. Members were made aware of comments by the Environmental Health Department concerning the installation of an electronic sound limiter.
The applicant was present and outlined his case.
The Committee adjourned to private session. Upon reconvening in public it was indicated that as the result of there having been no sustainable objection presented to the Committee, but taking into account the comments of the Environmental Health Department, it had been :-
THAT a Public Entertainment Licence be granted in respect of The Old Stag, Cowes Road, Newport for :
Friday and Saturday : 2100 hours - 2300 hours
but the licence be reviewed in six months time to ascertain whether the Council's additional condition in relation to the installation of an electronic sound limiter should be imposed for the remainder of the licence period.
(f) Application for Renewal of the Public Entertainment Licence for Planet Ice Arena, Quay Road, Ryde
The Director reported on an application for the renewal of the Public Entertainment Licence for Planet Ice Arena, Quay Road, Ryde. Ten letters of objection had been received but none of the objectors were present. It was noted that there had been no noise complaints lodged with the Environmental Health Department.
The applicant, the Sales and Marketing Manager together with their representative were present and gave details in support of the application. Comments were also made on each letter of objection received.
The Committee adjourned to private session. Upon reconvening in public it was indicated that as the result of there having been no sustainable objection presented to the Committee it had been :-
THAT the renewal of the Public Entertainment Licence be granted in respect of Planet Ice Arena, Quay Road, Ryde for :
All days : 0600 hours - 2400 hours.