Appendix 1


(Extract from External Challenge Report)






4.1 In summary, both the best value review and the Personnel and Training Service itself lack strategic focus. It is essential, if the function is to meet the challenges it now faces and provide the Council with the service it requires, that a number of important changes are made. These will require an investment of additional resources, and the service will require a new level of leadership, proactivity and drive.


4.2 I consider that real progress can be made towards achieving a modern and influential HR service for Isle of Wight Council if the following recommendations are adopted.





Recommendation 1


The Personnel Services function be renamed Human Resources



Recommendation 2


The post of Head of Personnel & Training Services be retitled Head of Human Resources.



Recommendation 3


As a matter of priority, the Head of Human Resources should develop an HR strategy for the Council for discussion with key stakeholders.



Recommendation 4


In considering the HR strategy, a set of protocols relating to the roles of stakeholders - elected members, senior managers, other line managers, HR staff and the trade unions - should be drawn up.



Recommendation 5


The weekly meetings of the Vacancies Panel should be discontinued, to be replaced by a report, say every two months or so, by the Head of Human Resources on establishment control and the filling of vacancies generally.



Recommendation 6


That with the exception of the personnel team in Education and Community Development, all HR staff should continue to be located in the central team.



Recommendation 7


The Council creates a new post of Organisational Development Manager, reporting direct to the Head of HR.



Recommendation 8


The Council creates a new post of HR Policy Manager, reporting direct to the Head of HR, together with a new post of HR Policy and Operations Co-ordinator, reporting to the HR Policy Manager.



Recommendation 9


Subject to a further report from the Head of HR on detailed implementation, the proposed structure set out in  Appendix D be approved in principle for consultation.



Recommendation 10


The current Attendance Management Policy should continue in being but be kept under review to ensure it remains fit for purpose.



Recommendation 11


No further moves be made towards centralisation of recruitment until the new structure in HR is in place and a review has been carried out of (a) recruitment policy generally, including on-line recruitment, and (b) the administrative and clerical tasks currently undertaken at the centre.



Recommendation 12


In principle the health and safety function should be brought back in-house and be part of the HR Division, with the detailed arrangements being the subject of a further report once the HR Policy Manager is in post. If necessary the contract with the current supplier should be extended until such a report has been made.




Recommendation 13


The tendering process for the occupational health service should be progressed but consideration should be given if appropriate to provision of the service from a mainland supplier or on a collaborative basis with other authorities/employers.



Recommendation 14 


The PIPS system should remain in place unless and until a business case can be made for its replacement.




Tim Rothwell

Director, HR Consulting, Tribal GWT

March 2003