Purpose: For Decision
Date: 1 NOVEMBER 2002
Under Section 75(3) of
the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 Part II, the Council
can grant to a private hire vehicle an exemption from displaying the Council
identity plate and require the smaller executive-style plate to be displayed in
its place.
1. Members are aware that this item was deferred from the
meeting held on 20 September 2002 as the Proprietors had supplied additional
2. At a meeting of the Public Protection Panel on Hackney
Carriages on the 18 June 1997 it was agreed that all applications for
exemptions should be considered on individual merit by the Licensing Panel .
3. Members are aware that the executive style plate was
designed in consultation with the Trade.
Examples of both private hire plates will be available at the meeting.
4. Information on how previous members designed the executive
plate and granted exemptions are attached at Appendix 1.
5. A request for an exemption from displaying the Council=s identity plate and the
identity badge has been received from Amar.
A letter stating the reason for requesting an exemption along with a
letter from Portsmouth City Council are set out at Appendix 2.
1. The Panel=s attention is drawn to Section 17 of the Crime and
Disorder Act 1998 which requires local authorities to consider the crime &
disorder implications of ALL their activities. This is a corporate
responsibility of the authority as a whole. Advice will be available during the
course of the meeting on any matters raised by the applicant or objectors.
2. Members are advised that this application should be
considered against a background of the implications of the Human Rights Act
1998. The report does not include a recommendation, however, reasons have to be
given for the decision.
(a) To grant an exemption but to require the
applicant to display the new executive plate issued by the Council.
(b) To grant an exemption under Section
75(3) of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 Part II at
all times whilst the vehicle is licensed as a private hire vehicle.
(c) To refuse the applicant=s request for an
RECOMMENDATIONS Members instructions
are requested |
Committee papers
1. The Panel will be aware that the executive private hire
plate was designed with a representative of the trade and is displayed on
vehicles given an exemption from displaying the large plate.
2. The Act says the plate shall be fixed to or on the vehicle. Having regard to public safety it could be argued that to put it inside would be dangerous if it became detached and around loose in an accident. Finally, Tri Star V Crawley Borough Council judgement said it must be affixed to the outside.
3. At present there are 5 proprietors with exemptions that
display the new executive plates. These are for a Volvo, 3 Mercedes and 3
Lincoln left hand drive stretched Limousines.
4. For Members information the relevant legislation is set out
Local Government
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 Part II
48 (5) Where a District Council grant under this section a vehicle licence
in respect of a private hire vehicle they shall issue a plate or disc
identifying that vehicle as a private hire vehicle in respect of which a vehicle
licence has been granted.
48 (6) (a) Subject to the provisions of this Part of this Act, no person
shall use or permit to be used in a controlled district as private hire vehicle
a vehicle in respect of which a licence has been granted under this section
unless the plate or disc issued in accordance with subsection (5) of this
section is exhibited on the vehicle in such manner as the district council
shall prescribe by condition attached to the grant of the licence.
Section 75 (3) Where a licence under
Section 48 of this Act is in force for a vehicle, the council which issued the
licence may, by a notice in writing given to the proprietor of the vehicle,
provide that paragraph (a) of subsection (6) of that section shall not apply to
the vehicle on any occasion specified in the notice or shall not so apply while
the notice is carried in the vehicle; and on any occasion on which by virtue of
this subsection that paragraph does not apply to a vehicle.
5. The identity plate is intended as a clear indication to the
public that the vehicle meets all the Council=s licensing requirements
including those relating to public safety.
6. To grant a total exemption from displaying any identity
plate to two proprietors and not to other proprietors who are required to
display the executive plate, could result in appeals from other proprietors.
7. The applicant has been asked to attend with the vehicles to
enable Members to look at them prior to considering the request.
8. A request to all Local Authorities for information on
grounds for granting exemptions revealed that requests are only considered when
written evidence is provided by the Licensee.
Usually this is in the form of a letter from the Company or Companies
concerned seeking permission to use an unplated car for security or business reasons. If the vehicle is used for any other Private Hire work then the
exemption is withdrawn.
9. Set out at Appendix 3 is a summary of the replies received.
Contact Point: John
Murphy, 823152
J Pulsford
Strategic Director
of Finance &
Information & County Treasurer