Purpose : for Decision

                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              8 SEPTEMBER 2004


Title  :              SOUTH EAST PLAN




IMPLEMENTATION DATE : 20 September 2004





1.                  This report seeks to update members of progress on the South East Plan.  This is a major piece of work being carried out by the South East Regional Assembly (SEERA), which is to be completed by 2006.


2.                  The South East Plan will set the vision for the Region through to 2026, focussing on improvements that are needed to ensure it remains economically successful and an attractive place to live.




3.                  None




4.                  The timetable for the production of the draft South East Plan is set without consultation by the Government Office for the South East. That there would be an opportunity to influence the draft Plan only became apparent after the publication of the last Forward Plan, and the opportunity will have passed by the time the next Forward Plan takes effect, in October.




5.                  The objective of the SE Plan is to provide a vision for the whole region up to 2026 and it will address important issues such as housing, transport, economy and the Environment.  SEERA have already undertaken consultation with key stakeholders as well as holding debates on the key issues, together with a MORI poll on what is important to local people living in the South East.


6.                  As well as the SE Plan, SEERA have identified a number of sub-regions that will have specific policies within the plan and provide the framework for the preparation of new Local Development Frameworks (LDF’s).


7.                  The Isle of Wight was identified as part of a wider study area, including South Hampshire and East Dorset, but SEERA have determined to progress a sub-regional strategy for urban south Hampshire only.  A key issue for the South Hampshire Strategy will be transport linkages to the Island and this will need to be taken into account in any drawing up of options and policies for the sub region.


8.                  As part of the decision to exclude the Isle of Wight from the South Hampshire sub-region, SEERA  have agreed that the Island be designated as a special policy area.  This is because it does not meet the criteria for a sub region, but needs distinct treatment below the regional level to reflect its unique Island character and serious economic and social problems.




9.                  As part of significant changes to planning legislation through the new Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, the role and nature of plan making at all levels is being reviewed.  At a regional level, SEERA have been tasked by government to produce a new spatial development strategy for the SE area, which includes the Isle of Wight.  When complete, this document will replace the current Regional Planning Guidance Note 9 (RPG9), which was adopted in 2001.


10.             The Council’s representation on SEERA is achieved through Councillor Rees as a member of the Independent Party.  This representation has helped to secure the opportunity to develop special policies for the Isle of Wight and will influence the nature and form of the Council’s LDF. 


11.             The preparation of a statement of consultation for the preparation of the Island’s LDF is currently being considered by SEERA.  This will involve the preparation of the LDF in consultation with the Local Strategic Partnership under Theme 7 and the Council has agreed the make up of the LDF Steering Group.




12.             The timescale for completion of the South East plan is an ambitious one, but this has been set by government, despite concerns expressed at both the regional and local level.


Autumn 03 – May 04


·        Development of vision and preliminary work to identify options.

·        Commission research projects.

·        Carry out sub-regional study.

·        Stakeholder workshops.


May – August 04


·        Development of spatial options.

·        Consideration of sub-regional strategies.


Aug – Nov 04


·        Proposed sub-regional and special policies prepared.

·        Preparation of Draft SE Plan.


Jan – March 05


·        Public consultation on Draft SE Plan by SEERA.


Summer-Autumn 05


·        SEERA submits SE Plan to government.


Spring 06


·        Public consultation on SE Plan by GOSE.

·        Public Examination of SE proposals by GOSE.


Summer 06


·        Government approval of the SE Plan.


12.             Over the next few months, officers from Planning Services will be meeting with SEERA officers to progress the drafting of special policies for the Island.  To comply with the timetable for progressing the sub-regional strategies these policies will need to be agreed, through SEERA, by November 2004, in order that they can be incorporated within the SE Plan, ready for consultation early in the New Year.  Negotiations by officers will need to be secured by member representations during formal decision making, prior to the consultation process.




13.       There will be no additional financial burden placed upon the service as a result of being included within this process.


14.       All costs associated with production of the sub-regional strategy document and indeed the SE Plan will be paid for y SEERA.




13.             There is a chain of conformity for LDF’s, similar to that which is already in place with regard to RPG9 and the UDP.  Any documents that the Island produces as part of its LDF will need to be in conformity with the Regional Spatial Strategy and its associated sub-regional strategies.  This conformity is set out clearly in Section 24 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


14.             In addition, Section 4 of the Act deals with the assistance that the Regional Planning Body should seek from each local authority within its area.




15.             In view of the tight timescales to negotiate the special policies prior to formal decisions by SEERA, it is imperative that appropriate delegation is given to the Strategic Director for Environment Services in consultation with appropriate members.  The importance of these negotiations across a number of portfolios would suggest that this should be in consultation with the Leader, the portfolio holder for Sustainable Development, Environment and Planning Policy and the portfolio holder for Economic Development, EU and Regional Issues.




16.             To ensure that the Council receives the best advice and representation at member and officer levels during the preparation of the South East Plan, a Regional Task Group has been established and will meet on a regular basis to ensure that there is adequate collective communication about the Island’s priorities both within the Council and on outside representative bodies.





19.             That the Executive note the timetable for the production of the SE Plan and agree the need to include special policies relating to the Island.


20.             That the Strategic Director for Environment Services is delegated to negotiate the special policies for inclusion in the Draft South East Plan in consultation with the Leader, portfolio holder for Sustainable Development the Environment and Planning Policy, and the portfolio holder for Economic Development, EU and Regional Affairs.








Contact Point :           Ashley Curzon, ext 4557, [email protected]


Andrew Ashcroft

Head of Planning Services

 Terry Butcher

Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development, Environment and Planning Policy