Purpose : for Noting


                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


 Date :             9 APRIL 2003








1.                  To update members on progress of the Best Value Review Programme.




2.                  Below is a summary of the status of the current Best Value Reviews.



Community Development

Community Development have completed individual service reviews on Libraries, Museums, Record Office, Ventnor Botanic Gardens, Parks, School Music Service, Sports Unit.   A successful external challenge was completed by the IdeA in February. There has been a delay in writing the overall strategic review report, which draws together the main points from the service reviews and presents the main recommendations and improvements.   This was scheduled to go the Education & Community Development Committee in February, now delayed till 16th June, expected date at Directors Group 10th July and Executive 30th July 2003.



Youth and Community Services

The Youth & Community Service Review has been completed and agreed by Executive on 26th February.   There are several major changes for the Youth Service, building on its past strengths, concentrating on those young people with greatest needs (13 to 19 year olds), whilst ensuring it has the right skills and is responsive to changes in future demand.




The Review has now been split into two groups, with the Appraisal Group monitoring the progress of the work being carried out and the Project Team, split into 10 Task Groups, physically undertaking the research, consultation etc. Cllr Patrick Joyce has been elected as Lead Member for the Review. With John Pulsford retiring the authority will need to appoint a new Procurement Champion at officer level. The Scope of the Review was finally endorsed, subject to some amendments, by the Resources Select Committee on 20 March 2003. A Project Plan is in place which outlines the key stages



for the Review and a target date of 31 December 2003 for the first draft of the report.


A major factor which could influence the direction the Review takes and its final completion will be the Improvement & Development (IDeA) Fitness Check, to be carried out 22 – 25 July 2003. This will be a free, but extensive examination of the authority’s procurement practices and polices, resulting in an Improvement Plan which the IDeA will help us to deliver.  The Fitness Check will include a desk-top review of a wide range of documents and a series of individual and group interviews with Members and officers. The final report will be presented to the Council on Friday 25 July 2003.



Other procurement related work being carried out alongside the Best Value Review includes the implementation of the Procurement Strategy, piloting Partnering Contracts and the e-procurement project.




The work of the review is progressing well.  Many of the issues to be addressed have already been identified by staff and Members, and these will be added to or confirmed in forthcoming interviews and meetings with a range of internal and external stakeholders.

A Member training session on probity has been held recently, analysis work on current processes is being undertaken, and comparison work with other Authorities is underway. Member training for design issues is being organised.

A display of the progress of the review was well received by those who saw it, but relatively poorly attended by Members.

There is still a lot of work to carry out, but the timetabled finish in September is still realistic.



Opportunities for Young People

A task group is currently working on the issues which have arisen from the review. It will meet again on the 10th April and report back to the Children and Young Person’s Committee in May.





3.                  Each Review report will show the links between the proposed actions and the relevant parts of the community strategy and corporate plan.





4.                  A wide range of consultation is carried out for all reviews.




5.                  None at present.





6.                  The conduct of a programme of robust best value reviews, with improvement plans leading to step changes in service delivery, is an essential part of the best value regime imposed by the Local Government Act 1999.




7.                  The report is for information.




8.                  This will be considered as the action plans are developed.




9.                  To note the report and to support the programme.




10.             Best Value report of Opportunities for Young People.

Minutes of the Children and Young Persons Committee 4th November 2002

           Draft BV reports for Community Development and Youth & Community Services

           Appraisal Group notes for the Procurement and Planning reviews


Contact Point :           Don Roe  Best Value Review Unit  (823687 [email protected])




Strategic Director

Corporate and Environment Services


Deputy Leader