Purpose : For Decision

                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              6 APRIL 2005









1.                  The Isle of Wight Council is required to submit an Adult and Community Learning Plan for 2005/6 as an update to the three year development plan approved by the Learning and Skills Council for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight in June 2004 in order to access funding to deliver Adult and Community Learning Programmes.




2.                  From 1st April 2001 the funding for Adult Learning moved from the Isle of Wight Council to the Learning and Skills Council for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight and Adult and Community Learning Plans have been submitted and approved annually since that date.


3.                  Funding was guaranteed until July 2003 at the previous level prior to the proposal to introduce formula funding from 2003/4. The national Learning and Skills Council have again decided not to move to formula funding in 2005/6 but to allocate funding at a similar level to 2004/5 excluding any inflationary element subject to submission in the prescribed format of an Adult and Community Learning Plan for 2005/6 as an update to the three year Development Plan.


4.                  The key elements of the plan are:-


·                    Overview

·                    Funding assumptions

·                    Data

·                    Curriculum

·                    Quality

·                    Information advice and guidance

·                    Equality and diversity

·                    Fees

·                    Risks


5.                  The Key changes for 2005/06 are:-


·                    Progressing changes to the curriculum to meet LSC priorities

·                    Development of ACL fee policy and introduction of fees on programmes previously fully fee remitted

·                    Improvements to provision of Information, Advice and Guidance for learners

·                    Improvements to initial and ongoing assessment of learners

·                    Building on the success of Neighbourhood Learning in Ventnor in other Island Communities

·                    Developing additional arts based family learning opportunities through  the Creative Partnerships Project

·                    Delivery of the E Learning and E Guides Action Plans

·                    Improving the skills base of ACL tutors through lesson observation, training and provision of support materials

·                    ACL Service to work towards the Matrix standard for Information, Advice and Guidance


6.         In the 2005/6 Adult and Community Learning Plan the Council plans to deliver the Family Learning and Family Literacy, Language and Numeracy Programme directly through the ACL Family Learning Service and to contract with the Isle of Wight College Adult Education Department for the ‘Personal Development’ programme. Social inclusion, widening participation and regeneration programmes are planned to be delivered by IWC Arts Unit, Workers Education Association (WEA), Platform One and IW College Learning Opportunities Department. The proposed programmes may be subject to review following confirmed allocation of LSC funding for 2005/6. Additional community providers may be engaged during the year if additional funding streams are available.




7.                  The Adult and Community Learning Plan 2005/6 supports the key objectives of the following strategies:


Community Strategy


·        Developing Learning and Skills


Cultural Strategy


·        Encourage Lifelong Learning, Healthy Lifestyles and Social Cohesion


Corporate Plan


·        Raising education standards and promoting Lifelong Learning

·        Improving health, housing and the quality of life for all


Cultural and Leisure Services Service Plan


·        Provide people with opportunities to realise the full potential of their creative skills

·        Reinforce neighbourhood networks through their sense of identity to achieve common goals

·        Ensure that every individual on the Island has the opportunity to participate fully in Island life.

·        Encourage participation in cultural activities as a constructive use of leisure time and as an alternative to boredom and anti-social behaviour.

·        Encourage the uptake of physically and/or mentally stimulating activities as a route to staying healthy and providing a foundation for a full and active life.


Learning and Skills Council


·        To improve the basic skills of 2.25 million adults by 2010

·        To reduce by at least 40% the number of adults in the workforce who lack an NVQ level 2 or equivalent by 2010

·        To support the safeguard for ‘Learning for Personal Development’




8.                  Consultation on the Isle of Wight Council Adult and Community Learning Plan is ongoing throughout the year. Specifically it has been undertaken with:-


·               Isle of Wight Learning Partnership Management Board

·               Isle of Wight Learning Partnership Adult and Community Learning Strategy Group

·               Officers of the Learning and Skills Council Hampshire and Isle of Wight

·               Isle of Wight Council Learning Providers Group

·               Cultural and Leisure Services Senior Management Team


Consultation has ensured the key objectives of the Adult and Community learning Plan are reflected in the current Isle of Wight Learning Partnership Business Plan and Basic Skills Plan and support local priorities. Consultation with the Adult and Community Learning Strategy Group, Learning Providers Group and Cultural and Leisure Services Senior management Team ensures learning provision is not duplicated and opportunities for partnership working are developed. Consultation with officers of the Learning and Skills Council Hampshire and Isle of Wight ensure the Adult and Community Learning Plan is supporting their strategic objectives. Additional consultation undertaken with the Isle of Wight College supports continuing partnership working and curriculum development.




9.                  The provisional allocation for the Isle of Wight Council for 2005/6 from the Learning and Skills Council Hampshire and Isle of Wight is £260798 with revenue and PSA1 funding from the Isle of Wight Council at the current level of £181797.


During the initial planning meeting with the Learning and Skills Council the need for additional funding in particular to support the infrastructure necessary to deliver the quality of provision and to develop the successful Family Learning and First Steps programmes was again identified. Additional funding from the Learning and Skills Council is unlikely in 2005/6. Following the planned inspection of the Adult and Community Learning Programme in the summer term there maybe a need to rationalise the planned delivery programme to enable delivery of the post inspection action plan.




10.             The requirements for an Adult and Community Learning Plan for 2005/6 in the prescribed format in order to attract funding is a contractual requirement of the Learning and Skills Council.




11.             The Isle of Wight Council is required under the Learning and Skills Act 2000 to secure Adult and Community Learning Provision in the Isle of Wight in agreement with the Local Learning + Skills Council. The options therefore relate to agreeing the proposed plan and delivery programme or recommending revisions to be discussed with the Local Learning + Skills Council.




12.             The main risks to delivery of the Adult and Community Learning Plan 2005/6 relate to:-


·                    Withdrawal of key providers on delivery of ACL Programmes

·                    Loss of key members of staff

·                    ALI inspection of Adult and Community Learning unsatisfactory

·                    Insufficient funding to develop Family Literacy, Language and Numeracy Programmes and meet PSA targets

·                    Learner numbers and outreach locations may be reduced as a result of the revised fee policy

·                    Limited availability of qualified tutors

·                    Limited availability of new providers


13.             ½ termly reports are required from all contracted providers with formal termly contract review meetings held which enables early identification of potential problems. A flexible approach is necessary to enable the planned programmes to be revised as necessary.




14.             That the Isle of Wight Adult and Community Learning Plan for 2005/6 be recommended to the Full Council for approval.





·        Isle of Wight Council Adult and Community Learning 3 year Development Plan 2004/7

·        Learning and Skills Council Guidance on Adult Learning Plans

·        Adult and Community Learning Self Assessment Report 2005

·        Adult and Community Learning E Learning Strategy and Action Plan 2005




16.         Appendix 1 – Learner Numbers Summary

              Appendix 2 ­– Learners by Area of Learning (FTE/Actuals)

              Appendix 3 – Geographical spread of learners

  Appendix 4 – Fee policy

  Appendix 5 – Glossary of terms

              Appendix 6 – Delivery Plan


Note: The above Appendices are included within the Adult Learning Plan. The Adult Learning Plan has been circulated to Members of the Executive only, it can be viewed at the Councils website


Contact Point :           Jo Treagus

                                                Adult and Community Learning Manager

                                                Tel: (01983) 823823

                                                Email: [email protected]





Head of Cultural and Leisure Services



Portfolio Holder for Adult and Community Services