Purpose: For Decision







8 OCTOBER 2002














To decide the order of priority for the future programme of Best Value reviews, subject to any changes necessary following the outcome of the Comprehensive Performance Assessment.




This paper follows new legislation which removes the necessity for Best Value Authorities to review all of their services in a 5 year period. The following review topics have been put forward in the suggested order using feed-back from the Liaison Committee and Select Committee workshops, the Directors Group, Community Strategy consultation, and the Performance Indicator traffic lights. The topics also reflect the priorities being developed in the Corporate Plan. It is proposed to move away from a set programme of reviews for individual years, and to work from a prioritised list. Three or four reviews (depending on size and complexity) will be underway at any time, and as each one finishes the next on the list will start.




The precise issues for each review to address will be decided by the relevant Appraisal Group at the scoping stage, but generally the range of each review will be as broad as possible so that all the cross-cutting aspects can be considered.


In priority order, the suggested list of areas for review is:


(a)        Procurement

This review would not just be about purchasing, but could include all contracts and partnership arrangements. In such a large area of expenditure, opportunities for efficiency savings will be sought, along with the development of e-procurement. It has been raised as an issue by our District Auditors.


(b)        Planning

This is an area of high public interest, and would cover Development Control as well as Planning Policy and the wider impact of planning on the environment, tourism, economic development and so on.


(c)        Drug-related crime

Drug-related crime is currently under consideration by the external Drug and Alcohol Task group (under the Crime and Disorder Partnership), following the BV Review of Crime and Disorder. It will also be monitored, along with work on alcohol related issues, by the member Task Group for Crime and Disorder, which will report back over a 6 month period to the Fire and Public Safety Select Committee. To avoid duplication of effort, it is not proposed to start a full Best Value Review at this stage, but to wait for the outcomes from the initiatives above.


(d)        Transport

This would cover the broad area of public transport, which in many other reviews has been highlighted as one of the top issues of concern to the public. The re-inspection of highways, and outstanding items on the improvement plan, mean that resources are not available to begin this review at the moment.


(e)        Education Inclusion

This would be a wide ranging review, including the education of young people in care, and those who, for a wide range of reasons, are excluded from mainstream schools.


(f)         Homelessness

This is another area of high concern. The recent inspection of homelessness, and the resulting improvement plan, would make another review a duplication of effort. It is proposed that the monitoring of the improvement plan can be used to indicate whether a review is appropriate in 12 months time.


(g)        Fire service training

Fire Service Circular 4/2002 postponed the need to review fire service training until 2004-05. It therefore remains on this list, although it may be removed at a later date following the development of a national Integrated Personal Development System.


If the suggested list were adopted, then the Procurement and Planning reviews would be initiated this autumn, and begun in full in the New Year, along with the second phase of Connecting with the Public.




To agree the prioritised order of Best Value reviews above, subject to any amendments following the CPA.




Liaison Committee reports and minutes.



Contact Point: Don Roe, Best Value Review Unit (3687)




Head of Paid Service


Deputy Leader of the Council