The following decisions were taken on WEDNESDAY, 6 APRIL 2005 by the EXECUTIVE


These decisions do not take effect until FRIDAY, 15 APRIL 2005


Members of the Executive who were present :


Mrs S A Smart (Chairman), Mr R R Barry, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr J H Fleming, , Mr G S Kendall, Mr H Rees, Mrs J L Wareham


Confirmed as a true record of decisions taken : ……………………………………...


                                                                                    Leader of the Council


Agenda item

Public Question Time

Decision reference



A petition from 228 people was presented to the Leader requesting a public meeting in order to address transportation issues in the area of Whitepit Lane/Shide Road in Newport.


Mrs S A Smart declared a personal interest as a resident of Whitepit Lane


Agenda item

Integration of Health, Adult Social Services and Housing - Statement of Intent

Decision reference


Decision taken

That the refreshed statement of intent be adopted


To further support the establishment of one organisation on the Island to deliver Health, Social Care and Housing

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected

i)        To refer the draft back to the Transitional Steering Board for further work

ii)      To consider any further revisions


Mr G S Kendall declared a personal interest as a Non Executive Members of the Primary Care Trust

Mrs S A Smart declared a personal interest as the Chairman of the Transitional Steering Board

Additional advice received



Agenda item

Adult and Community Learning Three Year Development Plan

Decision reference


Decision taken

That the Isle of Wight Adult and Community Learning Plan for 2005/6 be recommended to the Full Council for approval.


To fulfil the requirement of the Learning and Skills Act 2000 to secure Adult and Community Learning Provision on the Island.

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected

To recommend revisions be discussed with the Local Learning and Skills Council.


Mrs J Wareham declared a personal interest as a member of the local Learning and Skills Council

Additional advice received



Agenda item

South East Plan - Response to Consultation Draft

Decision reference


Decision taken

i)        To support the inclusion of special policies for the Island in the SE Plan, subject to additional work being undertaken.


ii)      To confirm that the overall planned housing provision will remain at 520 dwellings (including homes of all types created by conversion and/or new build) per annum, unless formally changed by the Council, together with the appropriate infrastructure identified in policy IW3.


iii)    To agree that the rural policy (IW4) remain as a separate policy.


iv)    That the Strategic Director for Environment Services and officers from Planning Services be given delegated authority to agree amendments to the Special policies, as a result of additional work requested by SEERA (by 6th June 2005), in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, UK, EU and Regional Issues and the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development, Environment and Planning Policy.


To establish a framework from which to develop more detailed policies through the LDF

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected

To do nothing.


Mr H Rees declared a personal interest as a member of the South East England Regional Assembly


Additional advice received

The reason for amending recommendation ii) was to clarify that the technical term “dwellings” includes homes of all types (including flats and apartment as well as houses) created by conversion as well as new build.


Agenda item

Proposals of the Cultural and Leisure Services Review Project Board

Decision reference


Decision taken

i)       Accept the analysis and conclusions of the Cultural and Leisure Services Project Board as set out in Annex 2.

ii)     Adopt recommendations 1 to 13 inclusive in Annex 2, as a statement of the Council’s intended future policy in respect of the delivery of Cultural and Leisure Services.

iii)   Accept the statement of progress and planned actions in Annex 3 in respect of procurement of the services not thought to be core or secondary in the Council’s leisure service portfolio.

iv)   Charge the relevant Portfolio holder(s) with the delivery of the recommendations  and planned actions as set out in Annexes 2 and 3.


To support the primary aim of the Islands Cultural Strategy to “enhance the quality of life of IW residents through the provision of cultural experiences and opportunities and the development of cultural values”

Additional  reasons


Options considered and rejected

To vary or reject all of the options listed (i) to (iv)



Additional advice received



Agenda item

Consideration of the Current Forward Plan

Decision reference


Decision taken

Members noted a number of changes since the publication of the most recent Forward Plan.


None declared


Agenda item

Delegated Decisions

Decision reference





None declared


Agenda item

Members Question Time

Decision reference



Mr H Rees asked an oral question regarding the recent instalment of bike racks

Mr R G Mazillius asked an oral question regarding car parking charges for both members and Council staff