Purpose : For Decision


                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


 Date :             5 MAY 2004


 Title :              HIGHWAYS CAPITAL PROGRAMME – 2004/05




Implementation Date: 17 May 2004




1.         The capital settlement is allocated according to a points based prioritisation system previously approved by the Executive.  This report seeks to endorse the outcome of that prioritisation process presenting details of the 2004/5 highways capital programme


2.                  The Portfolio Holder and Head of Service are able to put forward a proposed programme based on the application of the prioritisation process.  That programme represents the best use of limited resources.  The 2004/05 local transport capital settlement for the Council has been confirmed as £6.305 million which includes a supplementary bid of £750,000 for the repair and strengthening of Ryde St John’s bridge.  In addition a bid for £12.88 million for the major maintenance scheme at Undercliff Drive has also been provisionally accepted by Government subject to successful completion of statutory procedures and final approval by Ministers.


3.                  This report sets out the proposed programme of capital highway maintenance and integrated transport schemes for 2004/05 based on the Local Transport Plan (LTP) settlement of £6.305 million in accordance with the approved priority ranking system.  There is no proposal to change that priority ranking system.




4.                  The Isle of Wight Local Transport Plan (LTP) became a statutory document under the provision of the Transport Act 2000.  The current LTP covers the period 2001-2006 and has four main functions:-


(i)                  to set out the approved transport strategy for the Island,


(ii)                to illustrate how this strategy fits with and interprets national,  regional and other local strategies, policies and guidelines,


(iii)             to include a bid for Government funding with which to implement the strategy,


(iv)              to include a range of indicators to monitor and measure performance.


5.                 The Council is required to submit an Annual Progress Report (APR) to Government to explain and demonstrate the progress being made to implement  the policies, objectives and targets contained in the LTP.  Funding bids for major schemes and supplementary schemes costing less than £5 million can also be submitted as part of the APR.


6.                 The LTP settlement letter received from Government in December 2003 includes an overview on this Council’s progress and states that “ (the Council) are to be congratulated on producing a strong APR which continues the improvement shown in recent years and which demonstrates good progress against your LTP targets.  We are pleased to see you have adopted a very thorough approach to the guidance, and that you have made clear attempts to resolve outstanding issues such as missing elements of your LTP.  Progress against most targets now appears good.   Apart from a few areas such as reducing people killed or seriously injured on your roads, addressing the decline in bus patronage and carrying out safe routes to school initiatives, we are content that you appear to be largely on track to meet your objectives.”


7.                 It is essential that the Council continues to undertake schemes that will achieve LTP objectives to ensure future funding levels are not adversely affected and improve road maintenance.  The 2004/5 programme is structured to target more closely on schemes to address road casualty reduction, bus patronage targets and improve the standard of road maintenance.




Proposed Capital Schemes 2004/05


8.                  The proposed allocation of LTP budget is shown in Appendix A.  A full list of individual schemes under each main LTP budget heading will be compiled in accordance with the approved priority ranking system for highway works.  Adjusted as budget expenditures are confirmed.


9.         It is important to note that future LTP settlements will be linked to the Council’s performance in achieving targets and objectives.  This year, for the first time, four local authorities in the south-east were allocated less funding because of poor performance.  The structure of the proposed capital programme for 2004/05 has therefore been carefully selected to ensure continued progress towards LTP objectives and to address area where targets are not being met.  This approach will help safeguard future LTP funding allocations to the Council.




10.      All necessary consultation will be undertaken prior to implementing the capital schemes.




11.       The LTP settlement for 2004/05 is £6.305 million.  Failure to achieve LTP objectives and targets may adversely affect future LTP capital settlements.




12.       The Council is under a duty to deliver best value and the LTP through its highways capital programme.  The current proposal, developed through the application of a rational, objective, prioritisation process is designed to deliver best value.




13.       (a)       To endorse the highways capital programme for 2004/05.


(b)               Not to endorse the highways capital programme.




14.       Failure to achieve targets and objectives in the LTP may adversely affect future LTP capital settlements. The proposed programme is considered to be the best use of limited resources in delivering LTP targets.




Option (a).


15.       The prioritisation system is resulting in an annual capital programme which is rapidly improving the performance of the Highway Authority.




Local Transport Plan 2001-2006

Annual Progress Report 2003

LTP settlement 2003 letter dated 19th December 2003


Contact point:  Mr S Matthews                     823777




Head of Engineering Services



Portfolio Holder for Transport