Purpose: For decision

Committee:     EXECUTIVE 

Date:               5 JUNE 2002 


Title:               REGENERATION OF COWES 





This report outlines the opportunities for regeneration in Cowes and East Cowes and proposes a process of achieving this.


Both the Isle of Wight Partnership and the Isle of Wight Council as Local Planning Authority have key roles to play in the regeneration of our towns. The Council’s responsibility rests with its powers as the Planning Authority with ultimate control over land use changes and development. Cowes and East Cowes are in the process of undergoing major changes at the present time. A number of key developments are proposed and some large sites have become available for development. The Council’s Unitary Development Plan does give good guidance for controlling development and land use changes in Cowes, but does not provide the detailed level of guidance required in respect of redeveloping major sites, and does not properly analyse the opportunities available for urban improvement as a result of the current land availability.

At the present time, the key development opportunities are the former GKN north site in East Cowes and the former FBM site, together with the Souters and J S White yard in Cowes. These two sites together total a large area of land and developed in the proper way could provide major regeneration opportunities for the two communities.

Other smaller sites are, however, also available or are going to come forward within the next few years, and an overall masterplan needs to be produced to show how these opportunities can be realised and change managed for the benefit of all. It is considered that this could take the form of an action area plan as advocated in the Planning Green Paper.

In considering how to drive forward the regeneration proposals in Cowes, officers of the Isle of Wight Partnership and the Isle of Wight Council are of the view that a project management approach should be adopted, with clear responsibilities identified for the various activities that need to be undertaken. These will include scoping the project, identifying and quantifying landowner and developer aspirations, consulting the community over their aspirations, developing alternative proposals and consulting on them. To do this work, existing skills in the Council and the Isle of Wight Partnership will hopefully be supplemented by consultant support.

SEEDA have indicated that they may be prepared to help fund consultants to assist with the preparation of a masterplan. This plan, with appropriate consultation, could be adopted by the Council as supplementary planning guidance. In parallel with this, detailed development briefs should be prepared for the major development sites by the landowners own consultants in association with the Local Planning Authority.

The possible timetable in incorporating these two elements has been included as an Appendix. This timetable was originally prepared over a month ago and is already out of date, however, it does show the sequence of events that could be undertaken and their possible timescale. It should be recognised however that the timetable is optimistic and could be considerably lengthened if proposals are controversial.

It is important that a structure is set up to manage the process. It is proposed that a key officer from both the IW Partnership and the Council are seconded to the project. These officers could be based, for some of the time, in Cowes or East Cowes. A small project group drawn together by the Leader and Deputy Leader, involving portfolio holders and local Members is recommended to drive the process. This group and key officers would be responsible for drawing up a project brief for developing the masterplan and include the participation of the local community.


It is considered the project could cost in the order of £100,000. It is expected that the Council’s contribution could be met by using existing resources with direct financial support being provided by SEEDA and possibly the private sector.



1.        That the Council agree that the re-generation of Cowes is a high priority which needs urgent attention


2.        A small project group drawn together by the Leader and Deputy Leader and involving portfolio holders and local Members is recommended to drive the process.


3.        That a senior Council Officer is made responsible for coordinating the Council’s input to the project


4.        That negotiations with SEEDA continue over the possibility of providing support funding for the employment of consultants to help produce a master plan


5.        That a commitment to full public consultation in the process is made


Report to Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services Select Committee- 27 May 2002



Contact Point:            Paul Airey, Planning Policy and Environment Manager ☎ 823556

                                   Mike King, Isle of Wight Partnership   ☎ 835553



Strategic Director of Corporate and Environment Services


Portfolio Holder - Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional Issues